
chapter 35

Ash is home for the holidays 2 days before Christmas. He brought along Serena, Clemont and Bonnie too. Their parents were also there too talking with Ash's mom. The tree was set up, the decorations were wonderful, and everyone is having a good time.

Not to mention this would be Ash's and Serena's first Christmas together as a couple. They didn't tell their parents yet because they were afraid at how they will react. They are hoping to tell them on Christmas eve or Christmas day when everyone is in a good mood.


Ash and his friends are in his room looking at some of the stuff he collected over the years. Serena looks on his dresser and notices a contest ribbon cut in half on his dresser. "Hey Ash, what's this?" Serena says examining it.

Ash looks over and sees Serena holding the ribbon. "Oh, that's the ribbon I won with a friend back in Hoenn. It seems only yesterday that I was traveling with May Max and Brock."

"Who are they?" Clemont asked. Ash starts digging around his other junk until he finds a picture. "Here, this is a picture we took in the Hoenn region." Ash takes out his photobook and takes out a picture. "This is May, Brock, and, Max"

It shows Ash with him doing a fist pump with May to his left, holding up a peace sign, Max standing right in front of May and Ash with his GPS, and Brock standing to the right side of Ash.


"That's a nice picture Ash." Bonnie said. Serena got a little nervous the way Ash was as close to May. She wasn't afraid to admit May looked pretty, but she was afraid of how much of a relationship they were in.

"Still, the one we took with Korrina and lucario was awesome." Ash says. "In fact," He looks around in his backpack and finds it. He places it in a frame and puts it right next to his other pictures.

"I still can't believe that you slid closer to me Serena." Ash says. She puts her arm around his neck and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "And I still can't believe you wouldn't take a hint that I liked you." She says. Everyone started laughing.

"Guys! Dinner's done!" Ash's mom called. They all start heading downstairs. Serena stayed behind. "You coming Serena?" Ash asked. "I need to use the bathroom. Where is it?" She asked. "Last door on the right. See you down stairs." Ash says waving good bye.


When Ash left she closed his door but stayed in the room. She wants to know more about May. She looks around his room for more stuff about May. She doesn't find anything so she starts flipping through his photobook, and doesn't like what she sees.

Ash's photos from every region he's been to. Along with every traveling companion he has had. Not only did she see May, she saw Misty, Dawn, and Iris too.

His photobook was filled with a bunch of pictures of his friends. There were pictures them battling each other, eating food, and just having fun. There was even a few where it was just him and his girl companion. Her imagination started getting the best of her and she started to cry.

Downstairs in the dining room: Everyone was enjoying the meal Ash's mom had made. It was just simple Hamburgers with some rice but still, the way Ash's mom cooks, it was delicious.

"Where's Serena? Her food's getting cold." Serena's mom asked. Ash was in the middle of chewing when he got up. "I'll go look for her. She had to use the bathroom, but it shouldn't her take this long." he says with his mouth full.

"Ash, swallow before you talk." His mom says. Clemont and his dad start giggling at that statement. "Real mature you two." Serena's mom says. "Why are they laughing?" Bonnie asked. "You'll understand when you're older." Ash's mom says.

Ash starts leaving the table. "Mr. Mime, can you heat up Serena's food please?" Mr. Mime nods and grabs Serena's food. Ash heads upstairs, walks down his hall and knocks on the bathroom door.


"Serena? You okay? Your food's getting cold. You didn't fall in did you?" When he doesn't hear an answer, he opens the door. The light was turned off and he looked in the sink. It was still dry. "If Serena didn't use the bathroom, then where is she?"

He starts heading back downstairs when he hears crying in his room. He opens the door and then sees Serena bawling her eyes out. "Serena? Are you okay?" He goes up to her and sees that she was looking through his photobook.

"Oh man Serena." He kneels down beside her and puts his hand on her shoulder. She shrugs it off, still crying a bit. "Do you really like me Ash, or am I just another girl you're traveling with?" She says coldly.

Ash puts his hands on her cheeks and turns her head toward him. "Serena, I promise you, they are just my friends. You are the only one I ever had a true girlfriend, boyfriend relationship with I promise." He put his arms around her into a hug.

"Promise?" Serena says, still unsure. "Of course" He lets go of her and smiles. She smiles back and hugs him. They head downstairs to finish dinner.

