
Pokemon Harem

No memories of his past, Atlas was shocked to find himself reincarnated into a young orphan’s body in the world of Pokémon, memories from a past life locked inside his mind. Determined to rise up in this new world, Atlas strives to not only become the best Pokémon Master ever, but to unravel some of the mysteries around his reincarnation. The deeper his understanding of the world becomes, the more dangerous he realizes it is. Atlas is not deterred though, and his passion only grows as he meets new friends and Pokemon. The story will contain mild mature themes of guns, violence, drugs, and sex.

Reborn_On_Earth · 漫画同人
11 Chs

New Beginnings

On a large rock sat a group of Fletchlings, and a Talonflame. Reminiscent of a teacher in a class, the Talonflame stood in front of the dozen or so Fletchlings. As loyal members of their group, the small pokémon followed their leader to a secluded town. The view of house lights or late night couples enjoying the night's cool breeze was replaced with a barren image of burning houses. 

The Talonflame gave a cry to its group, warning them to stay in place, and took flight to one of the nearest houses. The bird Pokémon's red hue across the night sky was further illuminated by the warm light of the nearing house's fire. The pokemon eloquently landed on the ground, a circle of fire surrounding it. Unlike other pokemon that would feel threatened in such a scenario, the Talonflame instead felt a rush of strength from the dancing flames. 

Looking closer, the flames had a bluish tint to them suggesting the extreme heat radiating from the fast acting fire, continuing to destroy the home at a rapid pace.

Only a strong fire pokémon could produce such a fire, a fact the Talonflame knew from the way its blood pulsed in the fire's presence.

The Pokémon looked around the burning room, and started walking to its left. The quiet sound of the Pokémon's steps were camouflaged behind the fire's kindle. The Talonflame approached one of the only relics left behind by the home's family, a Piplup plush.


Hearing a sharp whistle from the night sky, the Fletchlings cleared the rock's surface, giving the Talonflame room to land. Confused by their leader's intentions to investigate the village, they could only look toward him, waiting for him to chirp. The evolutionary gap between the Talonflame and his flock left him not only stronger, but smarter than the weak Fletchlings.

"Fletchlings ?" One of the group members asked the leader.


The large Talonflame stood silent, his slightly enlarged eyes peering at his flock, his eyebrows curving up with his red patterns. The concerned look of the Pokémon was seemingly foreign compared to his large stature and fierce design. Finally, the pokémon's mouth opened, chirping for the group to ascend.



There was a grassy field just outside the town of Nuvema in the region Unova. The town was decently busy; not crowded, nor quiet. 


Like most towns, many grassy fields proliferated on its outskirts. The grass was plentiful and tall, which all of this is to say many strange objects could be found in these tall grasses.

This included bodies, in such a dangerous world, many trainer's dreams became cold and lifeless.

In one field of grass was one such body. Around 10 years old, the skinny boy had chestnut hair, his closed eyes could not disclose their color. Though the life in his eyes were definitely gone, his body was not cold, his passing so new that warmth could be felt from it.


The breeze shifted, swaying the grass to the left, and then to the right. Like a storm, the breeze then began to circle around the boy's body, tangling the grass together, until even the breeze stilled.

However, what could only be called a miracle occurred, the boy moved, like the breeze exchanged its movement for the body's stillness, his fingers began to twitch.


Nearby a young woman curiously watched the breeze circle around a point in the grass. After a minute of walking, she saw right above the grass to view the boy's body. She rushed to his side quickly, feeling his pulse, she took out her med kit and pokédex. The boy had small claw wounds on his body, though upon closer inspection, the women found them to be superficial.


He passed out due to exhaustion. 


"$&&¥¥ $&ke… &$&£ #$&**& Atlas $&$*&…"



The boy's mind awakened with his body.

{$$&&#$ W&&$k$$&e $&$&$& Wake}

[Wha-What happened]

The boy's body felt foreign to him.

{&&#& Wa&*$ W*&**}

"…re you okay?"

There were so many voices calling out to him.


I found myself in pitch dark, my senses gone, It felt like only my mind wasn't still.

But then a voice spoke out, then I heard two voices.

[What the hells happening? I was just in my bed,I—]


In a split second after entering the dark void, I heard a chilling voice, one that rocked my heart and chilled me core.

[N-No, am I dead, b-but my life, I didn't say goodbye to—]


I woke up and instantly layed up, waking up from my nightmare.

[Ughhh… I'm too tired to care about some nightmare, I'm going back to bed.]

"You're awake! Are you okay?"

I eyes snapped to the voice, I heard it before. Was it in my dream?


I turned my eyes to see a young woman, she was looking at me with a concerned expression.

"…Wha-Wh-Whi ar…you…."

My mind was suddenly filled with tons of information, and well…I passed out. 



I woke up in what I assumed was a hospital room. It was clean, mostly white, and barren of all life but myself.

In any other scenario I would be worried and questioning if I was kidnapped, but…

"…Damn. Should I be angry I died, or happy I reincarnated?"

