
Pokemon: Gotta Catch 'em All

In this exciting fanfic, Ash has aura. Witness his journey to become a Pokemon master with his friends by his side as they take on various challenges. Will they succeed? Read and find out. This is an Amourshipping fic

LOTS_Fiction · 漫画同人
32 Chs

Saffron Gym Conquered

An electrified roar was heard from where Ash's pokéball landed. The air around the pokémon seemed to crackle with electricity as Volt smashed his fists together. He watched in anticipation as Sabrina's pokéball took the form of a feline pokémon. It had a general pink colour scheme and a purple gem in the middle of its head. Its tail also split into two at the edge.

"Espeon," Ash muttered as he identified the said pokémon. It gave off an aura of confidence that led Ash to believe that it was one of Sabrina's more experienced battlers for such a challenge.

Ash didn't waste a moment as he called for his first attack. "Quick attack and thundershock. Test its defenses."

Volt did just that. The young electric type slipped into the speed enhancing move, leaving behind only a trail of white. His antennae crackled with electricity as he sent a small bolt of it at Espeon.

Espeon merely evaded the attack in an instant that Ash wasn't even sure that he had seen the psychic type move.

"Karate chop," Ash called to the electric type. Volt's hand glowed white as he charged the psychic type who just stood there awaiting the attack. Volt swiped down, but Espeon dodged. He continued the assault but it wielded the same result. Everytime he struck Espeon evaded and casually took a step back. Ash was beginning to recognize the move as detect.

"Volt get back." The electric type stopped its assault and was about to make his way to his trainer when he was struck in the chest. Ash turned to see Espeon's gem fade as if it had just glowed.

"We're going all out. Thunderbolt."

Volt got up as his antennae crackled with electricity. He let loose the massive bolt of thunder, but it was met with a psychic blast from Espeon. Both attacks clashed and exploded at the center of the field. Dust was thrown off, obscuring both pokémon's line of sight.

"Be on guard Volt," Ash called out to the Electabuzz. The electric type nodded as he heeded his trainer's words. His eyes were affixed to the smoke in anticipation of Espeon's attack.

A white trail burst forth from the smoke and slammed into Volt before he could react. Espeon skidded to a stop, her tail flicking behind her, a metallic glint to it.

"Get in close. Ice and fire punch combo."

Volt's hands began to change. His left became icy-blue and the right became fiery-orange. He lunged towards Espeon who was looking rather smug. It was at that moment that Ash noticed that he had not actually thought the electric type any style of fighting. Watching the electric type try to land a hit was kind of comical. Volt was usually used to using fighting moves or moves of such manner just to get a single land in and not in a combat sense. He would have to settle that.

Ash was pulled out of his musings when Volt landed a solid hit. A fire punch made its mark on Espeon's face as she was launched into the ground. Volt didn't waste anymore time as he followed up with an ice punch to the ribs. He tried to followup once more with a fire punch but Espeon did not let him. A wave of psychic energy flowed from her gem as Volt was sent into the air. Ash watched closely as Espeon made her way to her feet. She had a quick recovery rate he noted.

Volt dragged himself to his feet as he shrugged off the earlier psychic assault. He smashed both fists together as electricity ran through them. It appeared that he wanted to try his previous attack again, but with thunder punch.

He charged at Espeon and this time he was prepared. He anticipated her movements and was able to counter with a well aimed thunder punch to the underside of Espeon's jaw. The psychic type was sent into the air from the force of the attack.

Ash didn't waste time. He ordered a thunderbolt from Volt and the electric type complied with the attack. A massive blast of electricity escaped Volt's antennae and crashed into Espeon.

"Fall back," Ash said to the electric type as Espeon's body slammed into the ground. Sabrina was her usual self but Ash could notice a smile etching itself on her face. Looks like she was slightly enjoying the battle.

Espeon's gem gleamed bright as a beam of concentrated psychic energy escaped it. The beam swept through the field in pursuit of Volt, but the Electabuzz was able to dodge with ease. Another beam was equally launched towards Volt in concession with the first and it slammed into Volt.

