
Pokemon: Brock's Younger Brother?

David never thought he would be transmigrated after a tired day of work. Waking up to the feeling of nausea. But there he was... Now on his feet up in the middle of a dark room with his other siblings there. "I'm Forrest?" Looking around David was shaken as he assessed his situation. David was in for a surprise as the son of Flint and the second eldest of the family as Brock's little brother. ___________________ There will be no "Levels" or "Talents". The Story will be more realistic with add-ons by myself of course. But I won't make the story "dark" as I enjoy Pokemon for the brighter side of the series and catching Pokemon. Some cities, towns, or small pieces of information will be made up myself to fit the story.

Del123 · 漫画同人
36 Chs

Route Six

I never thought I could actually beat Bea in a Tyrogue versus Tyrogue battle. This stems from the fact that she's been working with the type for years and could probably predict my own Tyrogue's weaknesses just from a glance.

It's the reason she picked hers over him which reason only she would know.

So him losing was the best outcome to make him realise his weaknesses and bond with him more. Now it should be easier to train him.

I mean when you lose a battle pretty badly, you would take any advice and get as strong as you can. It just depends on the resources that's used to get to a higher position.

"So where are you going next?" I asked curious. Right now Bea and I were sitting on a bench with all our Pokemon returned to our Pokeballs.

"I'm heading to Celadon next, you?" She responded taking in the scenery of the garden next to the battle field. The night sky enhanced the view a lot.

"I'm heading to Vermillion to teach one of my Pokemon {Heal Pulse} and take the ferry."

Arriving to Vermillion City would mark the start of my gym badge spree because I'll immediately head for the ferry after Clefairy learns {Heal Pulse}. This could take a few days or more so I wouldn't count on it. Of course I'll take loads of breaks in between to not overwork myself and my Pokemon though.

'Speaking of which, I should add him now.' I thought to myself taking out my Pokedex.

"Add me on Pokebook before you leave, I'll be waiting for your response." She ends up saying before standing up and taking a leave to her hotel.

Looking at the star scattered night sky, I sigh to myself feeling a little tired because of the events today.

I've only actually spent a single day in this City and am leaving tommorow. At least I got to enjoy most of Saffron City with Bea.

'It's time to go.' I thought to myself after successfully transferring the said Pokemon to my team. Right after this a Pokeball materialised on top of the blue gem to which I take. Opening my team summary on my Pokedex, I quickly check to see if it made a mistake.


[Team 1 (On Hand)]

• Lairon

• Scyther_1

• Clefairy

• Squirtle

• Tyrogue

• Geodude


With Geodude now on hand it will make my gym battles much easier. I don't care if people say I'm leeching off my Dad's Pokemon, I trained this guy when I was a new trainer. And continued to use it for trainer battles together with Lairon when it was an Aron.

"Time to get a move on." I murmur taking out a Pokeball. Tapping the button twice, it sends out a red beam.



Carrying the incubator I stood up and was ready to go. It would take a few days to arrive at Vermillion, it depended on the public road and if there were any pauses on the way.

But I was gonna train a bit there to get my team used to each others presence. I can't have them fighting over each other for stupid shit now should I?

"Sit in front, you haven't been on the bike yet so you'll get to experience it now." I say with a smile. Tyrogue who gave me a confused look with a tilt of its head, while it just watched as I placed the incubator on Clefairy's seat.

'Clefairy has been enjoying her nap time.' I thought to myself remembering how expressive she was. A Pokeball when a Pokemon inside it apparantly puts the Pocket Monster into a semi-sleep state.

The said Pokemon is able to control if they sleep or not and are able to leave their own Pokeballs at any point of time which can be restricted by the trainer. I'll need to get more comfortable Pokeballs for my Pokemon though.

So a Pokeball isn't too bad and makes it so the Pokemon gets enough sleep before getting sent out for any reason.

"Ty tyrogue!" The pokemon said getting excited. Picking Tyrogue up and placing him on the seat, I soon after get on and start to paddle away to route six. This route had a few towns in between I could use as rest.

It took me a few minutes to arrive to the exit towards route six as Saffron City was a difficult place to navigate.

If I didn't have my Pokedex I would of still been at Mt. Moon for a while.

An hour passes by as I made my way through route six. I passed a few people as my Tyrogue happily took in the breeze.

It was now around 11 pm and I was looking for a spot to camp.

"Tyrogue if you see an open spot just tell me." I yawn out. The little guy enjoying the ride quickly nods as he excitedly looks on ahead.

The roads up ahead weren't clear as at this point everything was dark. Only one thing was keeping me on track on the road and I was that there wasn't trees blocking my path and the light my bike had.

Seeing a little bump up ahead I get a grin.


I proceeded to go fast and launched my bike a few feet of the ground. This made Tyrogue shout in surprise and joy.

Looking at my surroundings Tyrogue eventually told me to stop as he was getting tired. We found an open space near the public road to which I started to set up camp.

