
Chapter 70: The Ancient Puzzle of Pokemopolis

(One sunny day.)

(somewhere in the forest outside of Pallet Town.)

(Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Pikachu, Agility attack!"

(Pikachu sprints forward.)

(Then Brock says.)

Brock: "Then we'll use an Agility attack, too! Vulpix, go!"

(Vulpix dashes forward.)

(As it turns out, Mew and Brock are having a Pokemon battle.)

(Pikachu vs. Vulpix. Mew continues to have her training and Brock agrees to be her opponent.)

(A good day to continue training for the Pokemon League.)

(Meanwhile, Tomo is playing with Eevee, Meloetta, Skwovet, Togepi, and Pichu.)

(Misty is fishing as she turns to see the battle.)

(Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Pikachu, Thunder Shock attack!"

(Pikachu charges up for his attack, and fires it at Vulpix.)

(Vulpix quickly dodges the attack.)

Brock: "Vulpix, Flamethrower!"

(Brock calls out.)

(Vulpix charges for her Flamethrower as Pikachu charges for another attack.)

(However, a Pokemon appears between the battlefield.)

(It's a shadow-like Pokémon holding a golden mask that has a face on it.)

(It has two shadowy, tendril-like arms and large, red eyes.)

(It also has a small tail-like appendage that holds the mask.)

(This shocks Mew and Brock.)

(Mew cries out.)

Mew: "Pikachu, hold it!"

Brock: "Vulpix, deflect it!"

(Brock calls out.)

(Both Pokemon aim their attacks away from the Pokemon and to the wall, causing a big explosion.)

(Meanwhile, in a different part of the area.)

(a woman with short blue hair and a red headband, wearing archaeological clothes hears the explosion.)

(There are also other men who are wearing the same outfits, hear it too.)

(A man asks.)

???: "Huh? What was that?"

???: "I'm not sure,"

(The woman answers.)

(Back at the battle field.)

(the explosion breaks the wall and the debris has fallen to the ground.)

(and it seems to uncover some kind of structure.)

Mew: "Wow, Pikachu. Your attacks are getting pretty strong."

(Mew says.)

Pikachu: "Pika," (I guess.)

(Pikachu replies.)

(Mew kneels down and picks up the Pokemon.)

(that has been knocked down by the attacks.)

Mew: "Are you okay? You should be more careful."

(Mew says.)

(The Pokemon looks at Mew and says.)

Yamask: "Yamask. Yamask. (Sorry. I was just passing through.)


Mew: "That's okay, just be more careful, okay."

(Mew says.)

Yamask: "Yamask," (Okay.)

(The Pokemon says.)

Misty: "What kind of Pokemon is that?"

(Misty asks.)

Brock: "It's a Yamask. It's very rare to see them around here."

(Brock says.)

Tomo: "It looks cool."

(Tomo says.)

(Mew brings out her Pokedex.)

Mew: "Yamask, huh."

(Then Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Yamask, the Spirit Pokemon. A Ghost Type. The spirit of a person from a bygone age became this Pokémon. It rambles through ruins, searching for someone who knows its face. This Pokemon originated in the Unova Region."

Tomo: "Neat,"

(Tomo says.)

(Misty turns away from the others and says.)

Misty: "Looks like we accidentally uncovered something. But what?"

Mew: "Yeah,"

(Mew says.)

(Brock walks to the ancient structure and says.)

Brock: "Looks like some kind of temple or something."

(Brock moves some of the rocks and looks to find something inside.)

Brock: "Hey! Look at this!"

(and picks it up.)

(Misty, Mew, Tomo, and the Pokemon surround Brock and look at the object Brock has found.)

(It's cylinder shape with two cones on both sides.)

(It's a gold amber color with strange patterns on it.)

(It also appears to have a blue gem or stone with a slot in the middle.)

Misty: "It looks sort of pretty."

(Misty comments.)

Tomo: "Yeah, pretty weird!"

(Tomo says.)

(Mew looks at it.)

Mew: "Wonder what it is."

(Suddenly, someone snatches Brock's hand, shocking the group.)

(They turn to see a woman with short blue hair and wears a red headband and is dressed like an archaeologist.)

(She observes the object with a magnifying glass.)


(Seeing what it is, the woman gets excited.)

???: "I finally found it!"

Misty: "You did?"