The electric type was able to block the attack with one hand to avoid taking the full brunt to his body, but the attack launched him into the ground and damaged his right hand.

"Volt," Ash called out to the electric type. If his right hand had received major damage then it would place him at a disadvantage against Espeon. "Is your arm alright?"

The electric type tried swerving itt but flinched a bit at the pain it caused. He made a reassuring sound to Ash, but the raven-haired trainer knew better. "Don't stress it alright."

Ash gritted his teeth. He would have to switch to long range attacks at the moment or at least until Volt stopped flinching. The Elekid-line excelled at close combat power battles. They were good at long range but not to the extent of some electric types. They were close range specialists. Against Espeon with only long range, Ash doubted if he would be able to win.

Ash was pulled out of his musings when he noticed Espeon jump up and then come down. She had tunneled under the field. This was not good. Ash had yet to work on fighting ground types with Volt and he was even at more of a disadvantage now that Volt had a damaged arm.

Espeon burst out of the ground and slammed into Volt. The electric type could barely even react to the move before Espeon disappeared back into the ground. She appeared not long after and slammed into Volt once more before disappearing again. It was becoming more and more frustrating. Everytime she struck, Volt could barely process her presence, helplessly flailing his left arm in an attempt to strike the persistent psychic type, all but to no avail. Espeon was just too nimble and Volt was just powerless without his right arm.

"Charge electricity to your leg," Ash said to the electric type. He was tired of seeing him injured and helpless. It made Ash feel helpless and that was something that he could not accept. Volt looked at his trainer with a raised eyebrow.

"Trust me." A bulb had lit itself in Ash's head and he was going to go with it. If it worked, then Volt will have an edge against Espeon. In order to achieve it, Volt needed speed and that was what Ash was trying to build.

Volt nodded and got up. Electricity courses through his legs as he powered himself up.

"Use thunderspeed with that leg boost. I know you can do it," Ash said with a smile. Volt acknowledged his trainer and focused. He had been with Ash enough to basically pick up on some hints as to how he wants him to attack. Volt closed his eyes as he let the electricity flow and then discharge itself into the ground. Espeon leapt up to attack and this time Volt was able to read the vibrations of the earth through the vibrations of the electricity he was discharging. His body crackled with electricity as he swiftly evaded the attack and slammed into Espeon's airborne form with an electricity induced quick attack.

Sabrina smiled. This was what she meant by something surprising.

Ash on the other hand was grinning from ear to ear. His plan had worked far behind what he had expected. His pokémon were just too amazing. Volt had gone as far using thunderspeed with his entire being to attack Espeon. His gaze traversed to the psychic type who was beginning to show heavy signs of injury on her body. He was pleased with himself and he decided to try something else. He was getting into the zone with this battle and all doubt of losing had gone out the window.

His gaze travelled back to a panting Volt. The electricity levels he had emitted were large and it was beginning to take its toll. He had plans on wrapping the battle up as soon as possible. He called the electric type back to his side as Sabrina eyed them curiously.

He whispered low so that only Volt would be able to hear his voice. Sabrina was slightly disheartened at the prospect of not being able to probe the young trainer's mind, but she was also intent on finding out what Ash had in mind.

Sabrina's eyes flashed pink as a flurry of commands flowed to life.

Psychic energy was unleashed from Espeon as she flanked Volt. The attack slammed into the electric type but he was able to easily shrug it off without much difficulty.

Sabrina frowned. Volt was slowly becoming stronger in the battle and she needed to end it. Espeon's gem glowed bright as her gaze became intense. She focused as a glow overtook her. She shot off into a quick attack and Ash widened his eyes.

"Try your best to dodge, and if you can't, block the attack."

Espeon's tail attained a metallic sheen as she lunged at Volt. The electric type couldn't react in time and was forced to block the attack. A spark was created where Espeon's tail slammed into Volt and she launched the Electric type backwards with incredible force. She didn't stop but rather followed up with a psybeam.

Volt was able to roll to the side to avoid the attack, but a little grazed his sight. Espeon paused as she recovered the energy she had expended.

"Volt, are you okay to continue?" Ash asked the electric type who nodded. He was still ready to continue. Ash smiled, it was time to use his final attack.

