

The group walked through the forest after wishing AJ luck on his journey. Ash was very fascinated by this change, he did not remember there being a Wild Gym badge in the game or anime. He was lost in thought as they walked through the forest, he snapped out of it when he heard Fearrow cry out annoyed. He looked at where Fearrow and Pidgeotto were flying, they had stopped right before entering a fog area.

Ash, "Fog? In the middle of summer?"

Pikachu, "Pika?"

Misty, "Maybe there is a river nearby!"

Lucario, -It doesn't feel natural.-

Brock, "Just let me check in case! It's already afternoon. We have been walking since breakfast."

Jessilina, "Even if there is a river nearby it should not create this type of heavy fog."

Jameson, "There is something strange about it."

Ash looked up ahead, "Are you saying it's man made?"

Misty, "It's possible."

Ash turned to the Pokemon, "Return for now you guys, we will call you, if things go south. Don't worry, I'll have Lucario and Pikachu with me."

Brock, "Good idea. Return! Graveller and Zubat with me.", Zubat flew to sit on Brock's head.

Misty, "Everyone return, Starmie and Cloyster stick close."

James, "Return everyone, Chimecho with me and Meowth."

Jessilina, "Everyone except Seviper return. We will be okay, promise."

Ash, "Well, nothing bad will happen I think, Fearrow just sounded annoyed earlier but better safe than sorry."

Jameson nodded, "Okay, let's see where this path leads."

Ash, "You found a path? Noice!"

Brock, "We'll follow your lead then."

Jameson, "This way!"

They followed the narrow path Jameson had found and went deeper into the thick fog covered forest making Ash frown, it was familiar. Misty was starting to get irritated, she couldn't see what was in front of her and if the group did not stick together she had no doubt they would be lost. Brock was starting to feel uncomfortable, it was not natural weather and he hoped it was not another Team Rocket case. Jessilina looked around warily, there was something about this but she couldn't tell what, she saw a light up ahead.

Jessilina, "I see something."

Seviper hissed, "Se!"

Jameson, "Careful Jess!"

Jessilina nodded, "Let's get closer!"

As they got closer they heard a voice, "At what level does a Pikachu evolve?"

A boy answered sounding exhausted, "A pikachu can evolve into a Raichu using a Thunder stone! Levels are not needed."

Another voice, "Which Pokemon is this?"

Another spoke up when there was no answer, "You better answer or you will have to run faster!"

Ash, "What's going on here?"

Jameson, "That boy is tired, are you blind? Or do you just pretend to be blind?"

Jessilina, "Do you need me to call an optometrist? I know quite a few!"

Misty snorted, "I don't think they can help them."

Brock helped the kid who had slipped and fell, "Are you okay?"

Zubat, "Zu zu?"

A guy stepped up, "You are interfering in our studies!"

Ash, "Ohhhhhh! Studies you say? Under the name of studies you sure seem to enjoy bullying others like an uneducated street rat."

Meowth (¬_¬), 'You twerps are fooling no one.'

A chime sounded, "The fog simulation for the day has ended. Tomorrow will be the ice simulation."

A guy twitched, "Let's go guys, we don't want to waste time on these people."

Another guy shouted back, "You better get the answers right next time Mack."

Mack, "Guess I'll be a snow man tomorrow."

Jessilina, "Pokemon Technical Institute."

Jameson, "The institute of the rich!"

Ash, "Ah! Didn't Zoey's parents want to send him here?"

Misty, "Yeah they did, but he chose to go to the institute in Alola instead."

Ash, "It is run by Professor Oak's cousin!"

Jameson, "Kid, why do you let them treat you that way?"

Mack, "They are my friends, they are just trying to help me."

Misty (¬_¬), "Kid, the five of us here are friends, we don't treat each other that way."

Mack looked down, "I know, it's just I have no choice, if I answer correctly, they'll ask harder questions."

Ash, "That's stupid, why did you choose this school anyway?"

Mack, "My parents Alma mater."

Misty, "Ah!"

Brock, "Aren't there any teachers to watch over these things?"

Mack, "No it's mostly the top students who keep the school running."

Ash was blank faced, "What?"

Mack took out a picture of him and a cute girl, "Yeah the top students along with my cousin Giselle who is number one."

Misty gave an understanding look, "They expect you to be like her, huh?"

Brock, "She's cute!"

Ash (¬_¬)💢, "Brock, I swear if you start going pedo!"

Brock sweated, "No, no, I'm not!"

Mack nodded, "You guys are trainers right? How many badges do you have? Ah! I didn't even introduce myself, I'm Mack by the way."

