
New Member

Before this begins, just wanted to say a few things. First off, I am as prone to making dumb decisions and also mistakes as any other human being, so I apologise if I do something you don't approve of personally. Secondly, I won't be having my character take any pokemon that the canon characters catch in the anime, so I apologise if that disappoints you, I have my own plans.




[Pokemon Speech]


[Dude, are your hands okay?]

"Yeah, they're fine."

[You kinda went overboard. I know you were pretty pissed off since that girl's actions really reminded you of HER, but you kind of overreacted...]

"Yeah, I know... I just can't get rid of that hatred I have so easily, Kayden. You know that more than anyone." Kayden didn't reply to this as the two were now exiting Cerulean City, there wasn't exactly anything else they needed or wanted to do here in this place.

[I thought you had calmed down since I saw you smiling every now and then during that battle with Misty. Though, it seems that I was wrong... Have you finally managed to calm yourself down completely?]

"I'm fine now, jeez..."

Their next destination was Vermillion City, which was where they were going to go for their third badge, being the badge from Lt. Surge's gym. This world's geography was a bit different compared to the games, so there seemed to be a clear path towards Vermillion City, unlike in the games where you would use the underground systems.

Kayden just glanced at Nate's hands as they were walking through the route, Nate's knuckles were wrapped up in white bandages as a bit of blood could be seen absorbed into them, though only faintly visible.




"God... fucking... damnit!"

Nate could be seen standing in a park as he was continuously punching a tree with a lot of force, he had punched it so much that a lot of the bark had been chipped off of it and were scattered all over the ground. His hands were bleeding quite a bit though.

However, that didn't seem to stop him as he continued to punch the tree.

Kayden was off to the side watching with a concerned expression on his face, though he had known that even if he tried to calm Nate down, he wouldn't be able to. So, he had no choice but to stand back and let Nate vent away his anger, even if it hurt him to see his friend hurting himself.

Luckily, it was pretty late in the afternoon and there was pretty much no one around the area at the moment.

It continued on for a few seconds before Nate gave a big sigh as he dropped both arms down to his sides as small drops of blood fell to the ground. Kayden saw this and walked over and looked up at his friend with concern all over his face.

[You done yet?]


[Bro, you seriously need to leave that in the past. It's not healthy for you to continue being affected by something that ended more than a year ago. Well, sixteen years ago technically if we include the amount of time we have lived in this world. That doesn't make it any better though, you should let go]

"Well, I was really starting to let go of it. But, that little event back at the gym brought back some bad memories and reminded me way too much about that girl."

[Well, just try to forget all about it] Kayden sighed as rubbed his forehead with a sigh. The both of them didn't notice a figure suddenly walk up to them, who seemed to be confused by the situation as they saw Nate just standing there.


"Huh? Oh, Brock, it's you..." Nate blinked before turning towards the person that had just called out his name. The person was indeed Brock, the gym leader of the Pewter City Gym, former leader anyway. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I ended up traveling along with Ash, he should be challenging the Cerulean Gym now if I'm not mistaken. Though, I should be asking you that question." Brock stated seriously as he noticed Nate's bleeding hands, along with the rather damaged tree. "What's wrong?"

"Just some issues I've been dealing with..."

"Nevermind that for now, let me patch you up." Brock stated firmly as he took out a few bandages from his backpack before grabbing hold of Nate's hands. He started wrapping Nate's hands as he spoke again. "I won't ask you why you were doing what you were just doing, but just don't do it again."

"No promises..."

Brock sighed at this as he quickly finished bandaging up Nate's hands, causing the boy to clench his fists a few times. "I really don't know why you were so angry, but you shouldn't injure yourself like that no matter what the reason is."

"Whatever you say... anyway, you're going to Ash, right?"

"Yeah. I assume you got your badge already and are heading out, right?"

"Yep, that's the plan."


Flashback End


[Alright, we're getting pretty close...]

Nate just nodded his head silently as the two were now sneaking quietly through a jungle area, which surprisingly was on the route towards where Vermillion City was. True, the jungle was a bit of a detour off of the route, it was still pretty close though.