"Thunderpunch, top speed."

Volt smirked a vicious one. Lightning crackled and danced around his body as he went after Espeon. His left hand shone brighter with the light from the thunderpunch and he quickly closed the gap between him and Espeon. A vicious punch slammed into the underside of Espeon's jaw. The psychic type was launched into the air, Sabrina upon noticing her getting knocked out. That punch was devastating and it was clear that Volt had received recoil damage from said attack.

"Just as I expected. You're a good trainer Ash and I respect that. You've pushed me to my final pokémon."

Ash nodded as he recalled a panting Volt. The electric type was covered in shock marks and had exerted a lot of energy. Ash knew that he was still capable of going on strong, but he didn't want to strain his muscles too much, and especially he needed to rest his right arm.

"I've enjoyed this battle too Sabrina and I would like to end it now." The raven-haired trainer was holding a friend ball as he stared at her.

Sabrina smiled. A pokéball materialised in front of her and she released the monster from his its confinement. The light condensed into a blue skinned pokémon that was sitting in a cross-legged position.

Now Ash was confused. Sabrina had used a Slowbro, an Exeggutor and an Espeon in their battle, and now she was using a Meditite. Ash felt tempted to ask why.

"I sense your curiosity. Meditite indeed is a new addition to my team in general. I got him two weeks ago and that makes him the perfect pokémon for our final battle."

Ash blinked. "I think that you underestimate me Sabrina."

Sabrina chuckled. "I think not Ash Ketchum." Her eyes flashed pink as she caused one of Ash's pokéball to levitate in front of him. The pokéball opened up to reveal its content. Ash's Riolu found himself on the field of Sabrina's gym.

Riolu blinked as he looked around, taking into consideration the surrounding area before spotting his trainer. He bounded over to his trainer who bent down to pat his head. "How are you doing bud?" He asked to which nodded a positive.

"I don't understand," Ash begun. "What does the battle have to do with Riolu. I wasn't even planning on using him to battle. He's not experienced enough."

"And neither is Meditite." Ash was beginning to see what Sabrina had in mind. She was a true psychic alright and she was testing him. The purpose though he had no idea about. "I trust something has clicked in your mind."

He nodded. "But what about the type advantage. Doesn't that give you an edge over me?"

It appeared as though Sabrina's smile lengthened further. "I hear you battle just like your father. If that is the case, then this shouldn't affect you... much."

Ash sighed. He had no choice but to accept the battle. "Fine," he said as he flicked his cap to the back. "Let's get on with this. Riolu!" The fighting type took on a stance as he watched Meditite.

Sabrina smiled as she sent a command to Meditite. Meditite's eyes flashed with psychic energy as a confusion attack was launched at Riolu.

"Dodge and get in close."

Riolu nodded as he ran opposite the path of the confusion attack as he approached the Meditite. Ash had a glint of confidence as he watched Riolu move. He was able to take out four Primeape during the Cycling Road incident.

He took out his pokédex and scanned Riolu's moves. Agility. That was actually a move that Ash was quite interested in.

"Agility," he called out to the fighting type. Riolu stopped mid-run as he focused and let psychic energy flow through him and lighten his body. He shot off again and this time he was faster than before.

"Cross chop," Ash called out once more.

Meditite stood in place before drawing its fist back, causing it to glow a deadly orange. Riolu neared the psychic/fighting type and they let both attacks collide. The force of the clash sent both pokémon tumbling back, but Riolu was relentless.

He lunged forward again as he used agility. Feeling a level of load leave his body, he awaited Ash's command. "Circle throw."

Riolu picked Meditite up and began to spin the Meditation pokémon, before sending it flying in a circular manner. "Now metal claw."

Riolu's paw attained a metallic sheen as he ran at Meditite. The dual psychic and fighting type's eyes glowed with psychic energy as a confusion attack slammed into Riolu and ended his attack. Meditite slammed into the ground the same time as did Riolu.

Riolu picked himself up as he noticed Meditite staring at him. Meditite's arm crackled with electricity as it charged at Riolu was just getting to his feet.

"Don't give in," Ash called. "Quick attack into blaze kick, let's do this."

