Noah awoke at the sound of crying and immediately went to ensure that everything was ok, while Avril began to panic. This was one of the worst possible outcomes she feared, attracting the attention of the entire forest, then getting eaten alive.
Taking a deep breath she calmed herself. Either way she knew she was probably going to die, but if she stayed calm she might think up something to change that. Looking around desperately, she remembered the Pokeballs from before. Grabbing whatever as she plunged her hand into the pocket, she turned over to Deino and tapped the ball against it's side.
The crying stopped and the ball rolled before clicking indicating that it was a successful capture. With that problem out of the way, Avril and Noah no longer had a beacon radioing their location for all to hear, but they still weren't safe yet. Hunkering down, both Avril and Noah tried to blend into the shadows as that was their best hope for survival, loud noises and movement would only attract unwanted attention, and if that happened the pair wouldn't be able to outrun their pursuers. They could only hope they could remain invisible until the next morning.
The night creeped on like a never-ending nightmare. There were creaks, drones, and screes, all throughout the night, their fear bringing to light all the cries of despair and agony of the other prey in the forest, that would have otherwise turned into background noise whilst asleep. The two didn't sleep a wink, until the following morning arrived, and even then it was breif.
Avril felt sluggish as the rising sun burnt her eyes. Despite her pain, she was relieved that they had managed to stay hidden.
" I'm sorry Noah." Avril apologized since she was the one who made the Deino cry. Which lead to neither of them sleeping.
" It's ok, we'll be fine. Let's try and find some food. I'm hungry and dinner last night was gross." Noah complained while letting out a yawn.
" Ok." Avril agreed before looking at the DuskBall in her hand. She hadn't let it go all night and she was a little nervous to release it, in case it started crying again.
Cautiously letting it out of the ball the deino was curled up in a ball. Detecting light it uncurled letting out a little yawn before stretching and looking around. Avril had to admit watching the little guy stumble around was positively adorable. Eventually it made it's way to the red side if Avril's ribbon, and bit down. Avril wiggled the ribbon a little but it refused to let go. Raising the end up Deino's body slowly rose with it until it was hanging above the ground it's mouth clamped to the end of the ribbon.
" Noah, what do you think we should name them?" Avril asked
" He it she?" Noah asked while walking around the Deino appraising it.
" Hmm, dunno." Avril rotated the Ribbon so the Deino's underside was facing her.
" Female." Avril affirmed before letting them down. The Deino touched the ground gently with all four limbs before sprawling out placing it's belly on the ground.
" Hmm, why don't we call her. Spike?" Noah questioned. " No ... Spine? No that's bad too."
" We could call her Samantha?" Avril suggested after a while of thought.
" Better than anything I thought of. I think it fits." Noah agreed to the name.
" Your name is now Samantha little one. Do you like your new name?" Avril asked petting it on the head.
It didn't respond, it just maintained it's hold on Avril's Ribbon, and continued lightly gnawing on it. Letting out a deflated sigh, Avril began to gather their things into the large backpack. Though the bag may be a little heavy for Avril, there was no need to leave their things in a home they would most likely forget the location of, and there were enough little grottos for them to find a new home relatively easily.
After they were all packed and ready to go, they began to head out. As Avril crawled out of the Foliage they had turned into a little sleeping area, she noticed Samantha was still laying on the ground getting dragged along wherever Avril went.
She thought it was funny at first until, she accidentally slid Samantha along a small rock poking out of the ground. Samantha didn't seem overly pained, however Avril decided to carry her, since she was so insistent on not walking.
Avril and Noah spent the following hours Searching for food, however they came up empty handed. The forest was devoid of real accessable food, the trees and plants seemed to be withering, and there was a increasing amount of Insects specifically Beedrill. They couldn't go five minutes without running into a decent sized swarm. Fortunately, they were pretty good at sneaking around them without disturbing the busy bees.
" Noah, what should we do now?" Avril asked in distress. She was hoping they could just live in the forest but it was too dangerous. With all the Beedrill it was only a matter of time before they had an unfortunate encounter, and there was nowhere else Avril could think to go. She's never been out of the lab or beyond the forest.
