
Jhoto - Violet City

Ash gave a satisfied sigh as he brushed Absol's fur, "Just six days and you will be able to run around just like anyone else."

Absol wagged his tail yipping, "Sol."

Abra, -Need help?-

Ash, "Can you brush his tail little love?"

Abra nodded and took the tail brush and started to work on Absol's tail, smoothing out the fur gently. Eevee had fallen asleep next to Ash after Ash had brushed her fur and he didn't have the heart to wake her. Ash remembered the previous days events and how Wilhomena was reluctant to battle but luckily Ash remembered something. He had searched around his bag before taking out the poster inside his bag, it was a poster for the Pokemon Showcase. Wilhomena blinked looking at that before asking about it curiously and Ash had explained if she was uncomfortable with battles she could take part in Showcase first.

She was interested and talked to Azumarill about it and the water type was very curious about it too and they both came to an agreement. The two thanked them before leaving, according to the poster, the next showcase would be in four days in the next City, so she would have to leave. Brock grinned and flirted with her but she tilted her head and asked if he was a home wrecker making Brock splutter. Wilhomena pointed at her engagement ring and snickered when his face paled a bit and apologized. Wilhomena waved him off telling him to be more careful from then on or he would never ever have a woman.

Max was impressed by the smooth rejection and gave the Lady a thumbs up. They wished her good luck with the Showcase and they parted ways. Brock was a bit down but perked up after a while and wished her luck on the Showcase and her marriage. Wilhomena smiled and left after that with a content Azumarill who was quite happy with how things went. Casey looked at the poster in contemplation and mumbled she might try it out as well next season. Dewgong and Pichu looked very interested in the Showcase and Ash figured the two could do well with training.

Lucario nudged him, -Are you thinking about yesterday?-

Ash nodded, "Mn, it reminded me of the time I first got you. I remember when you got hurt, I was so terrified of letting you battle again. It took a lot of talking with Professor Oak and training together for me to calm down."

Lucario, -I remember, you were terrified after seeing my fur burned and one broken paw.-

Ash, "She will be alright. I turned out alright."

Lucario nodded putting his head on Ash's shoulder watching Absol, -Yes, she will. Today Casey will battle with Falkner. It should be very interesting.-

Ash smiled nuzzling both canines, "Yup, we should go now. It's almost time."

Absol whined when Ash moved but Ash hushed him gently picking him up and placing him in the puppy carrier. They left the Pokemon centre and headed to the gym where Casey would battle. It was not for a badge this time but for an official approval to act as necessary during emergencies. If she could prove her team's strength against Falkner's team and receive eight approvals she could join the emergency response team or act according to the problem. It would be more convenient then waiting for an announcement to go off for trainers to help out.

Ash had the approval thanks to being a Champion and Brock had the approval due to being one of the main eight gym leaders of Kanto. Not to forget being a field medic allowed him to respond before anyone else did during bad situations. And also the certificate they received back during the competition for water Pokemon among firefighters. Although that was only for the water type Pokemon they had but still, it was legal and allowed them to respond without repercussions. The only two people without the certificates were Casey and Max but Max was young and although the Gym route would be a long one, it would just make Casey and her team stronger.

Ash, "I'm just glad Kanto and Jhoto follow the same rules when it comes to emergency responses. We will need to do a test when we enter other regions though."

Absol tilted his head, "Sol."

Ash, "You are still young Absol, no training for six months for you still buddy."

Lucario pat the pup's head, -You are so active, do not worry. I will train you once you are old enough.-

Absol, "Soool."

Ash, "We are here."

Casey, "Hey guys. Hi puppy. Ah! He is so adorable."

Max, "Are you excited about your battle?"

Casey, "Excited and nervous. This will not be easy."

Brock, "You have been training hard with all of us. I am sure you will do great. Remember this is about showing your perseverance, patience, persistence, team work and most importantly patience."

Casey nodded, "I know. I'm gonna do my best."

Gou, "We will be cheering for you. And not just us. Look all the girls are gonna cheer you on too."

Casey looked at the laptop Gou produced, "Hi girls. Really Gou?"

Gou, "I figured you would like the support."

Misty spoke from the video, "Gou is right."

Serena who was next to her nodded, "Yeah."

Chloe beside Serena smiled, "This is important to you."

Melody who was beside Misty grinned, "We wanted to show our support."

Casey was touched, "Thank you. Okay! Here we go."