Upon passing out, information of about 10 years poured into my mind from the previous owner of this body Max, who I assumed took over my past body.

Immediately I was overcome by questions: Were was I know? Did Max take over my previous body? Am I imagining all this? Did I die? Was I still on earth? Was my family safe? Was $&$&$&#&# safe?

Who the F$$K was &$*$*&*&&?

"Calm down."

I took a slow steady breath in and out. Whatever happened, I didn't appear to be in danger.

Let's think on the bright side, at least I reincarnated into a younger body, unlike Max. I didn't know my age, but it had to be at least 20s.

[GGs kid, I won the age lottery]

I got a headache every time I tried to remember my past self, but my character was intact and I knew I definitely couldn't be mad about being younger.

I know it's bad bullying kids but for me to just die and move across space to take over a kids body.

Tough luck, I'm just built different.

Though I didn't remember dying, so it's plausible Max died and he's why are bodies switched. Or maybe he wasn't reincarnated, and did truly die.

I didn't have too much time to process my new memories because the doors of the room shortly opened after I woke up. Out came two women: one in a lab coat, and the other the young girl who I glimpsed before passing out.

The young girl walked up to me and took my hand into hers, a concerned expression adorned her face.

"Are you okay?"

"Thanks to you I am. I don't want to know what would've happened if you didn't help me, Ms….?"

"Caitlyn, and no miss, it would make me feel old. I'm one of the elite four members of the Unova region." 

Elite four?

Bingo, I was in Pokémon, and not only did I meet an elite four member, but the other woman in the labcoat was probably the professor of the region.

Before I could ask for the professor's name, I was paused by Caitlyn examining my arms and taking my temperature. She gave a small chant.

"Arceus, watch over this child to keep him safe and help him recover. His mind and body are young and malleable. Let them grow like a fletching, continuing to strengthen his fortune and prospects. "

This seemed to worry the professor because she quickly moved Caitlyn to the side and told her to wait to chant later.

"Relax Caitlin, don't worry the boy."

"It must be a lot to take in, passing out and waking up somewhere new. I am Professor Juniper, the Professor of this region. What's your name?"

Professor Juniper looked very young to be a professor, in fact, Caitlin despite being a elite four member, could fool me to be a teenager. The professor was slim with a bluish shirt and green skirt. To compliment her wear was her white labcoat and red earrings. What really drew my attention though was her green eyes. If I remember correctly, my eyes were green in my last life. Maybe they still are green.

The Professor reached out her hand, to which I shook. 

"I'm Atlas, Atlas Stone."

The original soul of my new body was Max Genger. I was worried I had to deal with family ties, but Max was an orphan. This meant I could change my identity without any parents detecting their son was no longer with them, and explain why they might have no record of my face. 

"Nice to meet you Atlas, we did some examinations on your body and although you seem healthy, we want you to stay in this room the rest of the day, just in case anything happens."

Caitlyn seemed to take this as "later" because what came out of her mouth next slightly concerned me.

"Although your body is healthy, I detected some disconnect between your body and mind. This can happen in extreme scenarios like when you're near death, until this disconnect heals you might experience headaches or pass out, you can ev—"

"CAITILIN…let's not worry Atlas, he's just a boy." 

"Don't worry, none of that will happen. Because I found you Atlas, it's my responsibility to look after you."

"So what, you'll stay at the lab for all day. W-Wait a minute, you're an elite four member, you shoudnt even still be here, don't you have missions or something."

"Not really, other than tracking down Team Rocket members in the area, which they probably won't go anywhere. I'm also pretty young so the region gives me even less to do compared to the other members."

Professor Juniper actually gave a shocked expression (But you're an elite four member, I'm having to work almost every day while you can laze around).

"Anyway, I didn't just sense a disconnect between your body and soul Atlas, I can also sense your future prospects will be quite high. There's also something hidden in you, though I don't know what it is. Juniper, how bout you give me the boy, my Gardevoir could take a peek in his mind. Just a quick in and out."


"Sighhhhh… Is this why you want to watch over the boy, to study him."

"Eep…I-I mean, No."

Professor Juniper just sighed, it seemed Caitlin's behavior wasn't foreign to her.

"Atlas, make sure to rest up, here's a pokédex if you get bored."

The Professor stuck out her hand and gave me the pokédex, it was blue and a little bigger than an average cell phone.

"Caitilin, come outside with me. I just want a little chat."

I watched the semi comedic scene of Professor Juniper pushing Caitilin outside the room while talking to her.

"You know if you have so much free time on your hands, then maybe I should have you work around my lab."

Caitlin had a small pout on her face but let herself be pushed outside the room, leaving me alone.


Watching the two interact…I felt grateful. I was nervous about my sudden transformation into the pokemon world, but the two woman managed to quiet my heart.

I looked down to my new pokédex.

Well, guess I should brush up on my pokémon knowledge.

(This is my first chapter of this series. Please leave any tips or comments you have about this introductory chapter. Also you probably saw this during the chapter, but I won't use [] in the following chapters, so they might seem out of place.)