Normal Isekai routine, the MC though instead of going on an adventure is made to Monsters verses adventures to survive as a dungeon. Due to their own choice there plan for survival is now in the hand of cute and ferocious monsters against adventurers who want to harvest his core. Warning, This fic will depict Pokémon attacking/killing humans so if your not a fan of that look away.
Making the First floor is actually very simple I just eat the dirt, I learned that Dirt tastes very earthy, who would have thought. . .
The closest access point to the surface is roughly to the South east direction So to plan for the design I know its gonna have to be a bit winding so I start by making corridors west then plan to head south making rooms.
I make a few rooms and once I make a ok amount of progress I can feel an hitch in my instincts.
It turns out I need to designate locations to Run Mana in the floor, If I don't I feel like an annoying itch, now you would question what this would mean well my instincts are telling me Treasure would appear at those locations.
I'll deal with it later, but knowing this effects my creation of the first floor since in the process I make some hidden rooms for them.
In the End the first floor is done dimensions wise so the next thing I do is think of what Pokémon I want to sent to the first floor.
Since the Shiny Shuckle is here I just shrug and have it act as the floor boss since I'm lazy, for this I Increase its level to 9, Since the blue Shuckle is here it would make sense to summon some other Shuckle so their in the roster.
Since Shuckle are here maybe I should follow a theme for the floor, maybe armoured bug types, luckily there are some other Pokémon so I can use those.
[You have Summoned a Lv 1 Anorith]
[You have Summoned a Lv 1 Shelmet]
[You have Summoned a Lv 1 Shuckle]
With them Summoned I tell them their rolls on the floor, they listen with apt attention before waddling off to find a new home.
The Anorith which are the Flat grey scaled Shrimp are to act as the front line with Physical attacks relying on their Basic defence and great speed to hound invaders.
The Shelmets which are bugs hiding in metal helmet like shells are to act as Ambush attackers with their strong Leach life, the only downside is that their not the most mobile but being an ambusher doesn't mean it matters much.
But Shelmets speed is great when compared to Shuckle, The only thing that Shuckle has going for it in this situation is that Its Move pool is Crazy at low level so its going to act as this floors supporting role be it with either Sticky Web to slow foes, Withdraw to become a Tank on command, Struggle bug to be a range de-buffer or Rollout to act as a back line slinger.
Now that I have the Pokémon and the floor now its time to design the style of the rooms, being lazy I just turn the Rooms into natural cave formations with stalagmites and Stalactites, small pools of water and some loose sand around.
At this Point I define the location of the treasure, one part about the dungeon I don't control is what treasure appears in the chest, just the location, I just shrug since less to manage I suppose.
That was the last thing for the first floor so I check how much mana I have left and can tell I have enough to make like another floor, it really hard to quantify how much mana I have and when I addressed the system about that it was silent.
Anyway for now I check that everything is in place, the Pokémon have selected their habitats but for some reason their not in the first room that right near the entrance so that weird, I check with my instincts and it tells me the first room is a safe zone but only on the first floor so meh.
I start to develop downward for the second floor but I check something before starting, I check how long its been since I summoned the Shiny Shuckle and I can feel its been a week.
I'm slightly shocked that while I was consuming the earth time was dilated, Well using a week as reference it should take as much time to make the second floor, So I just go an do so.
The process is simple and boring also dirt still tastes like dirt no change there.
I hollow out the second floor using the sculpt tool Now when that's done I check the time remaining until I'm forced to breach the surface and find out its been like 10 days. . .
I have no idea what's going on, It felt like it took the same amount of time as the first floor but then the system says its took longer, I am tracking the time off the system's time limit until I need to surface so it should be right.
Maybe its not that time is going faster but the denser I make the Dungeon the harder it its to contain.
I'll just fill the second floor then pop the seal so to speak.
Now for the second floor I am still limited with Bug, Normal and Rock types, I think I start with the pure bug types since, they do evolve early so I can get their strongest form the quickest.
If my math is right and it is since its simple, For the second level I can reach the level most of the early bugs evolve into their cocoon phase so less squishy bugs, hell if I also remember some of those early evolving bugs final evolution happen at 10 so I can possibly have my Boss be the end of the evolution line.
For this Floor I decide I'll summon 5 bugs ore more specifically 3 different species lines but 1 with each member of the evolution line.
[You have Summoned a Lv 2 Caterpie]
[You have Summoned a Lv 2 Nymble]
[You have Summoned a Lv 2 Wurmple]
[You have Summoned a Lv 7 Metapod]
[You have Summoned a Lv 7 Metapod]
With a pair of Metapods in front of me I just do Eeny, meeny, miny, moe between the pair and in the end one of them becomes orange becoming shiny and being designated at the floor boss.
It doesn't stay orange Since I Pump some more energy into it to set it to Level 10, it glows bright and in its place is a green eyed butterfree with pink hands and feet.
I simply say 5 words to the collections of bugs, "turn Floor 2 into Hell."
They Nod like the dutiful bugs they are and get to work.