
Pokemon: Conqueror (Hiatus)

Hello, this is Buggy_D._Clown with another trash fanfic that suddenly popup into my mind. Things to know before reading this fanfic. 1. Tobi would be extremely op as this is a wish fulfilment story so no hate (peace) 2. I still can't decide about whether I should add a romance as I still haven't experienced one. 3. About Tobi's Pokemons, I did have a thought about it but I don't want you guys to compare mc to Giovanni so I'm thinking of changing it (if you guys have any suggestions please feel free to share) 4. This story would be heavily influenced by "The Rise of Dark Pokemons" even though I still haven't finished it yet. still on chapter 711. (If you are looking for good Pokemon fanfic, I recommend you guys to read it.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sypnosis: Shinichi Kintoki or much known as Tobi was a ruler of the strongest and deadliest criminal syndicate on Earth, was killed by his adopted father then got reincarnated by a higher being with a single mission, to conquer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A/N: If you guys have any suggestions and ideas to further improve the story and plot, please feel free to share. If you liked the fanfic please drop some power stones and reviews. Just for motivations.

Buggy_The_Clown · 漫画同人
46 Chs

Chapter 27

The One Piece fanfiction is out!

All I wanna say is thank you guys for all your support and I truly appreciate it.

The bad news was the One Piece fanfic doesn't have a consistent update release so I hope you guys are patient enough to wait for updates.

[1029 Words]


[Ding! Grotle leveled up by one!]

[Ding! Grotle leveled up by one!]

Tobi heard the system's notification as a bright light enveloped Grotle's whole body.

He was blinded by the light but fortunately, he manage to give Grotle the last Aptitude enhancer serum Tobi currently possesses.

The Aptitude enhancer serum was an extremely valuable item but it also has a big limitation, a Pokemon can't drink more than three serums as their body could no longer wield such improvement.

That's also the reason why Tobi didn't let Grotle drink all the 5 serums and rather share the other 2 with Azumarill.

Tobi's 5 Aptitude enhancers were all used up but he didn't mind even a bit, he was confident to decipher how the serum works and replicate them using chaos energy.

The light disperse and a gigantic Pokemon towering Tobi came out.

It has a sharp rock on each of its cheeks, a small tree above its shell.

This is Torterra, a grass-type, ground-type Pokemon, and also the next and final evolution line of Turtwig and Grotle.

"Torterra!" Torterra exclaimed excitedly feeling a surging power flowing in his vein.

"You've grown big little guy." Tobi was also happy for his starter pokemon as he rubs its shell.

'Appraise!' Tobi excitedly thought as he couldn't wait to see how strong his very first pokemon had become.


[Pokemon]: Torterra

[Species]: Continent Pokemon

[Type]: Grass, Ground

[Gender]: Male♂️

[Height]: 2.7m

[Weight]: 543kg

[Aptitude]: Blue (?)

[Lvl]: 41

[Abilities]: Overgrowth(?), Shell Armor(?)(Hidden Ability)

[Moves]: Tackle, Bite, Leafage, Curse, Leer, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Body Slam, Earthquake

[Egg Moves]: Seed Bomb(E), Bullet Seed, Razor Leaf, Growth(E)

[TM Moves]: None

[Friendship Value]: 999


A change happened in terms of Torterra's move as he learned Earthquake, greatly strengthening his destruction capability by a lot.

Egg moves pokemon possesses is much more important compared to the moves they learned through leveling or training because the former was much faster to raise in term of mastery compared to the latter.

Torterra's move Growth reached expert rank while Curse and Leech Seed didn't, this might not be the only reason but it is one of the reasons.

Torterra's move might have little change but his other stats did.

Torterra compared to Grotle and Turtwig, possess a dual typing; namely grass and ground.

His size was about a half bigger than he was as a Grotle but it's the weight that increase tremendously!

Torterra's weight increase 5 times heavier but strangely enough didn't cause Grotle a lot of discomforts that Tobi first thought.

"Good job Buddy." Tobi complements Torterra with a satisfied look and brings him back to his Pokeball.

Tobi put Torterra's Pokeball back to his belt then took another two from it.

Tobi stared at the two Pokeball in hand and released the one in his left.

A red light escapes the ball and mold it into a Scyther.

The Scyther was still asleep due to the effect of the drug making it easier for Tobi to finalize his plan.

Tobi touched the Scyther's forehead as a symbol emerged which quickly disappeared.

Seeing the process going smoothly, Tobi smiled in accomplishment and released the second pokemon.

Rhydon was confused finding himself free again or so he thought as a hand touches his forehead without giving him time to react.

The Rhydon was also marked by Tobi leaving him nothing to worry about.

Tobi continues on his journey heading to Viridian City.

|Timeskip: 12 Days|

Tobi finally reached the Viridian City after 12 more days of walking which is much longer than Tobi first estimated but it is also caused by Tobi himself.

Tobi wasn't in a hurry and took his time, catching pokemons he deemed valuable and looking around the forest trying to find anything valuable.

Scythe was the one who benefited a lot from the Journey as Tobi let him bully every weaker pokemon they encounter.

Scyther at first was having a hard time adapting to Tobi's commands but after a while, he finally get the hang of it.

His strength increases tremendously breaking through the Intermediate Stage reaching level 25 which is about double and a half of his former level.

Unfortunately, he didn't manage to learn new moves but Tobi didn't mind.

Rhydon on the other hand took care of the pokemon Scyther can't deal with increasing his level by one and improving his and Tobi's teamwork.

"Identification please." A security guard halted Tobi after seeing the pokeballs in his waist.

"Here." Tobi didn't wanna cause a scene so he easily comply and handed over the Trainer I.D he brought from the system.

The security guard was surprised seeing Tobi's I.D was colored Brown and was more shocked seeing Tobi's age written on the I.D.

The guard was suspicious and scanned the I.D to verify if its real which came out positive.

"Here is your I.D sir, Im extremely sorry for the trouble." The guard politely apologizes while bowing.

"It's ok man, you're just doing your job." Tobi didn't take it to heart knowing what benefit a Trainer receives especially those with a higher rank.

The trainer was also ranked depending on their Trainer I.D's color and Tobi's Brown I.D represents an Intermediate Rank Trainer.

It might not be much for the higher class family but for civilians, it's technically hard, and only geniuses manage to reach that height and the security guard guess that Tobi was one.

The trainer was ranked by the following:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

White = Primary Trainer rank

Brown = Intermediate Trainer rank

Gold= Advanced Trainer Rank/ Gym leader rank

Diamond = Elite four

Rainbow = Champion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A/N: If you guys have any suggestions and ideas to further improve the story and plot, please feel free to share.

If you liked the fanfic please drop some power stones and reviews to help me get more motivation.