
Gym of Opelucid city: Part 2

Arriving in front of Drayden, he looked at Touya with a bit of surprise and a smug-eyed smile.

"I did not expect less from the chosen one of the legend, not only did you get here but also very fast, it is gratifying to know that future generations have this great talent" said Drayden crossing his arms with satisfaction and tranquility.

"But hey, even though you got here, you still have to beat me to get the last badge, only if you are able to face the strongest type of pokemon will you be able to go to the league" Drayden said looking at Touya seriously and with a challenging tone.

"Go ahead, it is necessary to defeat you to know my destiny and my place in this story" Touya said returning a defiant and determined smile.

"Say no more" Drayden said in a proud and excited tone.

"Go Fraxure" Drayden said quickly throwing a pokeball in the air.

"You will go first Sawk" Touya said quickly throwing a pokeball from which Sawk came out.

"This battle between challenger Touya and gym leader Drayden will be governed by the rules of a league match, and will start..." Conse said with a professional tone and a bit of emotion as he raised his arm.

Touya thought of a course of action quickly and waited for Conse's order.

"Now!" Conse said lowering his arm with seriousness and emotion.

"Fraxure use dragon dance" Drayden said in a serious and imposing way.

"Sawk use bulk up and then bulldoze" said Touya trying the same as with Krookodile.

And indeed, after Fraxure finished his dance and Sawk expanded and hardened his muscles, by using bulldoze, Fraxure's legs received some damage, which caused the latter to become unbalanced lowering his mobility.

"Not bad, but at some point you'll have to get closer so you're just stalling" Drayden said, arching an eyebrow impressed.

"Fraxure use dragon pulse" Drayden said quickly.

"Sawk double kicks to dodge and attack with low sweep" Touya said seriously as he watched as Fraxure charged his attack.

Fraxure opened his mouth and charged dark blue energy into it, then hurled a beam towards Sawk quickly.

Sawk dodged this beam, leaving a large hole where he was before so that he could quickly approach Fraxure.

"Fraxure use dragon tail" Drayden said reacting quickly to Sawk's closeness.

Fraxure turned around quickly and attacked with his tail colliding with Sawk's attack causing the latter to recoil due to his force and take a little damage.

"Use dragon pulse again" Drayden said as Sawk was close enough that he couldn't dodge.

"Sawk use bulldoze with all your might" Touya said also reacting quickly.

Fraxure recharged his attack against Sawk which slammed his foot against the ground with force, causing a great tremor that knocked Fraxure off balance and caused the dragon pulse to fail.

"Use brick break and then low sweep" Touya said while Fraxure was a bit confused.

"Fraxure use slash" Drayden said a little excited by the battle.

Still, Fraxure did not get enough support on his legs to make the attack and received both blows from Sawk to the stomach and legs, falling to the ground and being knocked out.

Sawk looked a bit tired so he deactivated the bulk up momentarily.

"Fraxure can no longer continue, therefore leader Drayden only has two pokemon left" Conse said seriously and enjoying the fight.

"Not bad, you wore down Fraxure little by little and exploited his weaknesses to defeat him, but I'm sorry to tell you that not everyone has that weakness" Drayden said as he put a hand on his beard with a thoughtful tone and returned Fraxure to his pokeball.

"Anyway, let's get on with the fight, go Druddigon" said Drayden putting the subject aside and throwing another pokeball.

Druddigon readied himself for combat and Touya quickly thought of some weakness to exploit.

"Druddigon use dragon claw and you know what to do when you're close" Drayden said without giving Touya much thought.

"Sawk dodge it and use bulldoze" Touya said without meaning to Sawk hitting Druddigon's armored scales directly.

Druddigon formed green claws on his hands as he approached Sawk quickly like a truck.

Sawk concentrated to dodge it at the best moment and then use bulldoze.

But suddenly Druddigon used scary face and then moved very quickly towards Sawk taking advantage of the moment when he let his guard down.

"Sawk use bulk up!" Touya said worried seeing that Sawk couldn't dodge the attack in any way.

Sawk hardened his muscles again and took the attack head-on, dealing great damage to him.

"Use Druddigon slash" Drayden said quickly without letting Sawk breathe.

"Sawk use brick break and stop him" Touya said seriously and a little concerned.

Druddigon formed two blades in his hands with white energy which were stopped by a brick break of Sawk in his wrists being in a struggling position.

"Druddigon use iron head" Drayden said with a confident smile.

Sawk received a steel head-butt from Druddigon, deactivating his bulk up and knocking him out.

"Sawk can't continue anymore, trainer Touya has 4 pokemon left" Conse said with a professional and serious tone.

"Good job friend, you did a lot more than expected" Touya said proudly returning Sawk to his pokeball.

"As in any gym I will give you a lesson, which I think you do not have yet, what you must learn in this gym is will" said Drayden with a serious and explanatory tone.

"But don't get me wrong, I won't tell you a stupid thing like, 'the will can make you strong', no, the will only makes you use and want to use the strength you already have in its entirety" Drayden said with a totally serious tone as he looked to Touya directly.

