
Chapter 9 What's wrong with this dungeon?

[POV Gustav Yorish, Level 25 Scout, Scout of the Expedition]

After learning that these things don't taste like stale rations which were handed out to us low-level adventurers, we did the next most obvious step.

We cooked the other Corpses and ate their meat too.

Once we got fat off the white meat of the monster I went to do my job, though I would say there wasn't much for me to do since the room only had one other passage which seemed to turn immediately going further into the dungeon.

I still do my job of constantly checking for traps and sliding up to the corner, all it results in though is looking down an empty corridor.

We traverse it quickly since nothing is in our way, I'm not expecting traps since it's common for dungeons to start forming them around floor 5 but I still check since it pays to be careful.

The party's next destination is another long corridor but near the end, I can tell it has a side passage and opens out into another room close by. 

I slide along the wall to the side passage and peer into it to reveal it leads to a room, The things I see in the room though are curious, In the room I can see what seems to be a pair of living helmets Facing a Red rock which seems to have holes. I analyse them.

[Level 4 Shelmet, Body Enhancement(Bug), Pro: Armoured, Con: Weak]

[Level 3 Shuckle, Body Enhancement(Bug)/Elemental(Rock), Pro: Unbreakable shell, Con: Weak internals]

The information helps but since there are just 3 of them out in the open, I don't think they're not alone, maybe some of those Anorith monsters from before are in the sand floor like before.

I informed the team before we stepped into the fight, once were in the room the trio of monsters became more apparent, the helmet monsters turned away from the red rock and revealed some red creature within the helmet.

From the Red rock what seems to be a creature that resembles a mix between a turtle and a worm appears from the holes on the red rock.

Lewis and our attacker Frank step charge towards the trio of monsters while I and Clint our Ranged Caster is protected by me.

Once Lewis and Frank are a few steps from attacking the helmet and rock monster our distribution seems suitable as masked by the sound of the pair's charge, a pair of those Anorith monsters jumped from the ground to attack them from behind.

With our battle experience in a moment, we change our targets from the defensive monsters to the pair of ambushing monsters.

Trusting us to keep them alive Lewis and Frank continue to charge the other monsters, Frank and Lewis both use their weapons to strike at the helmet monsters.

In a few scant seconds, four hits are confirmed, the result of one charred Anorith, a semi-blind Anorith, and two dented Helmets which were sent flying to the corners of the room.

The only monster not attacked though did something we didn't expect, from its mouth it Shot out a Net of Webbing towards the melee fighters.

In reaction to the net Lewis goes to cut it but suspecting something amiss Frank actually leaps back towards me and Clint to get out of the way of the net, I see this happening while reloading my wrist bow.

Lewis's blade cuts through the net making it so he is not caught or restrained by it but as he goes to attack the Red Rock monster, he takes two steps before realizing the net is now just everywhere on the floor making it so each step is restrained by the sticky web.

If this was used against new adventurers it would be very debilitating but against Lewis, it just slowing him down slightly, which give the rock monster enough time to take advantage of to attack but both me and Clint don't allow it to do so as we aim directly at the monster at range.

Not within the area of the webbing Frank quickly goes to the Anorith which I only blinded and just smacks it to kill it, I'll thank him later with one of my pieces of the meat.

Of our ranged attacks Frank's would hit first since it's essentially lightning, he arcs it around Lewis to hit the monster before my bolt hits it through the Head which is stunned by the lightning strike.

Of the monsters only the helmet ones are still alive still trying to get up from being hit like gongs, both me and Clint turn to take them down with ranged since that web is still in the way. 

We see that the pair of monsters seem to spit green blobs at Lewis but sensing something off about the blobs, Lewis dodges instead of blocking the shots, this proves prudent when after they reach the top of their arc the blob loses cohesion mid-air after missing him and splatter onto the webbing which starts to melt it.

The Helmet monsters just spit acid it seems, but in the next moment they're dead from mine and Clint's shots so they're no longer a threat.

As all the monsters in the room are dead, me and the party cool down to observe the room but unexpectedly The Rock monster just shoots through the air like a flung catapult bolder at Frank, He reacts to the attack and blocks it with his shield.

He stands his ground, and we hear the sound of broken bones from their impact.

Frank just stands still in his defensive stance, but the red rock seems to just fall to the ground with a loud THUMP!

We go towards Frank to check on his condition but as we get to the lip of the webbing he moves; he raises his sword and uses its pommel to strike at the red rock just to make sure it's dead.

The rest of us meticulously navigate the webbing so we don't get caught in it while also dodging the acid, when we reach Frank, we all see that his shield which can take the full brunt of a level 15 Boar is dented slightly from the impact.

"Yo Frank, your arm alright, that was a big hit?"

He just turns to me before shaking his shield arm. "Just lightly numb, I could have blocked it better but my footing and how it came out from nowhere made it worse." 

I shrug, he's a tough nut so if he says he's fine, he's fine. "Anyway, lads let's get to looting shall we."

We go to each of the monsters and collect their bodies, we pile them away from the webbing there I examine the Shelmets and the Shuckle corpses.

"Ok it seems these things are called Shelmet, have a natural metallic Exoskeleton, but when I look with Detect poison their flesh is just too acidic to eat, in an emergency maybe but otherwise harmful."

I turn to the red rock and my [detect Poison] reacts but in a way, I wasn't expecting but it makes me smile all the same.

"What's with the smirk Gustav, is its shell an ore or something, it's hard enough, "Frank asks since he's as observant as me sometimes so he notices my smile.

"Well yeah its shell is really hard and could be used as an ore for good armour but, I found a far greater prize." I pick up the red shell and using a knife I have I dig out the body of the Monster, to reveal a Yellow Noodle like creature.

Once the body of the creature is fully removed from the shell, I take out an empty waterskin from our hike to the dungeon and place it at one of the lips of the shell's exits, I then simply tip the shell over to reveal a Golden Liquid ambrosia which pours from the shell to the Waterskin.

"It has Booze in it." When I say this, I thank all the divines, and any deity related to dungeons since in all recorded history was there was never a dungeon which just had Booze as a monster drop instead of a chest drop at such an early point.

This revelation alone means this expedition was worth it, this dungeon will become a major attraction even if it is just a Body enchantment Dungeon. 

Sadly, I don't tell my companions who have taken out their own waterskins, that it's actually weak booze but booze regardless, but maybe in the lower floors there's better booze.

A man can dream.