
Pokemon Master(Translated)

Why do Pokemon fight each other in the college entrance examination? Why are they attacking you when you go out? Can anyone tell me what happened to the earth... Don't touch me, I don't want medicine, I'm not crazy! After accepting the setting, Fang Yuan was determined to become an excellent trainer. (The beginning of the novel will be like a slice of life novel but it gets heated up pretty fast, so bear with it for the first 10-15 chapters) (Updates will be sporadic. As said in the title, I am not the author. I'm just a guy with a lot of time and a desire to share this excellent book with my fellow readers. I am unable to contact the author due to language problems but if the author wants to talk with me just leave a comment anytime.)

Fang_Yuan56 · 漫画同人
99 Chs

Chapter 97 : The Uses of Return

  Although he was told that he might become the captain of the school team.

  But for Fang Yuan now, school life hasn't changed much.

  Because the school team has not formally conducted training, and even the elected members have not been selected, his so-called captain position, even if it is approved, is currently just a fictitious name.

  In the training class, when Fang Yuan told Lin Jing the news, Lin Jing said:

  "I heard that the selection of the school team will start next week."

  Today, the training sessions of each class are back to normal, and basic training is the main focus.

  "A total of twenty-five people will be eliminated until only seven are left."

  While Growlithe and Eevee were training by the side, the two trainers talked while following their physical training.

  "Next week, next week, do you have news about the other two candidates for the Rising Star Project?" Fang Yuan is more concerned about this.

  "Not yet." Lin Jing shook his head.

  "That's right... By the way, has your Growlithe made any progress in its moves recently?"

  As Fang Yuan's next teammate, Fang Yuan still cares about the growth of her Growlithe. If the teammates are more effective, then the Pingcheng No. 1 School Team will have a greater chance of winning the provincial high school league!

  The better the result of the competition, the more bonus he can get.

  "Hey, in addition to flame wheel, Growlithe has learned Fire Fang." Lin Jing's mouth was raised and said: "Moreover, the study of Ember has also come to an end. Within a week, Growlithe should be able to master Ember."

  Lin Jing is quite satisfied with the speed of Growlithe's progress.

  Now Fang Yuan is her goal to catch up with. Since taking Fang Yuan as the goal, Lin Jing has been very concerned about her training.

  "So fast?!" Fang Yuan was startled.

  But in a blink of an eye, it's normal.

  He and Eevee were learning new moves, and they were all exploring on their own, but Lin Jing had a professional trainer by his side who she could consult at any time, and the other party had too much of an advantage.

  "Of course."

  Seeing Fang Yuan's surprise, Lin Jing was even happier. Next, Growlithe can also learn Agility, flamethrower, Take Down, Heat Wave, and even Flame Charge. A complete training route is clearly planned. After all the moves have been learned, it is not a problem for Growlithe to surpass Eevee.

  These training methods are naturally family-owned, and Fang Yuan can't envy them.

  "I just don't know how Liu Le's Munchlax's training progress is. Let's wait for the weekend to ask." Fang Yuan changed the subject, feeling a little bit stuffy.

  Now, Eevee is still using its old moves, and he has not made much progress after returning from the Little Phoenix Cup. If it does not hurry up, he may really be surpassed by Lin Jing.



  Eevee realized Return on the fifth day after learning Frustration.

  With the help of the Soothe Bell, it finally comprehended Return, but the premise is that it can only be used smoothly when wearing the Soothing Bell.

  "I'm so handsome, I'm such a genius..."

  For the first time on this day, Fang Yuan combined the silk scarf with the comforting bell.

  Because Eevee was not used to the collar, the collar was removed by Fang Yuan and left at home.

  Instead, it was a scarf that looked like a cloak around Eevee's neck.

  The soothe bell passed through the scarf and was tied to the knot on the chest of the scarf.


  Eevee shook its body, then showed a satisfied expression.

  Silk scarf and soothe bell...

  Double happiness!

  Feeling the silkiness of the silk scarf and the sweetness of the bells, Eevee was intoxicated.

  "Don't daydream! Let's try Return." Fang Yuan interrupted its fantasies.

  Fang Yuan and Eevee came here again in front of the rubber wall of the training ground.

  This time, Fang Yuan wanted to intuitively see the power of Return.

  "Eevee, use your best, use Return to attack that wall."

  Eevee nodded and looked at the rubber wall. It was not the same as when using Frustration. Now... Eevee has a lot of initiative in the control of emotional energy.

  To describe it in a more specific way, Eevee is dominated by anger when using Frustration, and when using Return, it dominates this emotional energy.

  Before the attack, Eevee turned its head, glanced at Fang Yuan, and brewed its feelings.

  Don't look at Fang Yuan always fooling Eevee, but the relationship between him and Eevee is definitely not comparable to other newcomer trainers.

  When Eevee was born, he took care of it carefully, the sweat they shed when working towards the Little Phoenix Cup together, and the joy of finally getting the training results.

  There are very few newcomer trainers who have experienced so much with the Pokemon at this stage.

  And those small daily lives that entrap each other, not only did not become the barrier between Fang Yuan and Eevee, but when both sides thought of it, they felt very heartwarming. The relationship between the trainer and the Pokemon is not a cold master-servant relationship, only commands, and obedience.

  Therefore, Eevee has never regretted being Fang Yuan's Pokemon.

  Recalling the memories, this emotion turned into Eevee's power, and the crisp sound of the soothe bell entered my ears, allowing this warm current to flow quickly through Eevee's body.

  As the white light filled his body, Eevee slammed into the rubber wall.

  "Bang!!"... the rubber wall began to dent, and Fang Yuan also showed joy, almost twice as powerful as Frustration

  It seems that Eevee's feelings for himself are much deeper than that of a mobile phone!

  "Something's wrong... there's a big problem" Fang Yuan's heart sank after being overjoyed.

  Is he... worth only two phones?

  After Eevee returned happily, seeing Fang Yuan meditating there, he couldn't help showing a puzzled expression.


  Fang Yuan's expression is weird, forget it, it's not true, when did the mobile phone become a unit of measurement.

  The fetters between myself and Eevee cannot be defeated by mere internet addiction.

  "The power is much greater than Quick Attack, but the speed is still flawed." Fang Yuan said.

  "Boo..." Eevee thought thoughtfully after hearing the words.

  Indeed, it is also aware of this.

  Whether it is Frustration or Return, it is only a crude use of emotional energy, which bursts out of power in a simple and crude way, very primitive...There is no skill at all.

  An analogy is... the difference between Tackle and Quick Attack.

  Tackle is a rough use of energy, and Quick Attack is a skillful use of energy, which can sublimate the speed of the Pokemon.

  "I just don't know if I can exercise Eevee's lower limbs and tail strength by using Return!"

  "If emotional energy can tap the potential of the Pokemon' body, then it should be divided into specific body parts. For example, when Lopunny uses Return, it attacks in the form of an ear 'slap', and Eevee's attack is in the form of a physical 'Tackle'. If this form of restriction can be broken through, it may be helpful for training other moves."

  Fang Yuan's eyes lit up.

  If he taps the physical potential of the lower limbs, can the speed of Return be comparable to that of Quick Attack?

  Can tapping the physical potential of the tail speed up comprehension of Iron Tail?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Fang_Yuan56creators' thoughts