
Pokemon Re-Start

Noah an unfortunate boy that got struck by lightning but got reincarnated in a world of Pokemon. Join his journey to become a Pokemon Master. Note: Pokemon is not Mine And the original Characters of the Story are not mine Credits to the creator of Pokemon You give us a Best childhood.

Meowske_kun · 漫画同人
26 Chs

Chapter 16: Mini league(2)

Many battle's have past since my battle I also watch Cynthia and Steven's battle both of them won because their opponents are Weak and No experience.

Surprisingly I thought that Bea and Nessa are the only one who will be participating the mini league but I did not expect Sonia to join too and She won her every battle that surprised me very much.

Currently it's Quarter Finals and My opponent is a boy named Danny with his Mankey.

" Monkey Scrach" Said Danny

Then mankey's nails flashed white and then attacked riolu.

" Counter it with quick attack" I said.

Then riolu dashed towards Mankey pouncing him and preventing monkey to Use Scrach.

" Stand up mankey" Danny ordered his Pokemon. And mankey hearing his trainer Stand up.

" Okay Riolu finish this Bone Rush" I said.

Then a Blue colored Bone materialized in riolu's hands then Riolu breathed then Dashed towards Mankey in a flash then hit Mankey with the bone Causing Mankey Flying away and Mankey Fainted in the impact.

" That's enough Riolu Wins and Noah Moves to the next round." the Referee announced.

" Riolu Good Job" I said to riolu patting his head.

" Riolu( Yeah I'm amazing)

" Yeah you are now Return and rest first" I said as I Sent riolu inside his pokeball.

After that I saw Cynthia, Grandma Waving at me. Then I immediately go to where they were.


" Yo! " I said as I greeted them.

" Hey Noah nice battle out there" Cynthia said.

" Yeah it's Wonderful Battling" Grandma said.

Then we heard a familiar voice behind us.

" Hey~ Noah "

When I turned around she immediately hugged my Arms.

" Oh My~" Grandma

" * Cold gaze*" Cynthia

" Hey Sonia can you stop doing that everytime we meet" I said to her.

" Nope " She said.

" Yeah Noah is Right you know Sonia you can't just hug him everytime you meet" Nessa said.

" Yeah Noah is Troubled you know" Beah supported.

"Ehh~ But it's normal" Sonia said.

" it's not normal" I said.

" Hoh~ so this is your Boyfriend Sonia? " then a voice of an middle age woman was heared.

When I turn around I saw a middle age women wearing lab coat she has Brown Hair with a headband on the top of her Hair starting at us with an amused expression.

" Is that you magnolia it's been so long" Grandma suddenly exclaimed.

" Hmm Carolina? Oh my it's been long " Professor Magnolia said then the two hugged.

" Eh Grandma you know her? " I asked.

" Yes Me and Magnolia are friends since the old days and Your Grandfather and Magnolia are Partners you know. " Grandma said.

It's really surprising I didn't expect It at all.

" Grandfather? Who's the Grandfather of this Child? " Professor Magnolia asked.

" Oh it's Henry " Grandma said.

" That Henry but I thought? " Professor Magnolia said but Grandma interrupted them she Whispered something in her ear.

Then looked at me with a smile.

" Oh what's your name Boy? " She asked.

" Noah Silvers" I said.

" Ok Noah I am Magnolia and you can just call me Granny lia for short. She said

" Ok Granny lia" I said.

" Okay Noah You have my blessing you can marry my Grand daughter" she said then the Air Froze.

" Grandma what are you talking about" Sonia said with red face.

" * Colder Gaze*" Cynthia.

" What he is your Boyfriend right?" Granny lia said.

" He's not her Boyfriend" Cynthia suddenly said and Hugged me while eyeing them with cold Gaze.

" Noah you also have my blessing you can have that Grand daughter of mine." Grandma said.

Then Cynthia expression change to Haply smile.

While the Spectators watch their Show with an amused face while the Other kids are very jealous of noah right now' I wish I'm in his place ' They all thought.

But Noah right now is getting tired already so he decided to stop them.

" Okay okay let go of me I'm tired I need rest you know." I said to them.

After a while of moving around I finally got free and Run to my room.

All of the girls Followed me but the 2 adults remained.


" Hey Carolina do you plan make Noah marry your Grand daughter?"Magnolia asked.

" Yes" Carolina said.

" Hmm~ then I'll make Noah Sonia's Fiance then" Magnolia Said.

" No Noah is going to be my Grand daughters Husband in the future." Carolina said.

" Then how about both of them became Noah's Fiance?" Magnolia said.

" I dont know if they will agree with it" Carolina said.

" Carolina there still a lot of time we dont know maybe they might get along" Magnolia said.

" Well only time can tell" Carolina said.


" Hey Noah Stop" Sonia Said to Noah as she and the others is also going after Noah.

" Yeah Were Sorry about earlier really" Cynthia said While running.

"Huh you guys seems to misaderstand I'm not mad at you all its just I'm tired and i don't want to Swarmed by you lot." Noah said as he suddenly stopped and Spoke to them.

" Really?" Cynthia asked.

" Yeah Duh" Noah Said.

" Hah! You got us Worried for nothing" Sonia said.

" Sorry, but can you guys go now i have a match later after noon i'd like to take a rest first" Noah asked them then looked towards Nessa and Bea.

Nessa and Bea who saw Noah's Gaze immediately Understood him.

" Okay Noah is Right Lets go for now Sonia" Nessa said Holding Sonia in the back.

" Yeah Noah needs rest give him time its important to him" Bea said as she pat Cynthia's Shoulder.

Although the two is hesistant but still they manage to Convince the two and Noah Stared at them with Gratitude in his Eyes and The 2 Rescue Girls look at him like they were saying its nothing.


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