Riolu nodded as he ran across the field leaving a trail of white. The speed increase from agility and the quick attack made Riolu to almost be akin to Golduck's reaction speed.

Riolu's leg became ablaze as he slammed it into Meditite's chest. The psychic/fighting type had the wind knocked out of it as it was sent flying. "Cross chop, send it to the ground."

Riolu shot off again, enhanced by quick attack as he leapt into the air to use cross chop. Both hands glowed white as he crossed them together in an x format. A powerful swipe and a small crater was formed as Meditite was sent into the ground. The Emanation Pokémon didn't waste any time as he bounded over to his trainer.

"Good job buddy," Ash praised the fighting type. A growl was heard as Riolu gave a thumbs up.

"Wait a minute... Master?!" Ash exclaimed. "Who taught that to you?"

Riolu smiled as he responded appropriately, causing Ash to facepalm. He muttered something under his breath but decided to focus on the battle.

Meditite had just gotten to full height as it recovered from the attack. Sabrina gave another command, and this time, a more powerful confusion attack covered the entire field.

"What to do?" Ash asked himself as he ran over Riolu's moveset in his head. "Bingo. Riolu use endure."

The fighting type nodded as he braced himself for impact.

Endure was a move that boosted a pokémon's muscles, pumping them with hormones that temporarily strengthened them. This result in a temporary increase in boost that is far stronger than harden and some of the likes.

The attack slammed into Riolu, but the fighting type stood his ground, enduring the hit. The attack ended and Riolu freed himself. Beads of sweat were rolling down his fur and he was panting rather heavily.

Meditite's hand attained a whitish tint to it as it focused energy into its arm before lunging at Riolu.

Ash was smiling. His prey just came to meet him. "High jump kick." Riolu was a bit skeptical but obeyed nonetheless. He launched himself into the air as he came down with his knee. Meditite paused before turning sideways to avoid the attack and trying to punch Riolu.

"Now flip yourself forward with your momentum." Riolu thrust both arms forward as he caused his center of gravity to tilt and push himself towards the ground, narrowly avoiding the focus punch.

"Now Blaze kick." In the blink of an eye, Riolu's feet had become ablaze, rolling forward he turned so that he was facing Meditite and kicked him upwards. Meditite lost all sense of direction as he was kicked into the air and was able to respond to Sabrina's call.

"Into the air and use circle throw."

Riolu jumped up as he followed Meditite who was descending. With the force from the jump, he caught Meditite and tossed him to the ground in a circular motion.

Meditite crashed into the ground, creating a miniature crater. It was obvious to anyone that it was knocked out from the attack.

Without a word, Sabrina returned Meditite and the pokéball disappeared as though it was never there to begin with.

"It seems you've proved yourself Ash Satoshi Ketchum. And it could actually prove you to be the best choice."

Ash was stood in front of Sabrina. "The best choice for what?" He asked out of curiosity, to which Sabrina just smiled.

"In due time, those that are in the dark will soon come to the light."

Ash felt kind of weird. It was as though he had heard the exact same words before.

"Anyway," Sabrina started. She held out her hand and a small object materialised in front of it. "Here's the Marsh badge as proof of your conquering the Saffron Gym."

"Thank you," Ash told her as he accepted the badge and placed it in his badge case.

"I guess you are planning on training your team... It would be only fair if I allow you use one of the training fields in the gym."

Ash was confused. A few minutes ago, Sabrina could barely read his mind and now it was as though she was reading him as a book.

"I'm not reading your mind. I'm a psychologist in case you don't know. The human mind is like a book to us."

"If that is the case then I'd love to use the gym area. But I have to get Volt to the Pokémon Center to check on his hand."

"That should not be a problem," the psychic maiden replied.

Sabrina nodded and Ash felt his body pulled through something akin to a warp hole. Within a split second, he was in another area of the gym, gasping for his breath.

"(Pant)... Sabri...na," Ash started but before he could finish, she was already gone.

Ash felt his belt for Volt's friend ball but he couldn't feel it. She must have took it to the Center was the thought that crossed his mind.