(Misty says, confused.)

(The woman turns around and calls out.)

???: "Professor! Look what I found!"

(She hurries over and gives it to the professor.)

(The man, who she calls professor happily says.)

professor: "Well, you've done it again! That's great work, Eve."

(Then Brock comes over.)

Brock: "Uh, sir. I'm the one who found whatever it is that is! We were having a training battle and.."

(The girl called Eve, interrupts and shakes Brock's hands.)

Eve: "Yes, thanks a lot. Couldn't have done it without you. Very helpful."

(Then turns to the professor.)

Eve: "This is the discovery we've been hoping for! I can hardly believe we found it!"

Misty: "We found it,"

(Misty mutters.)

(Then the professor happily says.)

professor: "Congratulations. Your discovery proves your hypothesis beyond any doubt."

(Mew and her friends are confused by this.)

(Then Eve says.)

Eve: "I think we should move the camp here, and begin a major excavation of the temple and the surrounding area.

(The professor laughs and says.)

professor: "Just take a look."

(Eve looks to see the crew has already done so.)

Eve: "Professor, you've already done it,"

(Eve says.)

(Just then, Mew asks.)

Mew: "Um excuse us, ma'am."

(Eve turns to notice the others.)

Eve: "Oh, hello. Can I help you?"

Mew: "Um yeah. I'm Mew, this is Pikachu, and Eevee, and this is Yamask,"

(Mew says.)

Tomo: "I'm Tomo, this is Skwovet, and Meloetta."

(Tomo says.)

Misty: "And I'm Misty, this is Togepi and Pichu,"

(Misty says.)

Brock: "And I'm Brock, it's nice to meet you,"

(Brock says, blushing.)

(As Mew and her friends talk with Eve.)

(Team Rocket is close by and have their binoculars focus on the ancient ruins.)


(Jessie laughs and says.)

Jessie: "Looks like the twerp patrol is onto something. Something valuable."

James: "It could be a veritable vault of valuables!"

(James says.)

Meowth: "And now it's our vault."

(Meowth says.)

(Down at the excavation site.)

(while the researchers dig up the ruins.)

(Mew and her friends are in the tent with Eve.)

(They are getting to know Eve and what she does.)

(Plus, Eve is showing them the artifacts they found.)

(Mew looks at one of them.)

Mew: "You know, this statue looks like a Psyduck."

(Then Misty says.)

Misty: "I remember reading about a hidden city where the people built temples to honor Pokémon."

Brock: "If they built a temple to honor Psyduck, they weren't hidden. They were lost."

(Brock comments.)

(Then Tomo asks.)

Tomo: "What was the name of this city?"

Misty: "I think it was called Pokémopolis. And it got destroyed and then totally disappeared."

(Misty says

(Brock picks up the statue and says.)

Brock: "The people who lived there believed Pokemon were symbols of nature's power, at least that's how the legend goes."

(Then comes to realize.)

Brock: "Hey! Maybe Pokémopolis was here!"

Eve: "We may have discovered the first positive proof of the real Pokémopolis! It's a real find!"

(Eve says, excited.)

(Just then, the professor runs inside the tent.)

professor: "Doctor! Look here!"

(The professor shows Eve the spoon.)

(that has the same color and pattern as the relic Mew and the others found.)

Eve: "The same material as the other relic. Where was it?"

(Eve replies.)

professor: "Right near the original one,"

(The professor says.)

(Eve takes the spoon and turns to the other relic.)

Eve: "The great two powers of destruction. These relics might be the key."

Tomo: "The key?"

(Tomo says, confused.)

Mew: "To what?"

(Mew wonders.)


(Then Misty asks.)

Misty: "Come, you called Eve doctor? She's way too young to be a real doctor."

professor: "By age six, Eve was already an expert in ancient Pokémopolitian civilization. Her research revolutionized the field! She got her PHD at eight."

(The professor explains, making Eve blush a bit.)

(Everyone exclaims.)

Everyone: "She must be a super brain!"

Pikachu and Skwovet: "Pika! Skwov! (Genius!)

(Pikachu and Skwovet say.)

Eevee and Meloetta: "Eev! Loetta!" (Super smart!)

(Eevee and Meloetta reply.)

(The professor laughs.)

professor: "When she was nine, Eve wrote her best selling book on her new theories on Pokémop.."