Casey entered the gym, "Hello I'm here for a serious match up."

Falkner, "Oh so you are back?"

Casey, "My team against one of your A - team."

Falkner gave a feral grin, "You have guts girly. I accept your challenge."

Referee, "The match up between Casey and Falkner now begins. Remember the winner will be decided when there is only one Pokemon left standing. The battle will continue without stopping. Both sides are allowed to recall their Pokemon during battles and both sides can call forfeit anytime. Begin."

Casey, "Let's go Dewgong."

Falkner, "Swanna show this Ducklett who is boss."

Misty squealed, "How beautiful!"

Serena nodded, "Yeah."

Melody, "Good luck Casey."

Chloe, "You can do it."

Falkner, "Wing Attack!"

Casey, "Icy Wind!"

Swanna flew through the icy wind like it was nothing to her and Dewgong dodged with double team.

Casey, "Water pulse."

Falkner, "Aqua ring."

The water pulse and aqua ring clashed together spraying the field with water. The Pokemon were evenly matched when it came to strength. Ash and the others cheered Casey and Dewgong on as the ice water type battled against the water flying type. But Dewgong was getting exhausted and Casey decided to switch.

Casey, "Return, go Pichu."

Pichu, "Pi pichu."

Casey, "Nasty plot followed by thunderbolt."

Falkner, "Swanna aerial ace."

Swanna used aerial ace and took Pichu out in one shot much to Casey's shock, but Swanna did not get away unhurt. Swanna's body was twitching due to the electricity left behind from the thunderbolt.

Falkner, "Return Swanna."

Casey, "Return Pichu. Thank you."

Falkner, "Not bad."

Casey, "Thanks."

Falkner, "Go Jumpfluff."

Casey, "I choose Jolteon."

Falkner, "Stun spore."

Casey, "Agility to dodge followed by thunder fang."

Ash, "She decided to go for six on six battle, didn't she?"

Brock nodded, "Yeah, she decided it would give all her current Pokemon a fair chance if she challenged him to six on six."

Gou, "Falkner is excited too."

Max, "Really?"

Ash, "Look at his eyes. They have an excited gleam in them."

Gou smirked, "The same one Ash gets during battle."

Casey, "Don't back down, agility to dodge and increase your static."

Jolteon zipped around the battlefield dodging Jumpfluff's attacks. Casey bit one of her fingers, the flying grass type didn't look exhausted at all.

Casey, "Curse."

Jolteon sped around using agility before taking aim and attacking. Jumpfluff who was half way attacking again was hit.

Falkner, "Return Jumpfluff, go Swanna roost followed by brave bird."

Casey, "Oh no! Don't let Swanna complete roost."

Jolteon gave a bark and attacked using thunderbolt but Swanna got up and used Bravebird. The two Pokemon collided and when the attacks ended both Jolteon and Swanna were out for the count.

Gou, "Falkner is down by one Pokemon and Casey by two Pokemon."

Max, "This is so exciting."

Ash, "Yes, it is."

Casey, "Return Jolteon, thank you."

Falkner, "Get some good rest Swanna. You deserve it. You are stronger then last time, more mature too."

Casey blushed remembering how immature she had acted before, when she challenged him for the first time, "Well, after traveling and facing some things, you tend to grow up."

Falkner, "Now then, I choose Togekiss."

Casey, "Beedrill let's go."

Brock, "This will be interesting."

Casey, "Fury cutter."

Falkner, "Sky attack."

And the battle continues with Beedrill fighting Togekiss very viciously. Togekiss was a seasoned fighter and no slouch as she easily kept up with Beedrill's speed.

Falkner, "Aura sphere."

Casey, "Solar beam."

The two energy based attacks collided and blew up pushing the two flying Pokemon backwards.

Casey, "U - turn."

Beedrill returned only for Electabuzz to appear on the battlefield.

Falkner, "Aura sphere."

Casey, "Thunder punch."

Electabuzz used thunder punch just as Togekiss released aura sphere. The combined attacks caused a bright light to cover the arena and when it cleared both Pokemon could be seen battling. Electabuzz was using thunder punch and thunder bolt while Togekiss was using aura sphere, solar beam and shock wave.

Falkner, "Metronome."

Casey, "Be careful and use thunder."

Electabuzz focused on concentratinf his attack while keeping an eye out for the metronome. Togekiss unleashed a powerful overheat that could be felt from the stands but Electabuzz was ready. He used thunder to propel him upwards before coming down on Togekiss and unleashing a powerful thunder on the flying type. Togekiss was out for the count after that.

