
Pokemon collides with the real world

Our main character kj has recently died from saving a young child. Thinking that his life was over he was ready to give up and let swathe,brace him until all of a sudden he felt his soul being pulled. Blacking out the last thing he saw was the crying face of a child. But as if a miracle happened his soul was reincarnated into another earth similar to his but with a few changes.

Kj5513 · 漫画同人
33 Chs

Crowned Champion

The sun had just begun to set, casting a golden glow over the stadium as the crowd's cheers reverberated through the air. Kj stood in the center of the battlefield, his heart pounding with a mixture of exhilaration and disbelief. He had done it. He had won the finals. As he looked around, the faces of his teammates—Nami, Rex, and Ana—shone with pride and joy.

The referee's voice cut through the din, firm and clear. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have our champion! Kj has emerged victorious in the finals!" The announcement was met with a thunderous roar from the audience, their applause and cheers celebrating Kj's triumph.

Orion, his final opponent, approached Kj with a smile of genuine respect. "Congratulations, Kj. That was a battle worthy of the finals. You've earned this victory."

Kj shook Orion's hand, feeling a deep sense of camaraderie. "Thank you, Orion. It was an incredible battle. Your team was formidable."

Orion nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I have no doubt you'll go far, Kj. Good luck in your future endeavors."

### **The Award Ceremony**

As the stadium began to calm, a grand stage was set up in the center of the field. Kj and his team were ushered to the front, where a large, ornate trophy awaited them. The trophy sparkled under the stadium lights, a symbol of their hard-earned victory.

The host of the tournament, a distinguished figure in a sharp suit, stepped up to the podium. "Today, we celebrate not just a winner, but a champion who has demonstrated unparalleled skill, strategy, and sportsmanship. Kj, please step forward to receive your trophy."

Kj took a deep breath and walked up to the podium. The host handed him the trophy, its weight a testament to the effort and dedication that had gone into winning it. As Kj held the trophy aloft, the crowd erupted once more, their cheers echoing through the stadium.

"This victory belongs to all of us," Kj said, his voice carrying across the field. "To my incredible team—Nami, Rex, Ana—and to all our Pokémon who fought valiantly. This is our moment."

His words were met with applause and cheers, the energy in the stadium electric with celebration.

### **An Unexpected Offer**

As the celebrations continued, a figure emerged from the shadows of the stadium, making their way toward Kj and his team. It was a man in a crisp, dark suit, his demeanor serious and composed. He approached Kj with an air of authority.

"Excuse me, Kj," the man said, his voice steady and authoritative. "My name is Director Lawson. I represent the United States Pokémon League and the International Pokémon Exploration Agency. I have a proposition for you."

Kj exchanged curious glances with his team before turning back to Director Lawson. "What kind of proposition?"

Director Lawson smiled slightly, his eyes keen and discerning. "Firstly, as the champion of this prestigious tournament, we would like to offer you the position of the United States Pokémon Champion. It is a role that comes with great responsibility and honor, representing our nation in international competitions."

The crowd around them began to murmur, excitement and curiosity rippling through the spectators. Kj's heart raced at the prospect. Becoming the USA Champion was a dream many trainers aspired to, a pinnacle of achievement.

But Director Lawson wasn't finished. "In addition," he continued, lowering his voice slightly, "we would like to offer you a more discreet position. The International Pokémon Exploration Agency is looking for a new head of command to lead expeditions into uncharted territories. This role involves significant risk, but it also promises unparalleled opportunities for discovery and adventure."

Kj's mind whirled with the possibilities. He had always dreamed of exploring the unknown, uncovering the mysteries of the Pokémon world. But the weight of such a decision was immense.

### **The Decision**

Kj and his team gathered in a quiet room within the stadium, away from the bustling crowd. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and uncertainty.

"Becoming the USA Champion is an incredible honor," Nami said, her analytical mind already weighing the pros and cons. "It would open doors for us and give us a platform to influence the Pokémon world."

Rex nodded, his Arcanine by his side. "But the head of command position with the Exploration Agency... that's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Think of the discoveries we could make, the adventures we could have."

Ana, her Eevee perched on her shoulder, looked thoughtful. "Whatever decision you make, Kj, we'll support you. We've come this far together, and we'll continue to stand by your side."

Kj looked at his friends, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and camaraderie. "I need to think about this carefully. Both options are incredible, but they lead down very different paths."

He stood up, pacing the room as he thought. The weight of the decision pressed down on him, but he knew he had to choose the path that resonated most with his heart and aspirations.

### **To Be Continued...**

The following morning, the stadium buzzed with anticipation once more. Kj and his team stood before the crowd, the decision weighing heavily on his mind.

"Firstly, I want to thank everyone who has supported me on this journey," Kj began, his voice steady. "To my incredible team, to our Pokémon, and to all the fans who have cheered us on. This victory is ours."

He paused, glancing at his friends who smiled back at him with unwavering support. "After much consideration, I have decided..."

At that moment, a sudden gust of wind swept through the stadium, carrying with it the scent of adventure and possibility. Kj's eyes widened as he looked toward the horizon, where a distant island loomed on the edge of the sea.

"...that our journey is far from over," Kj continued, his voice filled with determination. "There are still mysteries waiting to be uncovered, challenges waiting to be conquered. We're heading to a new island, where our next adventure awaits."

The crowd erupted into murmurs of excitement and anticipation. Director Lawson nodded approvingly, his gaze fixed on Kj with a knowing smile.

"And so," Kj declared, raising a hand to silence the crowd, "we embark on our next chapter. Together, we will explore, discover, and grow. For the Pokémon world is vast, and our journey has only just begun."

As Kj spoke those words, he knew that whatever path he chose—be it as the USA Champion or the head of the Exploration Agency—it would lead him to new heights of adventure and discovery.


To be continued in the next thrilling chapter of Kj's journey into the unknown...