Misty, "I am Misty and I got two. Pewter and Cerulean gym badges."

Jessilina, "Jessilina and the same two although previously I took part in contest so fifteen ribbons as well."

Ash, "Ash and I have three badges and two ribbons."

Brock, "I'm Brock and I'm actually learning to become a breeder and then Pokemon Doctor."

Jameson, "Jameson and I'm here to support my sister."

Mack, "Huh, then I guess Misty is the same level as I at battling."

Misty, "Huh? How do you know that?"

Mack, "Well we have simulation machines that show us how the battles go and I have won against the Pewter and Cerulean gyms."

Misty narrowed her eyes, "Well then how about we battle each other and decide who's stronger?"

Mack, "Fine by me. Let's go to the battlefield."

Ash, "I'll referee."

Misty, "Misty calls Cloyster."

Mack, "A water type, let's go Voltrob."

Ash, "Let the battle begin!"

Mack, "Thunder bolt."

Misty, "Withdraw!"

The electricity passed over the shell Pokemon like it was nothing before he opened and gave a shit eating grin.

Mack, "Tackle Voltrob!"

Misty, "Dodge followed by ice beam."

Cloyster dodged the electric type's attack and shot a beam towards him.

Mack, "Roll away Voltrob!"

Misty, "Now icicle shard!"

The ice attack froze Voltrob in place causing it to panic and self destruct.

Mack, "Voltrob! How?"

A voice said, "I'll tell you how."

Mack looked at the door, "Giselle!"

Giselle, "This girl's Pokemon has more experience than your Pokemon. And even if you won in simulation, reality is different from virtual fights. Also types hardly matter in real life once you start truly training."

Jessilina, "So that's Giselle."

Jameson, "If I didn't know they were cousins, I would have thought they were twins."

Giselle continued, "Honestly I can't believe I'm related to a loser like you. You really should know better than to underestimate your opponent. What were you thinking?"

Brock, "Whoa! Hey calm down! He did his best you know."

Giselle, "Well it's not enough. Honestly try harder. Look a bunch of nobodies are defending you. You are such a loser, no wonder Aunt and Uncle can't deal with you."

Mack looked really hurt so Ash stepped in, "Okay that's enough young lady. Calm down now!"

Giselle, "Stay out of this!"

Ash, "No you are going too far, brat!"

Giselle, "Me? A brat? You don't even keep your Pokemon in your pokeballs. You let them stay outside like some beginner."

Ash facepalmed, "Obviously this school is not doing a good job in educating you. Since three years ago, the League has made it mandatory to have at least one Pokemon outside the pokeballs in case of emergency or poachers or organizations targeting you."

Giselle turned red, "You are lying!"

Jameson, "No he's not! In fact you can check it out in the rule book or online. That particular rule was made with the trainer's safety in mind."

Ash, "Also that is not how you treat family."

A dark haired bespectacled young boy was looking at the group with awe at how they were standing up against Giselle. No one did that before, in fact juniors like him were told to look up to her and be like her. Meowth noticed him and motioned him to come over while everyone was talking and the boy grinned patting the cat Pokemon when he bent down. Meowth and the kid, Max as he introduced himself, watched as Ash went on a lecture mode and started on Giselle about how to treat family.

Giselle finally snapped, "Oh be quiet! What would you know? You have an unevolved Pikachu. Seriously how long have you even had him anyway? He's not evolved at all."

Lucario snarled at the girl's tone but Ash calmed him down, "I certainly know more than you apparently, as for Pikachu, let's see we spent a week at Viridian, a week in the forest? Yeah?"

Misty nodded catching on, "Yup then a week in Pewter almost two weeks in getting to Cerulean and a week in Cerulean before coming here, so roughly a month and a half."

Giselle twitched, "A month and a half and you still have not evolved him. You do realize Pikachu is only good as a girl's little pet at this point right?"

Jessilina (¬_¬), "A Pikachu's thousand volt attack can kill you. What are you on and where can I get some?"

Giselle, "Shut up! I didn't ask you!"

Ash, "Pikachu is not interested in evolving and I don't see why I should, he's already strong as he is. Aren't you buddy?"

Pikachu who had been glaring at Giselle turned to Ash at the scratches and licked his cheek, "Pikapi, pika pikachu pi!"

Ash, "Mmm, I love you too!"

Mack, "You can understand what your Pokemon is saying?"

Ash grinned, "Yup, it takes time, but if you have taken lessons on how to read music you can guess what they are saying from their tones. It depends on the pitch and tune on how they say it. Like for example Pikapi is my name while pikaapi means friends and piiikapi means stupid."