Falkner, "Return Togekiss. I see that Electabuzz listens to you now."

Casey, "Oh he is still strong willed but yeah, we worked out a plan between the two of us."

Falkner, "I'm happy to hear that, now let's go Charizard."

Ash, "Woah!"

Brock, "Yeah. Woah."

Gou, "That Charizard is huge."

Max, "Bigger than yours Ash."

Ash nodded, "And more experienced too. I know which high level Pokemon I want to challenge now."

Brock, "It'll be good for your Pokemon."

Lucario, -Charizard would love to battle him.-

Abra, -Huge!-

Casey, "Thunder punch."

Falkner, "Ancient power."

Electabuzz attacked Charizard but the fire type side stepped the attack before hitting Electabuzz head on with ancient power. The powerful attack caused Electabuzz major damage but like the stubborn fighter he was still stood up ready to go. Charizard grabbed Electabuzz and took him for a powerful seismic toss. Electabuzz was thrown hard to the battlefield and the audience winced on hearing the loud smack.

Casey ran to Electabuzz, "Electabuzz! Are you alright?"

Electabuzz whispered, "Buzz."

Casey, "Thank you for the battle buddy. Get some rest okay. I promise I'll give you a really good treat."

Falkner, "Don't feel down, Electabuzz took out my Togekiss. That's not a small feat."

Casey, "I'm not sad Electabuzz lost. I'm just worried he got hurt bad."

Charizard rumbled, "Arrrrd."

Falkner nodded, "You have grown up a bit after all. But the fight isn't over yet."

Casey, "Right Meganium your turn girl."

Meganium, "Mega!"

Casey, "We won't go down that easily."

Falkner smirked, "We'll see. Charizard flame thrower."

Casey, "Answer with solar beam."

The two starters clashed first with flame thrower and solar beam then ember and razor leaf followed by heat wave and reflect. The two starters held their ground against each other before Casey switched Meganium out for Dewgong.

Casey, "Rain dance!"

Falkner, "Sunny day."

Dewgong used rain dance to recover his previously lost energy while Charizard used sunny day to stay dry.

Casey, "Hydro pump!"

Falkner, "Flare blitz."

Charizard used flare blitz which was one of it's strongest attacks to cancel hydro pump and hit Dewgong. Dewgong gave a shout as he was hit by the powerful attack and didn't get back up. The audience winced on getting the smell of burned skin, Max looked like he was going to be sick.

Casey, "Dewgong! Oh sweet Mew."

Falkner, "Aloe Vera."

Casey, "Huh?"

Falkner sighed, "If you have Aloe Vera potion or even cream or lotion apply it."

Casey nodded, "Got it."

Brock, "Casey bring Dewgong here. I will take care of him."

Casey, "Thank you Brock."

Casey turned to Falkner, "I won't give up let's go Beedrill."

Beedrill buzzed before launching a speed filled attack on Charizard. The fire type responded with a dragon tail and the two flew up using flying type attacks. Ash observed Casey's expression though, she had a very thoughtful look on her face. This battle no doubt showed her she still had a long way to go before thinking of becoming a full on Champion. Brock healed Dewgong and the water ice type woke up and looked around before pouting. Max giggled at the pout and comforted Dewgong he would win one day, he just needs to get stronger. Dewgong nodded and glomped the spectacled boy as he squealed on feeling the cold body. Shroomish barked at the seal Pokemon demanding he let go of her trainer.

Means Beedrill had been defeated by Charizard who had hit him with a well timed flame thrower. Meganium returned to battle again and the two final evolution starters has a show down with Meganium using Synthesis and Aromatherapy to heal herself. Charizard huffed in amusement and kept battling her no matter how many time she healed herself, he knew she would need more to win. As it turns out Charizard was using sunny day to keep his power levels, it became a fight of perseverance. However as Brock had predicted Charizard ultimately won the match in the end. Casey sighed but gave a smile thanking Falkner for agreeing to battle with her. Falkner nodded and left after telling Ash, he was looking forward to his challenge.

[A. N.: I love Transformer fans. Seriously I do.

They be like:

(UwU this is my precious, darling, sweet baby. Please protect them at all cost.)

But.... The thing is....

Said baby is a five millennia year old war criminal who has no doubt committed a genocide or two across the universe. :D]