
Chapter 4

Leon wakes up early and goes to the staff canteen to wait for Prof. Oak. He eats his breakfast and then he waited. A couple of minutes later Prof. Oak arrived with his lab aid.

"Mike, I'd like you to meet Leon Flyheight," Prof. Oak said to his aid and continued, "From now on, you will teach him on how to take care of the pokemons in the lab, including those on the habitats and including the poke-eggs. You decide where to assign him."

Mike takes a good look at Leon and smiled while nodding.

"Leon, this is my great grandson, Michael Oak. He is also my right-hand. So, if you have any questions, you can ask him." Prof. Oak said.

Mike Oak looks Chinese, wearing black framed glasses, about 20 years old but could be older because humans here look 20 at the age of 15 and starts to look older again at around 50 years old. Maybe Prof. Oaks children married an Asian. He has a bowl cut black hair, dreamy brown eyes, and has a chubby build, around 5'8 tall, Leon thought.

"I look forward to working with you Mr. Michael" Leon greeted.

"Just call me Mike, and same here Leon," Mike replied and we shook hands.

Prof. Oak left and Mike began to introduce Leon to the pokemons and started teaching him. Mike used his Kirlia and teleported to the habitat because their locations are a state secret.

"This is the Blastoise habitat, where all its evolution line is safeguarded. As you know the Blastoise line is one of the three Kanto region's Monarch pokemon," Mike said.

"We call them Monarchs because before humans rose to power, they were the ones ruling over Kanto region and were once the most powerful and had the best potential among all the pokemons," Mike explained and added, "To cut the story short, we now protect them and only us can give them out to other pokemon trainers. Though, you can still find some in the wild but that is extremely rare."

As soon as Leon saw the pokemons, he couldn't help but shake with excitement. He could not put into words what he was feeling, it was like meeting his childhood hero but only to find out that the hero was a million times better than he thought. He concentrated and tried to look at one specific Squirtle.


A blue transparent panel appears in front of Leon's field of vision.

System Initializing…


Incorporating knowledge given by Administrator Mew…

Downloading resources…

1%... 7%... 35%... 46%... 69%... 80%... 97% 98% 99%... 100%!

Start-up complete.