(But is interrupted when Eve moves him out of the tent.)

(Embarrassed, Eve says.)

Eve: "Okay, that's enough about me, Professor. You've got work to do!"

(And makes him leave the tent.)

professor: "Yes, doctor!"

(The professor says.)

(Meanwhile, Mew and her friends are baffled by Eve's accomplishments.)

Brock: "Doctor,"

(Brock says, smiling.)

Mew: "Already,"

(Mew replies.)

Misty: "When I was eight, I used to be afraid of doctors."

(Misty says, feeling weary.)

(Eve turns to the others.)

Eve: "Please, it's no big deal. And it's not like I had perfect grades or anything. I got an A minus, once."

(And chuckles sheepishly.)

(As Eve makes the spoon in her hand move, the relic begins to react.)

(Suddenly, Pikachu and Eevee notice it, but no one else does.)

(Mew notices and asks.)

Mew: "What's the matter, guys?"

Pikachu: "Pi. Pikachu," (I. I don't know.)

(Pikachu answers.)

Eevee: "Eevee," (Me either.)

(Eevee says.)

(Then Eve places a stone tablet on the table.)

Eve: "Here, look at this stone tablet I discovered."

Misty: "That writing. What does it say, Eve?"

(Misty asks.)

(Then Brock says.)

Brock: "Is it about Pokémopolis?"

(Eve answers.)

Eve: "It says: 'Beware the two great powers of destruction. The shadow of the dark device will grapple with the prisoner of the unearthly urn. The sacred city will be no more, as day is swallowed up by night. Darker still for when they return to lay waste the world. But no human knows the secret to sooth the powers and guide them back to the shadow world."

(Then explain.)

Eve: "I've been trying to figure it out. It's one of the toughest mysteries I ever had to solve."

(Mew and her friends are rather surprised.)

(And Brock leaps forward and says.)

Brock: "Eve, what are we waiting for? Let's both start digging and solve that mystery!"

(Brock then rushes out with excavation tools in his hands.)

(Eve turns to the others.)

Eve: "Brock must love mysteries."

(Everyone chuckles nervously.)

Tomo: "He loves something."

(Tomo comments.)


(Mew looks at the tablet and says.)

Mew: "You know Eve, that tablet sounds almost like a kind of warning."

Eve: "A warning you say. You might be onto something. But it raises the question of what kind of warning."

(Eve says.)

(Meanwhile, Team Rocket continues to watch the action from the far.)

(Hearing the conversation, Meowth says.)

Meowth: "I'd sure love to have lived in an ancient city that built temples to honor the great Pokémon."

(He jumps on top of Jessie and James' heads and calls out.)

Meowth: "Bow down, humans and obey!"

(Then Jessie and James squish him.)

(James uses his foot and Jessie uses her fist.)

(Later in the night, Mew and her friends are sleeping with Eve in the R.V.)

(The Yamask decides to stay with them.)

(As they sleep, the relic begins to glow and the spoon begins to move.)

(Outside of the R.V. Team Rocket makes their move.)

(They hold pieces of bushes as they do their motto.)

Jessie (quietly): To protect the world from devastation.

James (quietly): To unite all peoples within our nation.

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.

James: To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie: Jessie.

James: James.

(Meowth rushes to them and says.)

Meowth: "Shh!"

(Then quietly says.)

Meowth: "Let's swipe all their swag and scram."

James: "Let's sneak into their camper and grab those relics."

(James says.)

(But Jessie says.)

Jessie: "Those little trinkets aren't worth the effort. The really big stuff must be hidden deep within that temple, and I know just how to get it."

(She brings out her Pokeball and calls out.)

Jessie: "Go, Arbok."

(With that, Arbok comes out of its Pokeball.)

(Jessie commands Arbok.)

Jessie: "Arbok, burrow into that temple and bring back the most valuable treasure you can find."

(Arbok then starts burrowing down underground as Jessie laughs in triumph.)

Jessie: "Well, soon, we'll all be filthy rich,"

(Jessie says.)

(Then turns to James.)

Jessie: "What wastefully extravagant things will you do with your share?"

James: "Well, first I'll pay the boss all the money I owe him."

(James says.)

(But Jessie angrily says.)

Jessie: "What?! That's the most ridiculous idea I ever heard! Don't you know that with all that money, you won't have to do the decent things?!"

