
Chapter 18

"Ditto come out!" Leon exclaimed.

Ditto wiggled around and was looking curiously at Leon's room.

"Don't worry. Everything is clean. I'm a bit of a clean freak myself," Leon chuckled seeing ditto's reaction.

"Ditto would you like a name? I know of the strongest hero that ever existed and was called the symbol of peace for years and I'd like to name you after him," Leon said.

As soon as Ditto heard that he was to be given a name after the strongest, he bounced in happiness and in anticipation as his eyes glittered.

Awee so cute, Leon thought.

"Okay ditto, from now on your name shall be Toshi," Leon announced.

Toshi shook in delight!

Ting! *

Naming Complete…

System has detected a soul bound…

Initializing System Upgrade…

System will utilize host and soul bound's energy…

Update finish in 3 hours…

Leon and Toshi felt that all of their energy were being drained and lost their consciousness.

When Leon opened his eyes.

Update complete

Update log:

Appraisal Records has been upgraded to Pokemon records; retains the same function.

Soul bounds are able to access parts of the system that the host will allow.

Added: Training simulator tab, host and soul bounds are able to enter mindscape and fight with recorded pokemon. Time inside mindscape is 5x faster. Can be used to train skill proficiency. Increase comprehension rate by 1.5x.

Mewpedia remains unchanged.

Update log end.

Leon was flabbergasted. This made his system and Toshi combo even stronger.

His plan initially was to telepathically send an appraisal record to Toshi so that he could try to transform and imitate the record.

With this, Toshi can directly access the records and even use it to train.

Thank you, "God". Your gift is the best! Leon praised.

"Toahi, are you awake?" Leon asked.

Yes Master, Toshi is awake. What is this that I'm seeing Master? Toshi asked telepathically.

They were now able to communicate telepathically through the system.

Leon was shocked but replied nonetheless, "That is called System. Keep it a secret. This should not be leaked to anyone outside unless they join us. Okay?"

Yes Master. Toshi nodded.

Try to get a hang of the Pokemon Records Search function and see if you can transform using it as a basis. You can use your thoughts in controlling it, Leon instructed.

After a while, Toshi got used to the Pokemon Records functions and transformed into one of the Abras in charge of teleporting to the monarchs' nests.

Species: Abra (Ditto)

Name: Toshi

Age: 1 years

Sex: Male (Genderless)

Ability: Synchronize, Inner Focus (Limber, Imposter)

Talent: Recycler, All for One and One for All

Tendencies: thrifty, clean freak

Potential: C rank (peak)

Level: 20 (F rank low)

Skills: Teleport (I) – Click to Expand- (Transform (I))

I did it Master! I can transform without the need to look at a pokemon! Toshi was elated.

One of dittos' weakness was that it needed to see the pokemon beforehand in order to transform and couldn't use memory alone. Due to this, its weakness has been eliminated.

He felt that he was one step closer to being the strongest Ditto!

Excellent! I knew it would work. Leon smiled.

"Let's go to the training center in the lab, Toshi. Let's test your full compatibility with the system," Leon said.

Leon recalled Toshi back in the pokeball and headed to the training room.