After dinner everyone was wondering where to sleep. Ash's house may have looked big, but it really wasn't. "Well, I got 2 guest rooms, both pretty small, and one air mattress. How do we solve this?" Ash's mother asked.

"I think Bonnie and I can share the couch, Dad can use the air mattress, and Serena and her mother can use the guest rooms." Clemont said. Everyone just stares at him. "What? So I came up with it in a few seconds, not that big of a deal."


"Well anyway, it's getting late. I think we should all get to bed." Ash's Mother said. Everyone nods and heads to bed. Ash and friends started to brush their teeth. "So, how should we spend Christmas eve together?" Bonnie asked with her toothbrush in her mouth.

"How about a pokémon battle? All four of us against each other at once?" Serena suggested. "That actually sounds like a great idea!" Ash says as he got done spitting toothpaste into the sink.

"Yeah, well, you think all of Serena's ideas are great now don't you?" Bonnie says evilly. Ash flicks her in the side of the head and exits the bathroom. Everyone got done brushing their teeth and went to bed a few minutes later.

When Serena woke up, she heard a pokémon battle going on. "Use flamethrower!" She heard Ash say. "That's weird. Ash doesn't have any fire pokémon." She then heard a girl's voice. "Use bubble!" Serena looked out the window and sees Ash in his coat with a Charizard and battling a girl with orange hair. She was a girl in Ash's photobook. Misty.

"Nice one Misty! Charizard use Wing attack!" The fire dragon charges at Misty's pokémon. "Gyarados, use dragon rage!" The 2 pokémon attacks collide and create an explosion.

Serena gets excited to see the battle starts to get dress to go outside. She exits through the front door into the snow. She starts walking toward the side of the house where they were battling. "Can't a girl get some sleep aroun-" She is cut short by what she sees.

Ash is kissing Misty. Not just on the cheek or anything, like an ACTUAL kiss! Serena just stares in horror. When they get done, Misty point towards Serena. "Who is she?" She asks.

Ash turns around and looks at Serena. He just scoffs and says "Just some girl I was traveling with. Nothing more." Those words cut through Serena's heart like a hot knife through butter.

"Ash, I thought you liked me?!" She says tears running down her eyes. Ash just laughs at her. "I can't believe you fell for that! You actually thought I liked you? That's hilarious." Serena drops to her knees and starts crying even more.

"You are nothing to me Serena. Nothing." Ash says coldly. This word keeps repeating in her head over, and over, and over again. "Nothing. Nothing. Nothing." She lets out a scream.

Serena wakes up, sweat pouring down her face. She looks around the guest room. She then looks at the clock next to her bed. 3 In the morning. She sits up and hugs her knees. "It was just a dream, just a nightmare." She says rocking back and forth.

She started to whimper a little bit. "Serena?" She hears. She looks up and sees Ash looking in. "Are you okay? I heard you whimpering when I got out of the bathroom." He asked.

"I'm fine Ash." She says quickly looking away. He enters the room and closes the door. He sits on the side of the bed and looks at Serena. "Serena, I know you're lying. Tell me what's going on, please." She looks into his brown thoughtful eyes, and then leans into him and cries. "I had a nightmare about our relationship."

"Do you remember what your nightmare was about?" Ash asked. "I saw you kiss your friend Misty. You… also said that I was nothing to you." She stopped crying and looked up at him trying to read his face.

He had a shocked looked on his face. "Serena I… I don't know what to say to that. I want you to know that I like you a lot. I swear." He kisses her on the cheek and lies down next to her. He then pulls her into a hug. She hugs back, he said let's go for a walk the did it was 9:30 AM wene they got back to the house grace saw them holding hands wen they got back home she said what the heck is going on here

"Mom, please! Let us explain everything to you and Delia. Please." She gives her mother the puppy dog eyes. Grace sighs and says "Fine. But you better have a good excuse." She says as she leaves the room.

"Ash, what do we do?" Serena says worriedly. Ash looks around the room for something. He then looks out the window and points. "Run away?" He says in a panicked voice.

"No we're not doing that!" She says. Serena looks out the window for a few seconds actually considering it. "No." She says finally. "I think we actually need to tell them the truth. We were planning to do that anyway." Serena says.