James: "If the treasure's large enough, I can make myself the boss."

(James says.)


(Then says in confidence.)

James: "The big enchilada!"

Jessie: "The top tamale!"

(Jessie says.)

James: "The king quesadilla!"

(James says.)

(Meowth shakes his head.)

Meowth: "It's such a shame they're so power hungry."

(And is annoyed that Jessie and James are hungry for power.)

(but seems to also be hungry for food.)

(Jessie continues.)

Jessie: "The grand guacamole!"

James: "The number one nacho!"

(James adds.)

(Just then, Arbok shoots out from the rocky wall.)

(Jessie happily says.)

Jessie: "Aha! Here's Arbok!"

(The group notices Arbok holding three small black spheres in its mouth.)

(Confused, James asks.)

James: "Wasn't there anything glitzier?"

Meowth: "It sure looks mighty measly,"

(Meowth comments.)

(Then Jessie asks.)

Jessie: "You mean that's the most valuable treasure you could find?"

(Suddenly, the three spheres begin to glow.)

(and the glow envelopes Arbok and the spheres absorb it inside.)

(much to Team Rocket's shock.)

(Inside the camper, the artifacts are beginning to glow and react to the ones Arbok found.)

(Back outside, the black spheres appear to be moving on it's own or some kind of invisible creature.)

(its evidence are the footsteps it's making as it approaches Team Rocket, petrified with fear.)

(They all scream and try to run away, but the spheres seem to petrify them.)

Jessie: "We're not moving!"

(Jessie panics.)

Meowth: "I'm catatonic!"

(Meowth says.)

(The creature continues to walk towards the petrified Team Rocket.)

(The next day, Mew and the others notice Team Rocket's handiwork.)


Brock: "Eve, look!"

(Brock says.)

Eve: "Giant footprints! And they're coming from the temple!"

(Eve says.)

(Soon Mew notices the black spheres.)

Mew: "What are those things?"

professor: "This must be the dark device that's mentioned in the tablet!"

(The professor says.)

Eve: "Let's analyze it in the camper,"

(Eve says.)

professor: "Right,"

(The professor says and picks up the device.)

(Suddenly, the device then absorbs him into it.)

(shocking everyone who witnessed it.)

(Soon, the device shows the professor trapped.)

(inside along with Team Rocket and Arbok.)

Mew: "Team Rocket?!"

(Mew says, shocked.)

Tomo: "What are they doing in there?!"

(Tomo adds, stunned.)

(Eve cries out.)

Eve: "Run! Hurry!"

(Everyone soon runs for their lives.)

(but the creature of the dark devices freezes some of the workers.)

(Eve along with Mew, her friends, and the Pokemon rush inside the camper.)

(Mew and her friends watch in shock to see the workers being absorbed into the device.)

(However, they turn around to notice the other artifacts are moving.)

(Outside, the creature is starting to take up a physical form.)

(Inside the dark device, Team Rocket and the researchers are still trapped.)

(Jessie asks, frightened.)

Jessie: "What's happening? Where are we?"

professor: "Somehow, we've been transported inside the dark device. Fascinating."

(The professor says.)

James: "I'd rather be at the beach,"

(James says.)

(The device continues to go.)

(and soon it takes on the form of a Pokemon with a strange pattern on its body.)


Brock: "Hey, look! It's a giant Gengar!"

(Brock says.)

Misty: "How could a Gengar get to be so humongous?!"

(Misty asks.)

Mew: "You're right. I've never seen a Gengar that size before! Haunter's friend was no bigger than me."

(Mew says.)

(Soon, the giant Gengar causes the clouds to gather and block out the sun.)

Mew: "And it didn't have those weird markings on it."

(Mew says.)

(Then Eve says.)

Eve: "This must be what the tablet meant. The shadow of the dark device.

Mew: "I'm starting to think you're right,"

(Mew says.)

(Then turns to the floating objects.)

Mew: "And maybe we're right in the middle of a mystery that's too scary to solve!"

(Outside, the Gengar begins to grow bigger.)

(and the effects spread across the sky.)

(At the corral, Professor Oak, Krabby, and Muk take notice.)

Professor Oak: "Looks like a storm,"

(Professor Oak says.)

(Meanwhile, Zeraora, and the forest Pokemon begin to notice as well, sensing something wrong.)

