
Pokemon: Master Of Aura

When the goddess told him he would be reincarnating into Pokemon, he didn't think of another version. Watch as he discovers his gifts and talents and becomes the best version of himself.

DaoisteAGZyL · 漫画同人
2 Chs


Location: Vermilion City, Vermilion Park.

3rd Pov

As the two people stood across opposite sides of the field, eyeing the poke ball symbol engraved on the field.

The two people, or trainers if you wanted to be specific, are engaging in the world-wide phenomenon, a Pokemon Battle. It's when two or more trainers engage in a battle with each other using the animals that inhabit their planet, Pokemons.

One of the trainers who was participating in battle grinned as he was looking forward to his battle. It was a young man who stood around 5'11 with white hair that reached about the end of his shoulders. Just by looking into his grayish green eyes, you could tell he had the determination to win this match.

(A/N: Image of mc here:)


1st Pov

Standing firmly on the pitch, I waited for a ref, another trainer to call for the beginning of the match.

I then look over to my opponent. He grinned as he we made eye contact.

"10,000 yen is the wager, you agree", he asked receiving a nod from me. It was a pretty inexpensive wager but it was easy money if me and my partner can sync.It has only been a week since I became a trainer. My thought process was then interrupted as the appointed ref started speaking.

"You may now bring out your Pokemon", the ref shouted.

I grabbed my one and only pokeball out of my bag as my opponent did the same. I clicked the centerpiece of the ball, which made the ball click open and release a Pokemon.

What emerged from the blue energy emitted from the ball was a small, blue, canine Pokémon. It has a black torso and legs, a blue tail, and a yellow collar. It has rounded bumps on the backs of its fore paws. It has a black "mask" that covers his face and red eyes. It also appeared to be bipedal.

"Come on Riolu, 10,000 yen is on the line", I yelled to encourage my partner.

The canine looked at me with a smile before nodding. I also pay attention to the Pokemon my opponent summoned.

It was an avian Pokémon that resembled a light brown duck from my previous life. It has a flat, yellow beak, brown eyes, a V-shaped black marking on its forehead (similar to a uni brow), and a three-feather crest on top of its head.

A Farfetch'd huh? I never had a battle with a Farfetch'd! Not like I hat a battle with most Pokemon anyway.

The ref looked at both of us, asking us if we were ready. I nodded to which my opponent and future paycheck did the same.

"Match Begin"!

I stood still, not commanding my partner Pokemon. My opponent smiled wickedly at this and took the opportunity to attack first.

"Farfetch'd, use Slash", My opponent commanded his light brown duck.

Farfetch'd launched it 's body towards Riolu, it's thick leak in hand, ready to bash my own bipedal dog.

It hit connected, hitting Riolu square in the face.

"Riolu, now use Counter", I quickly said.

Riolu's body was then outlined with orange energy. It readied it fist and punched Farfetch'd, returning the damage he accumulated. The duck became airborne and flew across the field.

"Now use Bullet Punch", I said not wanting to let my opponent breath for the slightest millesecond.

One of Riolu's paws glowed with a light blue aura. He then sped over to Farfetch'd in a matter of seconds. The Bullet Punch found its mark as it hit Farfetch'd clean in the stomach, blasting the Pokemon into the ground.

The Farfetch'd has some pretty good endurance though. It stood from the mini crater, bruised all over its body. The ref then talked to Farfetch'd's trainer.

"Do you want to continue the match", the ref said.

The trainer looked over to Farfetch'd, who was barely standing and then to my Riolu, standing proudly with only a little bruise on his face. He frowned before accepting the reality of this fight and his inevitable defeat.

" I forfeit the match", the boy said frowning at the lost of the battle and his soon money.

I jumped up and down, happy that I won the battle. Riolu was also happy, but he stopped because he is tired and needs some food to replenish stamina.

I walked over to the trainer and we exchanged information. He then sent the money to my trainer account. This is going to be used to get food for Riolu. If I have some money left, I'm going to buy some poke balls because I'm desperately need to get another Pokemon.

I returned Riolu into it's poke ball and headed over to the Vermilion Pokemon Center.


That's it for this chapter! This is my first book so criticism is appreciated.