Max, "Wao! That's cool! I didn't know we could do that!"

Ash chuckled, "It takes time and you need to pay attention but it's not impossible."

Giselle was red in the face from embarrassment at being lectured infront of a junior and at being ignored, "You! I challenge you to a Pokemon battle."

Ash, "Hmm? Sure by the way kid, my name is Ash."

Max brightened, "Ash? Like the one in the contest? I thought I recognized you. I'm Max."

Giselle, "I'll fight you with my starter."

Ash, "Alright! I'll fight you with the starter the Professor officially gave me. Ready Pikachu?"

Giselle, "Let's go Cubone!"

Max, "Oh no! Cubone is Giselle's strongest."

Brock pat his head, "Don't worry, it'll be fine, I'll referee!"

Brock, "This is a battle between Giselle and Ash. Ready? Begin!"

Giselle, "Boomerang!"

Ash, "Iron tail send it back!"

Giselle was shocked as Pikachu used an attack that was not electric type and hit Cubone with his own boomerang.

Giselle, "Mudshot."

Ash, "Agility to dodge and use Iron Tail."

Pikachu dodged the mud balls being thrown at him before hitting Cubone hard making him dazed.

Giselle, "Cubone!"

Ash calmly ordered the last move, "Brick break!"

Pikachu hit Cubone knocking him out and down for the count.

Brock, "Cubone is unable to battle, Ash and Pikachu are the winner."

Ash hugged Pikachu as he jumped on him, "Great work Pikachu!"

Pikachu, "Chaaaaaaaa! Pika Pikapi!"

Giselle was shocked, "I lost! How? Don't cry Cubone. Return!"

Misty approached her and gave her a hand, "You lost because you became arrogant."

Jessilina, "And you forgot your own words, types do not matter once you start actual training."

Giselle got up, "I guess, I did huh?"

Giselle turned to Mack, "I'm so sorry Mack. I became so obsessed with being the top I completely ignored you instead of helping you."

Mack smiled hugging her, "I forgive you sis, it's okay. People make mistakes."

Giselle hugged him tight, "Next time hit me over the head. Don't just take it silently. And I'm really sorry."

Mack laughed, "It's good to have you back sis."

Ash smiled, "Would you mind if we check this place out?"

Max, "I can show you around."

Giselle nodded, "Of course! Go ahead."

Max grabbed Ash's hand, "Come on! I will show you everything."

Brock, "Oh dear!"

Misty, "Looks like Ash met a fan."

Mack, "Is he really Ash Ketchum? The one who took part in the contest?"

Jessilina smirked, "Sure is, don't tell me you have a crush on our Darling Ash. Not like I would blame you for it!"

Mack blushed as Giselle giggled, "What? No! I just saw his contest, they were amazing."

Max meanwhile was showing Ash around the school with Meowth, Pikachu and Lucario for company. He showed Ash the battlefields, gardens, library - where Ash noticed three certain books, the cafeteria, class rooms, labs, nurse room and the gym. Ash smiled indulgently as Max talked about his family and how his father was a gym trainer back in Hoenn. He had come here to study under a recommendation but if he could he would rather go on a journey.

Ash, "Wasn't there a stipulation about that?"

Max, "Huh?"

Ash, "If you complete school exams early you can go on a journey with your parents permission provided an older trainer takes charge of you."

Max's eyes twinkled, "So if I finish all my three years in this year. I could go with you?"

Ash, "No, not with me, I don't even have one year under my belt yet. But someone older."

Max, "Could one of your friends?"

Ash, "Jessilina definitely can."

Max got up, "I'll do it, in four months my first semester starts, I'll clear three semesters then and six months later the other three. Wait by then the league will finish and what will you do after that?"

Ash, "Check out another region most probably."

Max looked at Ash shyly, "Can I come with you then? You will have one year under your belt by then, right?"

Ash ruffled his hair, "You really want to go on a journey huh? Tell you what! After you clear out your exams, you are still interested, you can come with. All of us will offer to watch over you."

Max whooped in joy as he started to talk about the differences between Kanto and Hoenn Pokemon he had seen just by coming here. Ash walked beside Max as they rejoined the others who had returned from their own tour. The group left as the evening rays hit the horizon and Max shouted a promise to Ash that he would do his best. Misty looked at him curiously and Ash explained what they talked about, Brock teased him on how he was like a mom sometimes. To which Ash bluntly told him, he literally is a mom to Lucario to which the Pokemon nodded getting a jaw drop from the teen. They found a place to camp for the night before leaving in the morning after completing their usual routine.