(Somewhere in the forest, Gengar walks through the forest.)

(with Mew and the others close behind.)

Eve: "Gengar's going somewhere!"

(Eve says.)

Misty: "It's probably gonna head straight for the nearest town, to wreck it!"

(Misty says.)

Mew: "We've gotta stop it!"

(Mew says, and hurries off.)

(But Eve protests.)

Eve: "It's too powerful!"

Mew: "The nearest town is my home town."

(Mew says.)

Eve: "But you won't be able to stop it!"

(Eve says.)

Mew: "Maybe you're right, but we gotta do something!"

(Mew says.)

(Then hurries off.)

Mew: "Let's go, Pikachu! You too, Eevee!"

Pikachu: "Pika!" (On it!)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eevee!" (Let's go!)

(Eevee says.)

(Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Mew, I'm coming with you!"

Tomo: "Me too!"

(Tomo says.)

(Misty and Tomo hurry after them.)


(Brock turns to Eve.)

Brock: "We'll go with them, you go back to the camper and try to figure out this mystery before it's too late!"

(With that, the group hurries towards the giant sized Gengar.)

(Meanwhile, the two artifacts continue to glow and move as they are levitating.)

(Back in the forest, the giant Gengar is toppling the trees with every step it takes.)

(It even breaks power lines as it walks through.)

(Soon, Mew and her friends are not far behind.)

Brock: "I can handle this!"

(Brock says, holding his Pokeball.)

(Then throws it.)

Brock: "Onix, go!"

(With that, Onix materializes from the Pokeball.)

(Brock calls out.)

Brock: "Hurry, Onix! Go underground and block that Gengar!"

(Onix then burrows underground.)

(Then, Mew throws her Pokeballs and calls out.)

Mew: "Pidgeotto, I choose you!"

(Soon, Pidgeotto comes out of its Pokeball.)

(Then Pidgeotto flies towards the giant Gengar.)

(Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Pidgeotto, Gust attack!"

(Pidgeotto then performs Gust Attacks the best it can.)

(but it doesn't seem to affect the giant Gengar.)

(Then it's eyes glow, stopping Pidgeotto in its tracks.)

(Soon, Pidgeotto is absorbed into the dark device.)

(Mew panics.)

Mew: "No!"

(Meanwhile in the device, Pidgeotto falls unconscious.)

(and falls on top of Meowth.)

James: "It's getting crowded in here!"

(James complains.)

(Jessie grabs Pidgeotto and shakes it.)

Jessie: "Can't you battle better than that?! Especially you bumbling bird brain! I'm not looking to be stuck in this stomach forever!"

(Outside, the Gengar continue to march towards Pallet Town.)

(but Onix intercepts it by popping out of the ground.)

(Brock calls out.)

Brock: "Onix, use your Bind attack!"

(Onix wraps around Gengar's leg, but gets absorbed into it's body.)

(That causes the inside of the device to become more crowded.)

Brock: "No!"

(Brock says, stunned.)

Misty: "I don't think any Pokémon can stop that!"

(Misty says.)

Mew: "We gotta stop it, somehow!"

(Mew says.)

(But Tomo asks.)

Tomo: "But how?"

(Meanwhile, inside the Gengar.)

(Just then, the giant Gengar turns around to see Mew and the others.)

(That causes the group to panic.)

(Back in the camper, the device begins to glow again.)


(Outside of the camper, Mew and the others run away from the giant Gengar.)

(and hurry inside to see Eve is levitating in the air with the artifacts and her eyes are glowing yellow.)

(Brock cries out.)

Brock: "Eve!"

(and tries to save her, but the others stop him.)

Misty: "No!"

(Misty cries out.)

Mew: "You'll get caught in the spell, just like her!"

(Mew says.)

Brock: "We can't let Eve get swallowed up, too!"

(Brock says.)

Tomo: "We'll think of someway to save her!"

(Tomo says.)

(But Brock calls out.)

Brock: "Let me go! I've got to save Eve!"

(As the group talk, the glass dome covering the artifact Brock found shatters.)

(and the spoon the professor has found is floating over Eve's hand.)

(Soon, the spoon inserts into the slot on the other artifacts.)

(emitting a glow and flying out of the camper.)

(Moments later.)

(Mew and the others find themselves on the ground with Eve free and in Brock's arms.)