"We could try a human city." Noah suggested " They have plenty of food there, and there's less Pokémon. That's what clover said anyways."
" I don't think I can, I don't look human anymore, and I don't look like any Pokémon I've ever seen." Avril refuted, " But, you're right we can't stay here."
" Why don't you try an illusion to make yourself look human?" Noah asked
" Because I'm not like you. I can't make illusions at will." Avril told him.
" I've seen you do it, I can teach you!" Noah said excitedly. He's always wanted to teach Avril something cool, since she's always been the one teaching and helping him.
" O-ok I guess we could try." Avril wasn't completely convinced it would work, but thinking about the few time she saw herself revert back to her old self, she decided it was worth a try.
" Great!" Noah gained an extra pep in his stride as he was radiating excitement.
" Let's get out of the forest first, it's too dangerous to make much noise here." Avril reminded.
" Ok, then. Let's hurry!" Noah ran around Avril as he waited for her to hurry up, however the weight from the things she was carrying was encumbering her.
Reaching another relatively empty spot, near the end of the forest along side the Cliff edge, as this was the safest place for the group, Avril and Noah began their training once again. As they were training, Samantha, who finally decided to try to walk by herself, stumbled around aimlessly, biting anything and everything that she came across. Avril did her best to corral her, and ensure she didn't bite anything she shouldn't.
As the training progresses Avril was shocked to see that she could indeed create illusions much like how Noah described. It made no sense to Avril how that could be as Zorua and Zoroark are the only two Pokémon who can use that ability. The only exception was a pokemon the ability Trace. Lucy had the ability called trace, which allowed her to copy the abilities of other pokemon, including Noah's Illusion, she helped him experiment and find out how the ability worked.
Avril was still trying to understand what she was. She had the ability Trace, the same one Lucy had, She also had a mysterious ribbon, she couldn't think of anything with a prehensile ribbon, aside from a Sylveon. Thomas was a Sylveon in her dream, she reasoned. And she had Clovers horn. All three of them were in the dream she had before waking up to a destroyed lab, there was another, Darkrai, but she didn't know much about him other than his type, and his connection to nightmares and shadows. The longer she thought the more she wanted to know what had actually happened. She could guess from the dream but it seemed completely absurd.
After a few days of training Avril could control her ability of casting illusions to the point she looked just like the old her. Almost anyways. She used her ability to hide away the more unusual parts like horns and claws while making herself seem as human like as possible. The only parts she didn't hide was her Ribbon, and her dress. The ribbon looked more like a scarf than anything else and Samantha began to cry when her favorite chew toy disappeared, so Avril kept it visible. Forgoing the dress also made the illusion easier to maintain, so she wouldn't have to worry about concentrating on it all the time.
They had Almost ran out of food, and we're in desperate need of more. They fed Samantha the softer food to ensure that she could actually eat it, because Samantha didn't have teeth yet and she was quite small, but they had run out of all forms of soft food the day prior. Avril was forced to chew the food for Samantha so she could eat it, and not go hungry that night. Not something she desired to do again.
Noah took the lead after Avril finally accepted going to a town. Avril was nervous about being around people but Noah assured her that he would be with her the entire time.
" Noah, are you sure your going the right way?" Avril asked as they continued to walk. Avril was doubtful of the directional skills of Noah, although she herself wasn't much better. Neither of them had really ever been far from home.
" I'm sure, Clover used to tell me about the places she's been around here. She mentioned a city in this direction." Noah affirmed.
"And which direction is that." Avril questioned shrewdly.
" ... Just trust me alright." Noah deflected.
" You have no Idea where we're going, admit it. Samantha you agree with me right He's crazy." Avril looked back at Samantha who was trotting right behind her.
" ~Rawr!" Samantha squealed
" See Samantha agrees with me." Avril jeered
" Samantha doesn't know what's going on." Noah snipped back.
" Aww come on, no need to be so sour." Avril giggled.
The sound of a broken branches resounded throughout the otherwise silent woods startling Noah and Avril into stopping. Samantha ended up running into the back of her legs.
Avril quickly called Samantha back into her ball and scooped Noah up into her arms, hiding among the trees as they peered at the cause of the disturbance.
