
The Beginning

A 16 year old boy ready to become a Pokemon trainer, has his sights set on becoming the best Pokemon trainer in the Kanto region. His name is Chris Logan. To obtain this dream he has to beat all 8 gym leaders and obtain 8 gym badges, beat the elite 4 and defeat the champion.

As Chris' alarm clock goes off he jumps out of bed, gets ready and goes downstairs to greet his mother. Chris: Good morning mom. Mom: Good morning Chris. Mom: Aww my little boy setting off on his own I'm so proud of you. As Chris blushes he says " Mom I'm not little anymore, I'm 5'8" ! ". Mom: You look just like your father, blonde hair, blue eyes, spikey hair. Chris: Well I better get going, don't wanna be late to get my starter. Chris gives his mom a hug and says goodbye. Chris rushes over to Professor Oak's lab and standing next to him was his one and only rival Blake. Professor Oak: Today is finally the day you both get a starter Pokemon, I have these three to choose from. Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. Chris decides to go with Charmander and Blake chooses Squirtle. Blake: Hey Chris wanna test our Pokemon, see how strong they are ? Chris: Your on ! Blake: Use Tackle! Charmander screams in pain from a hard tackle. Chris: Use Scratch! Blake: Use Withdraw! As Charmander continuously uses scratch, Squirtle tanks the attack and smashes Charmander and Blake wins the battle. Blake: Wow you lost your first battle, don't beat yourself up though, your Charmander probably just has a low defense. Catch you later Chris. Chris: Well I'm not gonna let one lost get me down' I'll get stronger and better next time.