Taking out a portable tent to which I could slide open and closed, I put the sleeping bag inside and get ready to sleep.




Sending out my teams strongest Pokemon, I just give them the signal to stay up and take turns watching. They already knew what to do as they had this job since we started the journey.

"You guys know the drill." I say as I released the rest of my Pokemon.





With this I started to gather the rest and tell them to get a good rest as Scyther and Lairon were out on watch. I still can't trust the others to watch as they are weak against truly strong wild Pokemon.

"Damn what's the time.' I mumble out. Rubbing my eyes I looked around to quickly remember where I was.

Taking out my Pokedex I check some of my chat logs with some of my contacts. Last night I mostly spent my time messaging Brock, Roxanne and Bea.

Brock was to find out if he caught my wanted Pokemon which he already did. But he's too far away for civilisation to sent it over.

I mostly exchanged tips and information between Roxanne and I because we "both" ran a gym. My title might not be a "gym leader" but I may as well be called that.

The gym is basically being slowly switched into my theme as dad brought a batch of Aron to make them the signature Pokemon of Pewter.

This fact alone tells everyone who has researched the gym know that I'm being prepared to take Dad's spot.

I finally added Bea but we didn't chat much as she slept right after I friended her.

Ignoring my aching head I got up and opened up the tent with my bag in hand. Geodude, Squirtle, Tyrogue and Clefairy were sleeping as I exited the tent.

The tent I had was a slider to which I could just open and close it like a mini garage which was convenient


"That's bright." I say blocking my eyes from the morning sun. Looking at my surroundings I could see Lairon taking a nap and Scyther was leaning next to a tree close to the tent.

But something didn't seem right…

Standing up and doing a few stretches, I gave Scyther a nod while finding some nice flat ground.

The mantis Pokemon nodding back at me, grunted before pointing behind the tent. With my attention now to the back of the tent my eyes widen in surprise.

Right there were over 20 fainted Beedrills on the floor knocked out cold. Walking over I take a Pokeball from my bag with a bored look.

"Who was the strongest out of the bunch?" I question. After a Scyther pointing to a single one which was seemingly bigger than the rest, I soon after caught it with a still tired expression.

I wasn't planning on using a Beedrill for my team. But it's never too bad to be prepared for every type. With my opponents having diverse sets of teams who wouldn't want a free Pokemon.

Because having one Pokemon effective against my opponents while the rest aren't. Will fuck up the match up and will lose me the battle.

"Good job, I'll give you and Lairon some extra food." I murmur with a smile. Scyther who heard this small gesture got a proud smirk before closing its eyes.

Soon after this Lairon proceeded to wake up to which I swiftly commanded him to {Rock Tom} all the bees the hell away from here.

'What should I make today, Adobo or Tinola?' I hypothetically ask myself full knowing that Adobo would be the answer.

Setting up a table with chairs, I slowly unpacked most of my cooking equipment and food bowls. I was planning to stay in route six for a little bit before

While setting up all he ingredients which were stored in my bag, I asked Lairon to set up all the "basic" training drills I made up.

"Lairon set up the cones and a few bouncy balls."

While not new information, it still bugged me that 95% of trainers consider running and battling "training".

Is that why my Pokemon are so strong?

Meh I'm probably over complicating things. My opponents are all teenagers like me who just wanted to adventure out for the first time.

"Ronn." The iron armour Pokemon responded as it nudged over my bag. As I was grabbing some garlic cloves, I also pulled out all the equipment needed.

'How much garlic cloves did I need again?' I thought to myself trying to remember the recipe. 'I may as well just use a quarter of em. If I know the amount then that means the Adobo sucks.'

Making my mind I mostly spent the morning cooking up food and already filling up the Pokemon bowls with food.

There wasn't much to do as I waited for my Pokemon to wake up. Unsurprisingly enough Geodude woke up first as he was probably disciplined by my Dad. Tyrogue was next which was later followed up by Squirtle and Clefairy.

"Squirtle squirt!"


The latter two were clearly drawn to the table by the scent of my food which funnily enough want for them. With the two of them slowly dragging themselves to the steaming hot pot, I grabbed their heads and softly threw them a little bit away.

"You guys got your own food."

The amount of food I made was enough for everyone here, but I needed to pack loads of lunch boxes for myself when I travel.

Seeing that everyone was here I gave everyone a quick word before feasting.

"Now that everybody's here I want my team to know. We will all eat together everyday, this will be known as a family meal." I announce making them all nod and laugh which made me confused.

Taking a piece of chicken I hand it over to Tyrogue.

"Rogue?" The scuffle Pokemon looked on confused. This expression was short lived as it got a drool smelling the food.


"What the fu-"

(A/N: I don't want to rush the story but I'm a bit lost on what to do in between routes. Like I have the story planned out but what to write on the way is killing my motivation.

If these chapters like going in between routes seem dead, then it's just me not thinking half the time. These chapters will mostly be used for bonding, training, visiting anime towns and catching Pokemon.)