"Come on Kyle, the forest isn't that scary, what if we find something cool?" A little girl with bright yellow hair called out looking at the boy behind her.
"Nobody wants another one of your mossy rocks, and if Flora finds out we came without her she's going to be pissed. We also aren't supposed to be here. It's called forbidden for a reason." The boy called out to the girl, in a shaky voice. Je had black hair, but that's all Avril could make out.
A birdcall was heard catching the attention of the two children. This call sent a shiver up Avril's spine. She recognized it, it was a Mandibuzz. Over the past couple days she saw a few of them, they typically lived in the mountain, but sometimes traveled down to the forest for food. Their favorite activity, tormenting prey.
Looking up Avril noticed that there was one circling overhead of the two children, and if they kept standing there like oblivious idiots they were probably going to die a very agonizing death.
'Noah I need you to stay right here and don't go anywhere, stay quite, and stay hidden. I'll be right back." Despite not having the best opinion of people she didn't want them to die. If nothing else, she reasoned, watching two kids get ripped apart would just make any future nightmares of dying in the forest, even more vivid.
Placing Noah and their things down, she crouched down to get ready to run like hell. Launching out of the underbrush once keeping her hidden from the two, Avril darted forward tackling the two to the ground. Swiftly standing she tore the pair off the ground and grab their hands pulling them into the denser parts of the immediate forest. The Mandibuzz had swooped in to attack just after Avril moved causing it's attack to miss. It cried in anger as it's claws left market in the ground, before ascending again, and began to pursue the three. The branches above them were the only thing keeping them safe from their pursuer.
The other two were completely caught off guard by Avril but were too focused on not falling over as Avril pulled them along to voice any complaints. Fortunately the Mandibuzz was big enough that the forest acted as the perfect barrier to hinder it's movement and vision.
Avril did her best to throw the Mandibuzz off their trail by breaking sticks and ruffling leaves as she looped back to Noah. They both could try and make something more effective at hiding everyone with an illusion till the danger passed, but it was difficult to focus on so many things she found her illusion on herself starting to slip.
Weaving through trees and underbrush the three made a wide circle aiming back for the spot where Avril left Noah. Once arriving Avril quickly pushed the two into a small pit that Noah had dug out while Avril was out running away from the Mandibuzz.
They didn't fit all to well together, as Noah didn't have too much time, but it worked well enough and between discomfort and death, discomfort is probably more preferable. They all had to be huddled down keeping themselves as small as possible as they sat in relative silence. Noah and Avril began to focus on an minor illusion of a tree, the disguise had worked at confusing the Mandibuzz, but it lingered still, hoping to catch wind of where it's meal had run off to.
" So, who are you?" The girl with yellow hair asked way too loudly, as if she was oblivious to the position she was in.
" Shut up." Avril hissed. She refused to die because the girl in front of her was stupid enough to be talking. She was already tired and having trouble focusing on two illusions at once, talking just served to aggravate her.
The boy was quaking, he probably had a better grasp on the situation, yet he was too afraid to understand that silence would be the best way to stay alive. He kept muttering," We're going to die." Over and over, until Avril put her hand over his mouth, and a finger over her lips giving him a not so sympathetic glare.
The Girl had a hard time sitting still in the cramped silence, but she couldn't really move around as she was squeezing herself into her spot, snugly held in place by Avril and her friend. Noah laid in the center of the three of them, barely poking out of the top of the hole. They were packed in tight.
As they sat there Avril got a good look at the two. They seemed about her age, and definitely didn't look like they knew how the forest worked, so the fact they were here intact means there was an exit somewhere near here. Avril began to decide what to do next as they sat. The three spent hours sitting there until the sounds of different predators emerged, meaning the Mandibuzz would probably have given in for the moment.
It was now extremely late at night, the moon had long since risen, as they sat in complete silence. The Girl was completely out, after a little, which was good for Avril because her face started to hurt from glaring at the girl for trying to talk while they were hiding. The boy was lost in his own world of worry completely oblivious to the other two. The two not paying attention also allowed Avril to relax a bit.
Listening around Avril ensured there wasn't anything in the immediate area, and had Noah peak out to try and see if there was anything dangerous watching them. After which they began to get out from the hole, Avril was a bit stiff from hugging her legs to her chest for hours but she didn't have many choices. The boy noticed Avril move and shook his friend awake.
