
Pokemon: Brock's Younger Brother?

David never thought he would be transmigrated after a tired day of work. Waking up to the feeling of nausea. But there he was... Now on his feet up in the middle of a dark room with his other siblings there. "I'm Forrest?" Looking around David was shaken as he assessed his situation. David was in for a surprise as the son of Flint and the second eldest of the family as Brock's little brother. ___________________ There will be no "Levels" or "Talents". The Story will be more realistic with add-ons by myself of course. But I won't make the story "dark" as I enjoy Pokemon for the brighter side of the series and catching Pokemon. Some cities, towns, or small pieces of information will be made up myself to fit the story.

Del123 · 漫画同人
36 Chs

Saffron City Debut Battles

"Alright start this off with a {Night Slash}," I command.

With a gust of wind, Scyther was off using its wings to propel itself forward. Numel unable to react gets immediately slashed in the face. The hit barely missing the eye, fails to get the critical hit.

"Numel return the attack with {Ember}." My opponent says right after.

'So he's trying a tank and trade battle style.' I instantly figured it out. My opponent most likely knew my Scyther's weakness and wanted to deal more damage than I originally did.

A bad decision as the winner of this battle will need to fight many more battles later on. Not wanting Scyther to take any damage to conserve its health, I'm forced to act instantly.

"Dodge with {Quick Attack} and transfer into a {Night Slash}."

Numel who was a little winded out from the first attack and not expecting it to be so strong, forced itself to attack.


But with Scyther engulfing itself with a white hue, it swiftly speeds away from the attack and appears next to the poor Numel. Without much resistance, Scyther was able to finish the battle quite fast.

Numel gets hit and gets sent flying to its trainer's feet.


"With Numel unable to battle, the winner goes to Scyther. Making trainer Forrest the victor." The referee announces. These words though were drowned out by the bustling noise of battles and voices. But it did turn a few heads to realise who it was, which quickly escalated to the word being spread.

Forrest Harrison was here, and his Pokemon are no joke. Beating his opponent in two moves. It might not seem impressive but people are only expected to start their journey a few weeks ago and this is a significant difference.

This is the difference between a newbie trainer and someone who already has a set path. While other trainers are travelling around and figuring out what they want, someone with a clear path knows what's expected of them.

It is interesting though what I found out while fighting random trainers on the road. They don't "train" their Pokemon. "Training" to them is to have their Pokemon battle other Pokemon or do laps.

This is a significant difference from all the speed, strength and endurance training I do which sets my Pokemon apart.

"Cle clefairy!" Clefairy shouts praising Scyther which made the Pokemon puff its chest out in pride. Looking at me in the eyes, I just give it some encouraging words to keep on going.

"You're doing great Scyther, keep it up," I say giving it a thumbs up which made Scyther smile back.

Returning Scyther to his Pokeball, I started to walk around the battlefields. There's no harm in trying to scout some potential opponents.

"Cle cle?"

Looking at Clefairy's confused face, I realised it was pointing somewhere. Turning around I saw one battlefield in particular which had a few trainers observing already. This was because this was Janine's turn to battle, her opponent seems to be pretty competent.

'It seems like I wasn't the only one who finished their battles with ease.' I thought to myself looking at some of the spectators. But this ended up making me widen my eyes as a character I didn't expect was here.

A boy of similar age to me was leaning on a wall observing Janine's match from afar, Alain. He had his signature blue scarf with him and a Charmeleon loitering around closely

The kid in the future will make it to the master's top eight. A position benefiting only the best of the best in the future. But sadly he was done dirty as he had to face the reigning Monarch, Leon in his first match.

I still believe his first battle should have been Ash to finish up what happened in X and Y.

Taking my attention back to Janine's match, she ends her opponent's female Nidorino with a {Wing Attack} from Golbat. After the win, there were a few claps from on lookers but I just made my way to a bench to sit down.

"I wonder who my next opponent will be," I murmur as I played around with my Clefairy.

"fairy fairyyy!" The fairy Pokemon squealed out trying to escape this monster's hand. As I kept on tickling this fluff ball, I got a notification which said where my next match would be held.

Looking at my Pokedex I realised my fight would be in 10 minutes when everybody finished up on the battlefields. With this, I just spent the remaining time fiddling around with Clefairy as I apologised with some Pokemon food.

While Clefairy was nibbling on some food, I headed to my next set.

Battlefield 14.

"Are you trainer Forrest Harrison?" A guy with similar clothing to the last referee asked. Nodding at him, I do all the registration and quickly made my way to battle my second opponent.

Looking on ahead I meet another familiar character who had a sour face. The sight of mid-length purple hair entering my vision made me squint my eyes. He a purple jacket with navy sleeves, purple pants and navy shoes.

It was Ash's rival from Sinnoh, Paul from Veilstone City Sinnoh. It seems like a whole heap of characters were gonna be my opponents for this indigo league season which spices up the battles.