Ash picked himself up from the floor and released Riolu. It was obvious that he was the one who needed more training.

"Riolu... You did a good job in the battle. I'm proud of you." The Emanation Pokémon yipped in happiness as he nuzzled into his trainer's leg.

Ash looked around and noticed that there were doors at the end of the arena, about five. Probably leading to different areas of the gym. Ash was beginning to believe that the Saffron Gym was pretty loud. He heard what was like the sound of training coming from around the gym. The students he presumed.

He shook his head to pull himself out of his thoughts. "Alright Riolu, we're going to train."

The fighting type nodded. He activated his Xtransceiver and opened the page containing Riolu's details. He looked at the fighting type who was doing some warm up exercises. Riolu stopped as he noticed Ash's gaze upon him.

"I want you to run around his lap, and I don't want you to stop until it is absolutely necessary."

The Emanation Pokémon nodded and turned to begin his lap around the arena ground. Ash turned to his own musings as he sat in the center of the field. He started to map out a training regime for his pokémon and he was starting with Riolu. According to the limited knowledge he had on Riolu, they had boundless energy and that coupled with the fighting type attributed caused Ash to base his training on strictly a military pattern.

He hoped that that would help him build the fighting type nature in him. The Riolu-line were amongst the most respected fighting type pokémon and were considered difficult to train. This was because if their trainer lacks the energy and the drive to handle them, they tend to be disobedient.

Luckily for Ash, he had said energy and was without a doubt capable of keeping the little fighting type occupied. Riolu had yet to show Ash a personality that described him as unique, but from what Ash could lay out, the fighting type was taking a liking to Scizor, having noticed a certain trait that said bug and steel type had passed unto him.

A light bulb flicked in Ash's head. He would be paring both Scizor and Riolu together. Apart from the fact that they were close to each other, Scizor was also a steel type and that would help Riolu in the long run. Ash smiled. It was a nice idea. The raven-haired trainer was about to get more things done concerning Riolu when the doors burst open.

"- and that's when I -" three boys had stepped into the training arena and from the looks of it, they were students of Sabrina.

"What is the meaning of this?" The boy in front asked. "What is a stranger doing in my training arena?"

'His training arena?' Ash asked himself. Well certainly he was only kidding because this was the property of the Saffron Gym and was definitely not a property of anyone's.

"I asked a question. Who are you?" He demanded.

Ash smiled a bit. "Ash."

"Last name?" One of the boys asked, hoping that the raven-haired trainer would respond effectively.

"I don't think I have to tell you. But you can call me Ash."

There was a pause before the boys burst into laughter. The laughter was slightly irritating to Ash but he just played along with it.

"I wasn't asking," the boy in the center said. "And besides, what business do you have here?"

Ash shrugged. "I'm actually training him," he said as he directed their gaze towards Riolu. The one in front was just perplexed at the pokémon in front of him. A fighting type? Was it an insult to a Psychic Gym?

"You must be joking," the boy said with irritation seeping through his teeth. "How dare you train a fighting type in a gym meant for psychic types? That is blantant disrespect and I demand that you send that pokémon back into its ball."

"He means it," the second boy said as he folded both hands.

Ash appeared as though he was considering it. He took Riolu's pokéball and looked as if he was to return him, and then all of a sudden, he dropped his hand and placed the ball on his belt. "And what if I don't?" He asked with a smirk.

The boy's eyes went wide a bit before he calmed himself and flipped back his hair. "It seems we have a cocky one here," he said as he took out a pokéball. "We may have to knock him down a peg or two."

The other boys were chuckling as they each took out a pokéball.

Ash was still maintaining his smirk. "Are you sure you want to take me on?" He asked them.

"Do you insult us?" The center one asked. "We are the top students of this gym and we don't plan on losing to some no-named punk."

"If that's the case..." Ash said, trailing of as he said this. He took a friend ball from his belt. "This would just have to be a warm-up for my buddy."

Now this statement extremely agitated them to no end. The boy in the middle being the most pissed. "Oh... I am going to make you wish you were never born." He tossed his pokéball and the others did the same. The light materialised into three different psychic pokémon. All of which Ash was familiar with.