Kayden was sniffing in the air towards a specific scent, which Nate had requested him to do so as there was this particular pokemon he was hoping to catch here. It was a pokemon that he wanted to catch here in Kanto before challenging Surge.

While he was confident that Kayden and Golisopod could defeat Surge on their own, he wanted to start training other pokemon for his team. Using the gym leaders as a way for new pokemon to get battle experience was also quite a bonus as well.

[Alright, the scent's really strong here. It might be just in front of us somewhere]

"Alright, let's climb a bit higher just in case it tries to strike." Nate whispered to Kayden as the male nodded back. They both climbed up the trees slowly and moved across from tree to tree slowly as Nate then looked down after a few of them. "There it is!"

The pokemon had a gaping mouth with pink lips and two sharp teeth. Its semicircular eyes appeared directly under its mouth and it had several dark green spots on its body, and on either side of its body was a large green leaf. Covering its mouth was a leaf with a long, brown, yellow-tipped vine growing out of it.

The pokemon was, of course, a Victreebell.

This pokemon was something that Nate wanted to add to his team, and while it wasn't the greatest of grass-types out there in the world, he still wanted it. Kayden was more powerful in the special attack department, Golisopod in the physical attack, and while weaker than Kayden at the moment, Nate had no doubt that Golisopod would grow quite a lot in the future, mainly in the physical strength department.

Since he had two pokemon that specialised in close range and also more long-range combat, he wanted a pokemon that was a balance of both. Victreebell was one of those. The pokemon had quite the balance in stats when it came to both special and normal attack stats.

Also, having a grass-type pokemon to go up against Lt. Surge in the next gym wasn't a bad idea either. He was going to be using Kayden and Victreebell if he were to be able to catch it right now, he wanted to give Golisopod a bit of a rest. Kayden just wanted to battle more.

Personally, Nate would have wanted to catch one of Victreebell's previous evolutions since he would be able to train them from the bottom up. But, he couldn't find any of them, and when he caught onto this honey scent, he just decided to take the chance. Plus, he was sure he could still train Victreebell properly despite it being fully evolved.

[Just look at her, she was definitely trying to lure something to chow down on] Kayden deadpanned and scoffed. True to his words, the Victreebell was sitting still while glancing her eyes from left to right to see what would come near her.

"So, it's a female? Okay, Kayden, ready?"

[Of course]

"Then use Thunderbolt, let's give it a surprise shock." Kayden grinned before jumping off of the tree like a flying squirrel before releasing sparks from his cheeks. He then released a Thunderbolt down towards the unexpecting Victreebell.

The attack soon made contact as Victreebell seemed to jerk around due to the volts that were going through her body, to which Kayden soon stopped the attack as Victreebell fell back to the ground on her face as she was struggling to get back up.

Seeing this, Nate could instantly tell that this Victreebell wasn't insanely powerful. Though, probably still rather impressive compared to others. The fact alone that the pokemon was managing to get up spoke volumes of her willpower and more, probably being a grass-type helping with that.

Nate jumped on down before calmly tossing a pokeball towards the Victreebell that looked up at them with a glare in her eyes. Nate and Kayden didn't want to waste any time, and they could also tell that the one Thunderbolt was probably enough as is.

They both calmly watched as the ball shook a number of times before stopping as small white particles exploded from the ball, signaling the successful capture as they smiled. Nate picked up the pokeball before taking out his pokedex and scanning it.

"Hoh~? Not a bad moveset. I can work with this." Nate smiled as he read over the information that was displayed on his pokemon about his recent catch. Kayden jumped onto his shoulders and looked as well, also seeming satisfied as he nodded at the info as well.

Victreebell definitely needed some training if Nate wanted her to be able to catch up with Kayden and Golisopod, which he will definitely be doing before challenging Surge at his gym when they arrive. Nate then looked at Kayden.

"Want to get some training in after we get out of the jungle?"

[Sure, VIctreebell needs some training]