'This will be exciting.' I thought to myself getting a giddy feeling at all the characters I could battle. With the referee soon after this, started the match as Paul and I grab a Pokeball.

"Turtwig, stand by for battle."




Both Pokemon roar out which quickly made them get into a stare-off. The two Pokemon waiting for their trainer's instructions, started to circle each other in small steps.

'Let's start this off to get the first move advantage.'

"Scyther {Double Team}." I shout. Paul reacted accordingly to my words. Proceeds to tell Turtwig to directly attack Scyther without any pauses.

"{Razor Leaf} Turtwig, don't let him complete its move," Paul commands. Scyther who made multiple clones of itself, saw the incoming sharp leaves which made it dodge all of the attacks.

This ended up the same as most of the clones were hit, but a few survived casting the total Scythers to seven.

"Get in close and use {Wing Attack}."

"Quickly Turtwig use {Withdraw} then attack with {Bite}!"

Scyther flapping its four wings, launched itself forward as it imbued its blades with a light blue colour. Getting up to the Turtwig, Scyther realises what the move was because of training with Squirtle for a bit.

"Sai sai." Scyther growled out as it first aimed for Turtwig's legs which end up cancelling {Withdraw}, then it hit the tiny leaf Pokemon in the eyes which was a critical hit.

"Turt!" The Pokemon cried out loud feeling the pain of the attack. Paul now backed into a corner didn't have many options left.

"One more {Wing Attack} Scyther!"

"Dodge it Turtwig!"

Unfortunately for Paul, Scyther was too close to Turtwig for it to recover and doge. Paul ended up paying the price as another slash near his Pokemon's neck sent the poor Pokemon flying back.


Paul looking at his downed Pokemon felt a bit helpless realising that he couldn't have done anything. Watching my opponent clench his fist and leave the battlefield, I turn to the referee who was gonna announce the winner.

"Turtwig is unable to battle, hence making Scyther the winner. The victory goes to Forrest Harrison."

Confirming my win from the referee, I went back to the backrooms and just sat on a bench waiting for my remaining matches. The match between Paul's Pokemon and mine was pretty unsatifiying.

I needed more.

Staring at Scyther's Pokeball I realised that the Pokemon was technically an "Adult". He knows whats best for himself as on multiple occasions showed his mental capacity.

Scyther not only calmed down the raging Scythers in his pack making it known he was the strongest and he could solve problems without much inflict of interest. This could be seen as him being a peace maker between my Pokemon when they fight over something.

The biggest kicker of all is that Scyther is a veteran battler in the wild, he knows where to attack and observes his opponent. It has multiple scars as a symbol of pride and is extremely mature for a hot-blooded species like the Scyther line.

'I've found a diamond in the rough. I should cherish Scyther more as one of my Pokemon' I thought to myself just staring into the sky with Clefairy just nibbling on more food.

I have been forcing my training session on Scyther which has helped his speed as I've seen a sudden increase. But I'll let him train on his own and occasionally do my drills. I'll tell him this after the tournament.

The reasoning for this is the training is meant for Lairon originally and could be breaking down Scyther's body. I know for a fact that Scyther's body isnt as resilient as as rock types.

If he keeps this up he could potentially permanently damage his body without my knowledge. I should get him to rest a little bit more.

Especially with the "secret training" Lairon went through to practically make its defences double, there's no way Scyther can keep up with that physical monster. Staring off into my Pokedex, I mostly sat by myself in thought for a while till my next battle.

And after a couple of minutes of me scrolling through Pokebook. I see a message sent from multiple of my family members.


[Notifications: 8]

Seeing this I open up my contacts to see that Dad, Mother and Brock messaged me to congratulate me on my early wins in the tournament. Apparently my second match was chosen to be on TV after my name was voiced out.

[Brock (Brock Harrison)]

Brock: Nice battle Forrest!

Brock: You just need a couple more battles till you reach the semi-finals. Try you're best to place top three for a prize if you didn't already know about it.

You: Thanks, Brock! Did you watch my match?

Brock: Of course I did, why would I ever miss my brother's debut to the public?

Brock: Don't forget to heal up Scyther with the free potions. I saw him breathing hard through my screen.

You: Okay I will!


I could practically see the smug smirk of Brock knowing that he had watched my match. In the end, he did remind me of something important. I haven't healed Scyther up because I'm used to long pauses before battles like at the gym and wild.

He can't naturally fully heal up here.

I also chatted with mother and dad before I realised how much time has passed. Another notification but from the tournament orginasiers this time, has shown me my next battle.

After healing up Scyther I looked over to the pink fluff who was biting a countainer.

"Lets go Clefairy," I say smiling at the cute Pokemon. Clefairy who was too busy trying to open the Pokemon food container I bought to prevent Pokemon theft (Clefairy stealing), I ended up just picking her up.

"The least you can do is get me girls." I chuckle out to myself as Clefairy was trying tis best to pry open the lid.

"Cle fairy..." The little fluff said not paying attention to any of my words. Making my way to the next battlefield, I sign and prepare myself.
