
Chapter 3


"Hey, are you a boy? Or, are you a girl?"

I hear an old man's voice.

As Leon opens his eyes, he sees an old man wearing a white lab coat.

"Professor Oak?"

Suddenly Leon's head starts to hurt, knowledge of this world was being downloaded.

"I see so this world is kinda like the anime, manga, and games but also very different…" Leon thought.

"Take it easy. You are still hurt. I was out picking berries in the forest and I saw you lying on the ground and you didn't have any identification on. So, I took you to my lab. What is your name?" Prof. Oak asks.

"I'm a boy and my name is Leon Flyheight," Leon answered.

He is the same as the games where he can't tell your gender, I laugh in my thoughts.

"Right. Sorry, I have been studying Pokemon all my life and has been surrounded with my assistants wearing lab gowns that I seem to have forgotten how to distinguish children's gender," he chuckles embarrassingly.

No wonder, Leon thought to myself.

"Do you remember what happened before you lost consciousness in the forest?" Prof. Oak asks.

I lied and said, "I was being chased by a wild spearow and was running away, when I slipped and fell off a cliff and lost consciousness."

Prof. Oak grabs his tablet and types in something. "Hmm, Leon Flyheight, Age 10, was found in front of the Pallet town orphanage a couple of years ago… ran away because he was bullied by the other orphans and caretakers… likes… character tendencies…" Prof. Oak continues reading the file, "and no other information about his past is written."

He looks up and says, "So according to your file you have nowhere to go, am I right? Unless you want to go back to the orphanage where you were being mistreated?"

I thought to myself, "Thank you Mew for being so thorough!" I was given a proper background so I wouldn't be questioned, I don't have to make up a fake story.

"Yeah, I don't have anywhere to go." Leon shook his head gloomily.

"You're in luck, Leon! I happened to need an errand boy in the lab and was about to hire one from the alliance, but seeing you here, this is perfect timing. Would you like to work for me?"

Leon's eyes sparkled at Prof. Oaks' offer.

Nice Lady Mew probably set this one up as well. I am forever grateful to her, Leon happily thought.

"Yes, please. Even if you don't pay me, I am willing to work." Leon answered.

Prof. Oak chuckles and said, "That won't do. What would people think of me? The one who made the rules himself is not following them. I'll give you a place to stay, salary, food and even basic education while working with me until you reach 15 years old and become an adult legally."

Leon was ecstatic, being sponsored by Professor Samuel Oak himself was a dream come true for anyone on this world and his world before.

"Thank you, Professor Oak!" Leon said as he gave a 90-degree bow.

"That's too long. Just call me Professor or Prof. Oak instead." Prod Oak suggested.

"Now, follow me Leon and let's grab something to eat, then I'll show you your own room." Prof. Ok said and added, "The lab is closed, so I'll show it tomorrow, Monday."

Leon got up and followed Prof. Oak.

"This is where my adventure will begin," Leon smiled.

They talked about his responsibilities while they ate dinner. Afterwards, Prof. Oak showed Leon his room.

"This will be your room from now on. It is beside all the other staff rooms. Here are the keys and see you tomorrow. Good night." Prof. Oak gave him the keys and went away.

"They sure are generous. Even an errand boy like me gets this big room, around 50x50 I think? With own bathroom, bedroom, mini kitchen and a small living room. They even have change of clothes ready. Neat!" Leon exclaimed.

After looking around, Leon takes a bath and inspects his body. "Hmm, I look kinda similar before but with a difference of having white hair and green eyes. I was from the Philippines, so I looked mixed more Asian than Spanish. People always mistook me for being Chinese, Korean, or Japanese" Leon chuckles while remembering those moments.

"My body looks like the one I had when I was still training in MMA. This is a good well-trained body. I'll experiment on everything tomorrow because it's getting late and honestly, I can't wait to finally meet a pokemon," Leon giggles. Leon lays on the bed and fell fast asleep.