The raven-haired trainer accessed them. A Kadabra for the boy in the middle, and a Jynx and Baltoy for the other boys.

"Is this the army you want to use against me. I suggest you rethink."

The middle boy was now laughing. "These are the strongest pokémon in our possession. If you think that you can face them think again."

Ash was getting into it more and more. "The strongest you say? Well then... I suppose I should actually use the strongest in my possession." He tossed a friend ball and released the pokémon in it.

Everyone noticed the temperature rise as the pokémon filled the air with hot blue flames. The light from the pokéball died down to reveal Blaze in all his glory. He bared his fangs viciously as he stood in front of Ash. He was itching for a battle and by the looks of it, this was the perfect time to let loose a little.

"It's a Charizard," one of the boys said as he looked on, terrified at the sight of the Kanto Starter.

"Forget that... It's still three-on-one and I bet he's an incompetent trainer."

Blaze growled a deep one at that statement, but a signal from his trainer calmed him down. "Riolu I need you hear." The fighting type ran immediately to his trainer's side. He stood loyally by his side as he awaited the next command from his trainer.

"Seat here and watch the battle. I want you to learn a bit from this." Riolu nodded immediately and sat down, Ash noting a glimpse of excitement in his eyes.

"Blaze," Ash called out to his starter. "How do you want to go about the battle." The fire type looked at the sky and shot a flamethrower into it, clearly stating his actions. "Just like old times then." Ash flipped his cap backwards as he looked at the boys in front of him. He would not have wanted to fight them but then again Ash was hoping for a battle. He could learn a thing or two from the encounter.

Blaze on the underhand was silent as he studied the pokémon in front of him. He had no doubt that they were strong but he also had no doubt that he was stronger. He analysed them in silence as the thought of battle rushed through him and took over his mind. His eyes were shut and so were the eyes of his trainer.

It was peaceful for a few seconds before Blaze felt something and dodged immediately. A shadow ball had just sailed past him and from the looks of it, it was from Kadabra.

He made the Charizard equivalent of a grin as he awaited Ash's command. "Flamethrower." Blaze didn't waste anytime as he let loose a stream of blue flames at the trio of pokémon, going as far almost laughing as he watched the trainers order them to dodge. It didn't take long for his next command to come and he was in the air.

He made a dive-bomb for Jynx with arms ablaze. Before the ice type could react, a fire punch slammed into her and sent her flying. Her trainer actually gasping at the impact of the move. Two psybeam attacks made their way at Blaze who narrowly dodged the attack and tossed a dragon pulse.

Kadabra was able to divert the attack with psychic but was unable to avoid the follow up thunder punch.

Kadabra was launched into the wall just as a shadow ball courtesy of Jynx slammed into Blaze's back. The fire type roared as he looked at his attacker. His eyes narrowed into slits before taking into the sky once again.

Ash was able to note that his aerial maneuverability had certainly improved. Blue flames escaped the orange dragon's mouth as he bathed the field in flames, careful not to burn the humans present.

Baltoy slammed his hands as rocks from nowhere tried to bury Blaze. The dragon type however was able to avoid them in ease. Ash was too focused on Baltoy that he couldn't see Jynx preparing another shadow ball. The attack was launched at Blaze and it slammed into him, giving a chance for the rock tomb to take effect. Blaze felt his claws harden as he slashed at the rocks, destroying each with ease.

A blade of psychic energy slammed into Blaze's back. The orange dragon turned around to see his attacker as Kadabra. He growled and Ash noticed that it was directed at him. "Yes buddy... I am done. Will start with Jynx. Get in close at top speed and then fire blast."

Blaze didn't waste time as he shot off at the ice and psychic dual type. Baltoy and Kadabra attempted to intercept, but he evaded them with ease. As he got in close, he shot a huge blue orb of flames at the Human Shaped Pokémon. The temperature around the area rose as the ball took on the kanji for big just before slamming into Jynx. The ice type shrieked at the heat from the attack.

Blaze did not end there as he fueled the flames with a flamethrower until he noticed that it was knocked out. Ash saw the trainer recall his pokémon and felt a little bad for him.