"When an enemy is too strong and you can only surrender to despair, swallow your pride and seek help, accept it, do not let your ego overshadow your goal, that is something that is only learned with age" said Drayden apparently remembering something from the past with a serious and a little sad tone.

Touya looked at Drayden a little impressed and then nodded seriously and a little sad upon understanding his words.

"Go Darmanitan, it's your turn" Touya said throwing a pokeball from which an excited Darmanitan came out.

"Darmanitan use belly drum and then use torment" Touya said quickly before Drayden.

"Druddigon use dragon claw again" Drayden said reacting quickly with excitement.

Darmanitan used belly drum hitting his stomach and improving his digestion and attack, to then torment Druddigon and make him unable to use an iron head as a surprise attack as the latter approached him with his green claws.

"Darmanitan get down, get behind him and use thrash" Touya said after discovering Druddigon's weaknesses.

In the first place, Druddigon was taller, so dodging by ducking was easy for Darmanitan.

And secondly, Druddigon is too armored, so he can barely turn his joints and head, so by standing behind him, Darmanitan was able to hit him with great force on the head against the ground and knock him out of the combat.

Although it was difficult for him, Darmanitan continued to use the belly drum, since if he deactivated it he would not be able to use it in the rest of the fight.

"Druddigon can no longer continue, the leader Drayden only has one pokemon left" said Conse a little impressed by the combat.

"Well done Druddigon" Drayden said returning Druddigon to his pokeball with satisfaction.

"Time to get this over with Haxorus" Drayden said excitedly throwing a pokeball from which the evolution of Fraxure came out, an imposing six foot tall green dragon with two large curved blades in its jaw.

Touya and Darmanitan completely focused on the fight and started the last battle.

"I can already feel my blood boiling, Haxorus use dragon dance" Drayden said very excited and ready for combat.

"Darmanitan use flare blitz and leave everything in this last blow" Touya said with determination noticing that Darmanitan would not last much longer on his feet.

"Darmanitan!" Darmanitan said with determination and setting his body on fire for his last attack.

"A frontal attack huh? Go ahead! Haxorus uses a dragon tail" Drayden said, seemingly too immersed in the heat of battle.

"Haxorus!" Haxorus said with an imposing tone being caught by Drayden's emotion and running very quickly towards Darmanitan.

They both ran towards each other with full speed and collided attacks destroying the ground and only leaving a large cloud of smoke.

As the smoke cleared Haxorus had not taken much damage and was on his feet while Darmanitan was on the ground completely weakened.

"Darmanitan can no longer continue, challenger Touya has 3 pokemon left!" Conse said excited also being infected in some way by the combat.

"As always friend, you did much more than I expected" Touya said with a proud smile as he returned Darmanitan to his pokeball.

'Now what am I supposed to do?' Touya thought worriedly seeing that not even Darmanitan's strength was enough against Haxorus.

Touya thought for a moment and remembered a perfect attack for this situation.

"It's your turn Eelektrik" Touya said confidently throwing a pokeball from which a prepared Eelektrik came out.

Drayden was a bit puzzled by this, but he didn't let his guard down for a second and only became more alert.

"Haxorus use dragon dance several times and attack with dragon pulse" Drayden said as he calmed down a bit and thought of any possible Touya plans.

"Eelektrik dodge it with your body and use charge beam as you get closer" Touya said still smiling and with a clear plan in mind.

After doing several dragon dances to the max, Haxorus was at his peak being too fast and strong while Eelektrik was in front of him.

"I don't know what your plan is, but the moment you let Haxorus use so many dragon dances you sealed your defeat" Drayden said a little disappointed and confident of his Haxorus.

Touya just kept quiet and kept trusting his plan while he was sweating nervously.

"Haxorus use dragon claw" Drayden said frowning at not being able to discover Touya's plan and attacking quickly.

"Eelektrik use thunder wave and then volt switch" Touya said reacting as quickly as possible.

And it was a good decision, as, Haxorus moved at an eerie speed towards Eelektrik being paralyzed by the thunder wave but without stopping.

Eelektrik launched a ball of lightning at him and returned to his pokeball as quickly as possible, dodging the attack that left claw marks on the ground with only the shock wave from it.

"Hmph, it's Camila's favorite attack, it's very infuriating" Drayden said with annoyance at remembering that move.

Touya took another pokeball and threw it showing Krookodile quickly understanding his situation.

"Haxorus use dragon tail and finish him off" Drayden said quickly wanting to end the fight before the effects of the dragon dance wear off.

Touya didn't say anything and when Haxorus was close enough he said.

"Krookodile use foul play!" Touya said excitedly causing Drayden to open his eyes in shock and Krookodile to respond quickly.

"Krookodile!" Krookodile said excitedly and covering his fist with dark energy.

Hitting Haxorus in the stomach didn't seem to do much, but after a few seconds it was heard.


Haxorus's scales broke and he was completely still for a moment, then fell to the ground completely weakened.

"Haxorus can't continue anymore! The winner is challenger Touya!" Conse said coming out of his shock with a lot of emotion.

And so ends the fight with the leader Drayden.