"Yes, when they were in a good mood. I'm not very comfortable with them judging us after seeing us like that." He says. "I agree with you but we need to have the guts to deal with it." Ash smiles at that. "Heh, if I said to run away when we started going out, you would've followed me blindly."

Serena thinks about it and realizes he is right. She would literally do anything to get Ash's attention. Now that they've been dating for a few months, she knows she can just be herself. "Alright, lets do it." She says.

He smiles again and they both kiss each other. "Alright, lets go." Serena says. They head downstairs and see the 2 mothers staring at them with even more fury. Bonnie, Clemont and their father went out to do something. Serena starts getting second thoughts. She looks at Ash but he has his confident smile on his face.

"Is it true that you two were in a bed together?" Delia asked. Serena opened her mouth to say something and closed quickly again. Ash, however, says "Yes, we were." right away.

"Let me explain, I was going to the bathroom last night and then I heard Serena whimpering. I wanted to check on her so I opened the door. She was whimpering, rocking back and forth, and on the verge of crying. She had a nightmare so I comforted her. We then fell asleep next to each other." Ash explained.

"Why didn't you leave after you comforted her?" Grace asked. Ash looks at Serena and gives a confident nod saying 'You got this.' "It's because we're dating." The 2 mothers get shocked look on their faces.

"We didn't want to tell you because we wanted to tell you when everyone is happy like on Christmas day or today, if you didn't see us in the bed." She gives a little laugh and looks at them, waiting for a response.

They just look at each other for a little bit, and then smile. Serena is surprised, as is Ash. "I guess you aren't kids anymore." Delia says. "I guess not. Are you guys happy with your relationship?" Grace asks. They both nod quickly with smile.

"Then who are we to object?" Grace says. The 2 teens gets wide eyes and hug their mothers. "You are the best." They both say. The mothers hug back. After everyone got done hugging Ash had to ask something.

"Where's Clemont and Bonnie?" "They're out with their father doing something. I'm not sure what." Grace says. "But you guys have the day to yourselves, go enjoy it." Delia says smiling. They both nod and head out the door, holding hands.

"That was easier than I thought. I was expecting them to yell at us." Serena says, still holding Ash's hand while they walk out in the snow. "Me too, but now we have the entire day to ourselves. I'm pretty sure Bonnie and Clemont won't be back for a while. So, what should we do?" Ash asked.

"How about we go see all your pokémon? I'm curious to how many you have." Serena says with a smile. "Oh I have tons of them. You're going to like this." They head down to professor Oaks lab.

"Hey Serena." They hear a voice. They both look around and see someone with a red cap, blue jacket and jeans. "Calem?" Serena said. "Why are you holding hands with him? I thought we were dating." Calem says.

Ash twitches a bit. "Serena, did he say you guys are dating?" Ash asks. Serena was about to say something but Calem cut her off. "Yes, we are dating. She's probably only using you to make me jealous. Isn't that right babe?" Calem says with a smile.

He walks up to Serena, grabs her and kisses her. She let go of Ash's hand. Ash has a shocked look, then a blank look, and starts to walk away. She pushes Calem off of her and says "Ash wait!" but Ash ignores her and starts running toward the lab.

"Calem, what the hell are you doing here? I told you we were through!" Serena says trying to break out of Calem's grip. "It's because I love you Serena. I thought you knew this. Why did you break up with me?" Calem says smiling evilly.

"I broke up with you because you never truly liked me you only liked me for my looks." She says still struggling. Calem wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her in towards him. "Serena that was the old me, just give me a chance." He says. He then tries to force kiss her but she slaps his face.

Calem lets go of Serena and she falls down. "Leave me alone you freak!" She says and she gets up. However, Calem grabs her arm and drags her toward him "You're not leaving me that easily." He then drags her down to the ground and -lies on top of her.

"Get off of me! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Serena screams. "No one will hear you. Now, stay still." Calem says as he starts leaning in closer to her.

With Ash: "I can't believe she used me." Ash said talking to himself. 'I should've known, Calem looks pretty much like me.' He thought. He looks up in the sky and starts think about what to do next without trying to make things awkward since she is staying with them for Christmas.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Ash hears. 'That's Serena's voice' Ash thinks and heads toward where he left them.