"Next, Baltoy. Dragon dance and fire punch combo."

Blaze dodged the round of psycho cut attacks from Kadabra before taking to the sky to perform a dragon dance. The fluidity of his movements heightened his senses, increasing his attack power and his speed. The pseudo-dragon felt his hands catch fire and his eyes narrowed into slits.

Kadabra launched a beam of psychic energy but Blaze deflected with his fire punch. He went ahead to dodge Baltoy's attempt of an attack in rock tomb before punching the psychic and ground type into the floor of the field. The impact echoed throughout the arena floor and created a crater.

Baltoy attempted to float out but Blaze wasn't letting it. Another punch followed another punch and then another and a dragon pulse. Baltoy was knocked out.

Blaze directed his attention towards Kadabra who was the last pokémon left standing. The flames on his hands died down as he awaited Ash's command. Ash turned to the trainers he was facing. The boy that appeared to be the leader was commanding a Kadabra and from the looks of it, it wasn't strong enough to take Blaze on in a straight fight. Even with assistance from two pokémon, it wtill failed.

"Blaze we are ending this."

"Like hell you are," the boy shouted as Blaze got enveloped in a psychic glow and was tossed into the wall of the arena.

The boy smirked as he ordered a psybeam that slammed into the spot that Blaze was launched into with the beam scoring a direct hit. "Again!" He shouted, but before Kadabra could successfully launch the attack, Blaze was out of the crater.

Blue flames writhed around his body. His eyes were red as he crouched low. He heard Kadabra's trainer call out a psychic attack and immediately blurred out of sight. He had learned that psychic attack required the pokémon having a fix on the position of the opposing pokémon.

Ash smiled at his starter. He had come a long way from when he learnt Flare blitz. Seeing him use it like this made Ash's chest swell with pride.

Blaze on the other hand was overcome with bliss. He loved the thrill of the battle and he absolutely adored the battle field. His entire focus was on Kadabra and he was going to knock him out with a single hit. Blaze slammed into Kadabra with absolute precision and force that the psychic type was sent into the wall, causing a huge crater. Kadabra was knocked out.

A huge roar rocked the entire field as Blaze celebrated his victory. He walked up to Ash with a huge grin plastered on his face. Ash shared the same grin as his powerhouse of a Charizard. He directed his attention at the boys who were in a lot of shock from what just occurred.

"You brought this on yourself you know," Ash said as he stood with Charizard beside him. "You just assumed you were better than me because you saw my Riolu. I have at least six pokémon that could mop the floor with your pokémon at a time. It took a lot of training I assume that you may have had but had not focused on."

The boys were solemn as he spoke these words. "I already have the Marsh badge, so it kinda makes this win a little bit unfair. Your cockiness and your arrogance proved to be your undoing. You may be the best here, but do not forget that there are loads of trainers out there."

"Well said," a voice said from nowhere. Ash turned around to see Sabrina patting Riolu on the head. Blaze growled but Ash held out a hand to stop him.

"You were watching?" He asked the Psychic master.

She nodded with eyes that seemingly hid a lot of wisdom in them.

Ash was quiet before something clicked in his head. "You set this up, am I right?"

She smiled this time around. "Intuition, a sense of judgement, love for pokémon and a fine battle style. You have potential in you, but ensure that you take to the advice you give others."

Ash was thoughtful for a moment. It took a moment to realize that he had displayed cockiness and arrogance when he was handling the trio of trainers. "I will," he said with a smile. "By the way, is he really the strongest trainer in your gym."

Sabrina turned to look at the boy. "Drake was not lying when he was the strongest one... present in this gym. I have two other students that should be able to handle you properly." She smiled as she said this to the raven-haired trainer. "Their names are Will and Caitlin."

"Thanks... I look forward to battling them someday."

The psychic mistress nodded. "I suggest you be going on your way. Your friend is just about done with her training."

It was now that Ash finally remembered Misty. "In that case... I'll be seeing you some other time." He returned Blaze, but left Riolu outside to walk with him. "Take care," he said to the Psychic Mistress as he made his exit with her waving back in the process.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

LOTS_Fictioncreators' thoughts