Brock: "Are you okay?"

(Brock asks, concerned.)

Eve: "What happened? I can't remember a thing."

(Eve says.)

(Just then, Tomo notices.)

Tomo: "Guys look!"

(Mew and the others look to see a shadow coming out of the other artifacts.)

(Soon, the artifacts take the form of another pokemon.)

(The giant pokemon is a humanoid Pokémon with a large mustache.)

(It has a long, thin snout, narrow eyes, ear-like spikes extending from the top of its head, and an additional spike protruding from each cheek.)

(Covering its yellow, skeletal body are brown armor-like sections over its chest, shoulders, forearms, and knees.)

(There are three toes on each foot, each of which has a white claw.)

(Two of the toes face forward, while one faces backwards.)

(It wields a silver spoon in each hand.)

Mew: "Woah! That's an Alakazam!"

(Mew says, surprised.)

(But Mew says, frightened.)

Mew: "Don't you mean, Alacolossal?"

(Mew gets out her Pokedex, and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Alakazam, a Psi Pokémon and the final evolved form of Abra. A Psychic Type. This Pokémon uses psychic attacks to overcome its opponents.

Mew: "Attacks must be a hundred times stronger from the super-sized Alakazam!"

(Mew says.)

(Just then, the giant Alakazam attacks, but Gengar side.)

(steps and a strange object forms when it impacts on the ledge.)

(Then on the ground when the dodges again)

Misty: "What are those?"

(Misty asks.)


Brock: "I don't know, and I'm not so sure we want to find out."

(Brock says, worried.)

(The giant Gengar licks giant Alakazam.)

(but it teleports behind the Gengar mid attack and uses its own.)

(But Gengar retaliates, but Gengar blocks the attack.)

(Soon, both Pokemon begin to use their attacks against each other.)

(That's when Eve remembers what she reads on the Tablet.)

Eve: "Beware the two great powers of destruction. The shadow of the dark device will grapple with the prisoner of the unearthly urn. The sacred city will be no more and day swallowed up by night. Darker still for when they return to lay waste the world."

(Then remembers what Eve says.)

Eve: "You know Eve, that tablet sounds almost like a kind of warning."

(That's when Eve realizes what the tablet means.)

(And explains to the others.)

Eve: "Now I understand! These two creatures destroyed the city of Pokémopolis and now they're going to destroy us!"

Mew: "We gotta stop them!"

(Mew says.)

Tomo: "But how?"

(Tomo asks.)

Misty: "He's right! How could we stop them if the Pokémopolitans couldn't?"

(Misty says.)

Eve: "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I should never have tried to solve the mystery of Pokémopolis!"

(Eve says, feeling like this is her fault.)

(But Brock says.)

Brock: "Don't blame yourself, Eve! Archaeologists are supposed to solve mysteries!"

Misty: "He's right. You didn't know this would happen,"

(Misty says.)

Mew: "Yeah. None of this is your fault. You never expected this."

(Mew says.)

(Then Tomo says.)

Tomo: "Yeah. I say its the ancient Pokémopolitans' fault for making their stupid tablet so hard to figure out!"

Mew: "Let's worry about that later. I might have an idea on how to stop it,"

(Mew says, and brings out her Pokeballs.)

(Soon, Misty realizes.)

Misty: "You're gonna try catching them?!"

Mew: "They may be ancient and super powerful, but they're still Pokémon! Maybe we can catch them."

(Mew says.)

(Then throws her Pokeballs.)

Mew: "Go, Pokéball!"

(Mew throws the Pokeball to capture the Pokeballs.)

(However, they notice and use their powers to destroy the Pokeballs, much to the heroes' shock.)

Brock: "Mew I want to save your home town, too, but these Pokémon are way too powerful for us to handle! Maybe we better get help!"

(Brock says.)

(Just then, the two giant Pokemon use their powers.)

(to petrify Mew and the others as Pikachu, Eevee, Yamask, Skwovet, Meloetta, and Pichu head to the river.)


Brock: "My, body's frozen!"

(Brock says.)

Misty: "Mine, too,"

(Misty says.)

(Just then, Pikachu and the others hurry over.)

(Pikachu and Eevee cry out.)

Pikachu and Eevee: "Pika Pi! Eevee!" (Mew!)

Mew: "The others escaped the spell,"

(Mew says.)