"Stop it Calem!" Serena said. He was grazing her boob. She was also crying. "Calem get off of me. Please." She says. She looked up and sees Calem having a huge evil grin on his face. "You're mine Serena. Only mine." She just closes her eyes and wait for this to be over.

She looks up one more time and sees a shoe connect to Calem's face. She looks at the person who was wearing the shoe. It was Ash! "God and I thought Brock was a perv." He says.

Calem gets up and takes out a pokéball. "Chesnaught, Kick his ass!" A large Chesnaught comes out of the pokéball and roars. "Use Tackle!" The pokémon was about to charge at Ash but a loud roar stops it in its place. Ash crosses his arms and smile.

The roar comes out again and Calem and Chesnaught see a flying orange dragon fly next to Ash and land. "Meet my buddy, Charizard." Charizard lets out another fierce roar. Serena admits that Charizard was impressive. Calem and Chesnaught step back a few steps after hearing the roar.

"Charizard, flamethrower please." Charzard shoots flames out of his mouth burning not only Chesnaught and Calem, melting the snow nearby too. Chesnaught is knocked out and Calem returns him to his pokéball. Ash then goes up to Calem and lifts him up.

"I don't know what past you have with Serena, but obviously she didn't like it. So take the hint and leave her alone and get out of my hometown." Ash says. He then punches Calem in the gut and throws him to the ground. Calem gets up and starts running away.

Ash sighs and turns around to Serena. He wasn't even done turning when he was hugged by Serena. She hugged him so hard he took a few steps back. "Ash everything he said was lie. I dumped him but he couldn't get it through his thick skull. I'm so sorry that I-" Serena was cut off by Ash kissing her. She had her eyes wide open. She then kissed him back.

"You talk way to much Serena." Ash says with a warm smile. They just look at each other for a few minutes. "Well you 2 have been busy." A voice says. It's Clemont with Bonnie. "Ah the fabled sibling return. What did you do, fight a dragon?" Serena says sarcasticly.

"No but Ash fought with one." Bonnie said. "Well, we were going to go to Professor Oaks lab. You guys want to come?" They nod their heads and head to professor oaks lab and spend the entire day there. They were meeting Ash's pokémon, talking with Tracy and professor Oak, battling, helping the pokémon out, anything to past time.

They were on their way back to Ash's house for dinner. "Just think guys, tomorrow is our first Christmas together." Ash said "Yeah especially for you and Serena." Bonnie teased. The couple looks at each other and nods their heads. Ash grabs Bonnie awhile Serena grabs a huge handful and rubs it in Bonnie's face.

"Hey, no fair!" Bonnie says. The couple is laughing until a huge snowball hits the 2 of them. Clemont just threw one at them with his aipom arm. He had a smug look on his face. "Oh that's it!" And the rest of the way to Ash's house was a huge mobile snowball fight.

After dinner, everyone was getting ready to go to sleep. The parents were already in their rooms the kids were watching a movie it was over Ash told bonnie and serena that they could sleep in his room just dont mess with stuff with out asking i well be outside all night with one of my long time friends training our pokemon together at her gym in Cerulean City but he said he would be back by 5:30am and left and misty asked if she could have Christmas with his family he said i well have to ask my mom because we have 6 people there one is my girlfriend and misty said you have a girlfriend ash said yes i do you can come to my house and if you can't stay i will take you back home she said ok they got on Charizard and rode him home he landed and went in and made breakfast burgers for everyone 6:00 they all smelled something Cooking and came out of the rooms and to the kitchen and saw ash and a girl Cooking they said who is this he said she is a friend that i was with all night training our pokemon together because she is a gym leader then he went up to serena and said this is my girlfriend and introduce her to misty ash asked if she could stay for Christmas dinner because all her family are out of town his mom said yes he heard explosions out side and told everyone to stay inside and went outside to battle with team rocket and told Pikachu to use thunderbolt and knocked out there pokemon than told Pikachu to use Gigavolt Impact and they were gone everyone said what was that ash said a z move he saw Pikachu was in bad shape he he fell to the ground everyone said what is wrong with you nuthing an energy transfer would fixes he took Pikachu to the Pokemon Centre and said do you hzve and energy rechargeing stashion sje said yes they finished up at the pokemon center and went home and eat then took Misty home