"Mn, ~yawn~ Flora it's way to early, let me sleep."
" Charlie! Wake up! We can leave!" The boy said in an excited whisper.
" The girl? Kyle? Why are you in our room?" The girls eyes started to flutter open. " Oh!" She then suddenly jumped straight up before her numb legs caused her to fall over.
"Ow." The blond winced from landing on her butt.
" Wait, who are you?" The girl shouted as Avril started to walk away from the two.
Avril looked back to the two, and after a moment of thought said, " You two shouldn't be here it's too dangerous."
" Then why are you here?" The girl countered, " You don't look any older than us, so if it's dangerous for us it is for you too."
" ... " Avril didn't know what to say, she was trying to leave, and she agreed it was too dangerous for her, but how to explain why she's here and not sound crazy?
" I'm a little lost." Avril admitted, her face started to flush a bit, she had no clue why she was embarrassed about it though.
" Well, we need to head back now, Kyle you ready to go?" Charlie happily looked back at her sleep deprived friend, who with Avril, stayed up the entire time they sat there.
" Yes!" Kyle exclaimed, " And, I'm never coming on another one of your ' trips' ever again."
" Come on, it's not like you had anything better to do." Charlie said.
" Yes! I could have just slept!" Kyle practically yelled.
" And whose fault is it your here?" Charlie asked smugly.
Avril felt a melancholy feeling overtake her as she let out a hollow giggle at the two's banter. She missed when Thomas and Lucy would argue like that.
Avril got lost in a sea of thoughts as a touch broke her out of it. The girl, Charlie as Avril came to know her was pulling her along, as She ran with Kyle somewhere.
" Why are you pulling me?" Avril asked confused. She didn't have anywhere she needed to be so she just kind out went along with it after she made sure she still had Samantha, Noah, and their things.
" You said your lost, so I'm bringing you home. I have to come home with something cool, or there would be no point in coming at all. Plus, no one would believe I met you." The girl let out a big smile as Avril heard Kyle sigh.
Breaking through the forest line, a city blanketed in the dead of night, entered Avril's view, a city of lights watched over by the moon. It was a beautiful sight that immediately left both Avril and Noah starstruck. It was different than anything they have ever seen.
" Haha ~Snort~ ha, You, you should look at your face." Charlie broke down laughing, Avril didn't expect to hear snort, so she stared laughing too.
" You know, you look really pretty when you laugh." Charlie commented and Avril felt a blush cover her face.
" Charlie come on, We need to hurry, what if Sarah finds out we're gone?" Kyle seemed nervous.
" There's no need to worry, Sarah got a new bottle of sleeping pills. She'll be out until morning." Charlie reassured him.
" Whatever you say. Also, I meant to ask earlier but, how do you expect to explain her when we get back?" Kyle asked. Kyle gestured towards Avril and Charlie looked between the two of them before putting her finger to her chin looking up. " Ummm, no clue, I'll figure it out."
Kyle was in a state of shock at her answer, as Avril was confused, so she decided to ignore it and look around while following behind Charlie. They made it to the city so she got to where she needed to be, so she didn't have a need to follow them anymore, however she liked these two, so she decided to stick around a little longer before going in search of food for everyone.
Walking into the city Noah climbed up onto Avril's head, and since she had open arms she let Samantha back out of her ball and carried her in her arms. Samantha Sat in Avril's arms looking around at everything curiously as she softly chewed on Avril's Scarf.
" Hey, Avril what is that?" Charlie asked Looking curiously at Samantha. " I've never seen it before."
" It's a Deino." Avril said causing Kyle to flinch, and look back at Her. His eyes looked down at the adorable little dragon innocently munching on her Scarf in horror.
He said nothing but increased his pace, trying to make distance. Unfortunately for him, Avril was faster than he was, and Charlie was a overcharged battery, so his attempts were in vain.
Reaching a large building surrounded by a Large steel gate Avril stood conflicted at it's size. It was big and quite pretty however it's size also intimidated her.
" Welcome home!" Charlie exclaimed gesturing at the grand building standing in front of them.