(Then calls out.)

Mew: "Pikachu, Eevee, quick into the water."

Pikachu: "Pika!" (On it!)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eevee!" (Got it!")

(Eevee says.)

(Then they both head to the river.)

(Then Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Pichu, help Pikachu and Eevee."

Pichu: "Pichu," (Okay.)

(Pichu says.)

(Pikachu, Eevee, and Pichu jump into the river.)

(Then Mew and Misty call out.)

Mew and Misty: "Pikachu/Pichu, use Thunder Shock!"

(Then Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Eevee, use Thunderbolt!"

(With that, they all perform their electric attacks and with the water.)

(they sit the giant Pokemon with full force.)

(freeing the group trapped under the spell.)

(However, that shocked everyone trapped inside the black device.)

(Mew says.)

Mew: "Nice going, Pikachu! You too Eevee!"

(Misty picks up Pichu, who is dizzy from the shock.)

Misty: "You did good too, Pichu."

(The two giant Pokemon then begin to attack all over the place.)

(and it destroys the camper.)

(Mew and the others are able to hide behind a large boulder.)

Mew: "We can't give up now!"

(Mew says.)

Eve: "But, Mew, the tablet states nobody knows the secret to stopping these creatures from destroying everything!"

(Eve says.)

Misty::"Eve's right, Mew!"

(Misty says.)

(Then Tomo has an idea.)

Tomo: "I know, how about we get them to sleep. They gotta be tired by now."

Mew: "Great idea. Meloetta and Jigglypuff can use their singing to sleep,"

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Okay,"

(Misty says.)

(Then throws her Pokeball.)

Misty: "Come on out, Jigglypuff."

(With that, Jigglypuff comes out and says.)

Jigglypuff: "Jiggly." (Hi everyone.)

(Misty kneels to Jigglypuff.)

Misty: "Jigglypuff, we need you and Meloetta's help on this one."

Brock: "They could be a heavyweight knockout!"

(Brock says.)

(While the two giants keep grappling with each other.)

(Jigglypuff and Meloetta get on the cliff and prepare to sing.)

(as Mew and her friends are a short distance, but close to where the Pokemon are.)


Mew: Okay, Jigglypuff and Meloetta, if this works, you'll be Pallet Town's favorite vocalists."

(Mew says.)

(Jigglypuff and Meloetta nod to each other and begin to sing their songs.)

(In the device, Team Rocket and Pidgeotto applauded.)

(Jessie happily says.)

Jessie: "That's the most beautiful music I've ever heard!"

Meowth: "Yeah! Encore! Encore!"

(Meowth cheers.)

(Jigglypuff and Meloetta continue to sing.)

(but they don't have any effect on the giants.)

(However, the stone bell on top of the temple begins to react to the singing as Team Rocket begins to feel sleepy.)

(Meowth yawns and asks.)

Meowth: "How come they're not getting sleepy?"

James: "Maybe Jigglypuff isn't loud enough,"

(James suggests.)

(Then Jessie says, feeling tired.)

Jessie: "I'd love to talk more, but I need my beauty sleep."

(Soon, Team Rocket falls asleep with Pidgeotto and Onix.)

(Just then, Gengar pushes Alakazam back.)

(The two Pokemon panic, and Meloetta picks up Jigglypuff as they fly away.)

(Then join up with the others, both Tomo and Misty take their Pokemon in their arms.)

Tomo: "Are you okay, Meloetta?"

(Tomo asks.)

(Meloetta nods her head in reply.)

Misty: "It's okay Jigglypuff, you did your best,"

(Misty says.)

Mew: "Now what?"

(Mew wonders.)

(Suddenly, Pikachu notices something,)

Pikachu: Pika Pi!" (Mew!)

(The group looks to see the bell is floating towards the other giant Pokemon.)

Tomo: "What's happening now?"

(Tomo wonders.)

(The two Pokemon notice the bell approaching them.)

(Soon, the bell glows and a giant Pokemon appears.)

Mew: "Is that a Jigglypuff?"

(Mew asks.)

Misty: "More like Bigglypuff?!"

(Misty says, surprised.)

(All the Pokemon are surprised, but Jigglypuff is the most astonished to see a giant version of her own kind.)

(is a giant sized Pokemon with the bell on its head.)

(Then the giant Jigglypuff then grabs the bell as it falls off it's head.)

(Soon, it begins to sing to the other giant Pokemon like the bell is a microphone.)

(The voice is so loud that it's hurting everyone's ears.)

(Soon enough, everyone begins to get sleepy, even the giant Pokemon are getting tired.)


Eve: "That's the, secret that soothes the powers of destruction,"

(Eve says.)

Brock: "I'm feeling kinda soothed, myself,"

(Brock says.)

Mew: "Yeah, me too,"

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Me, three,"

(Misty says.)

Tomo: "Me, four,"

(Tomo adds.)

(Soon everyone falls asleep due to the powerful song of the giant Jigglypuff.)

(Soon, the storm clouds disappears.)

(However, the show is short-lived when it notices the two giant Pokemon sleeping.)

(It puffs up its cheek in anger and takes out the tip of the bell that actually holds a paint brush.)

(Then it scribbles on their faces.)

(Then the Pokemon calls out.)

giant Jigglypuff: "PUFF!"

(Later in the evening, everyone is starting to wake up.)

(Soon, Eve realizes something as she wakes up.)

Eve: "Wake up!"

(Soon, Mew and the others wake up as well.)

Mew: "Where's that, Jiggly-giant?"

(Mew wonders.)

(Meanwhile, back at the site, everyone who has been trapped in the dark device are now free.)

(human and Pokemon alike.)

(Soon, Mew and the others hurry towards them.)

(Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Hey!"

(Dazed by what happened, James says,.)

James: "What a nightmare."

Meowth: "But it's over now,"

(Meowth says.)

(Soon, they all begin to cry and hug each other as Jessie and James say.)

Jessie and James: "We survived!"

(Mew giggles and says.)

Mew: "Welcome back, Team Rocket."

(They all stop crying and turn to see Mew.)

(Then they quickly stand on their feet.)

James: "It's her again!"

(James says.)

Jessie: "We'll let you and friends off easy, this time, twerp, but next time, you won't be so lucky!"

(Jessie says.)

James: "Let's go!"

(James says.)

(Then they all rush off as they say.)

Team Rocket: "Team Rocket's dashing off again!"

(and laugh.)


Pikachu: "Pika Pika! (So long, losers!)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee!" (See you when we beat you again!)

(Eevee says.)

(Then Misty wonders.).

Misty: "But what happened to Gengar and Alakazam?"

Eve: "Returned to the Shadow World, again, I guess,"

(Eve suspects.)

(Then Brock says.)

Brock: "This is awesome. Eve, maybe a giant Jigglypuff was the protector of Pokémopolitan civilization!"

Eve: "If you're right, Brock, than it's also possible these relics were actually the first primitive Pokéballs!"

(Eve says, seeing the relics.)

Mew: "Whoa! Really?"

(Mew asks, amazed.)

Eve: "That'll be the next mystery I try to tackle. And,"

(Eve says.)

(Then picks up the urn.)

Eve: "This could be the key that unlocks all the secrets of Pokémopolis!"

(Mew smiles with glee as Yamask is still in her arms.)

(After this little adventure.)

(Yamask decides to come with Mew and others.)

(They end up with another exciting adventure and Mew has made a new friend.)

[To be continued...]


Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female). Axew (Male). Igglybuff (Female). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Squirtle (Male). Shaymin (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Wartortle (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Poliwrath (Male). Krabby (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Steenee (Female). Meditite (Female). Shiny Ditto. Haunter (Male). Wave A.K.A Alolan Raichu (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Yamask (Male).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Roserade (Female). Ursaring (Male). Primeape (Male). Arcanine (Male). Liepard (Female). Muk (Male). Mawile (Female). Sandshrew (Male). Floette (Female). Weepinbell (Female). Ledyba (Female). Diglett (Male). Lileep (Female). Tyrogue (Male). Magnemite. Pansear (Male). Makuhita (Male). Beedrill (Female). Beautifly (Female). Wooloo (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Porygon. Meowstic (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Miltank (Female). Lunatone. Tauros (Male). Cinderace (Female). Aerodactyl (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge. Volcano Badge. Earth Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Horsea (Male). Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). Goldeen (Female). Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male). Shiny Cherubi (Male). Winter A.K.A Alolan Vulpix (Female).

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Item: 2 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Shiny Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones.

stay tuned for next chapter.

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love from odisha ❤️

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