
Rocket Hideout

Underneath the Celadon Game Corner in Kanto Region lies a Secret Hideout of the Team Rocket. Team Rocket is an infamous criminal organization in the Kanto Region and currently, they have unknowingly fully infiltrated the Celadon City without its Gym Leader's knowledge.

The Team Rocket Hideout is a four-floored underground complex beneath the Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City. It is a secret base built and used by Team Rocket to facilitate and administer their operations

On the 3rd Ground floor, a purple-haired man with a goatee is standing in front of a crowd who are all wearing black clothes with a large R on their shirt. Unlike others however, he wears a black jumpsuit with a yellow-gold lines and large R on the chest, elbow length silver-gray gloves and knee high silver-gray boots, all with a red stripe at the edge, and a silver belt around his waist.

"Listen here you little punks, Welcome to the Team Rocket, You guys are one of the luckiest ones to be allowed to enter our ranks. For your own sake, I hope you guys will prove yourself to our Boss and the Team Rocket that you are worthy to be included in our Organization. Seeing that you guys here have never owned a pokemon before in your life, in that case, I'm happy to tell you that this is your lucky day." After speaking the purple-haired man with a goatee threw a Pokeball in front of the crowd.

A white light shot into the air from the opened Pokeball. After the white light disappeared, a Raticate seemingly bigger than an average size appeared in front of the crowd.

"Each one of you will receive these babies for yourselves. Anyways, now that the chit-chat's over you can now finally pick your pokemon over there." The Purple-haired man with a goatee pointed behind his back. "Inside that box lies a bunch of Pokeballs, you can only pick one and never swap it. Now go ahead and pick one starting with you, Pinky Boy." the guy said as he pointed at the pink-haired Team Rocket Grunt. "Most Importantly remember that I am one of the the Team Rocket's Executive, Petrel, Put that information inside your brains."

"Oi Pinky Boy what are you dilly-dallying about, hurry up!"

"Yes!" The pink-haired grunt saluted and headed straight towards the boxes filled with Pokeballs.

The pink-haired grunt despite having been able to keep his poker face, he is actually very shocked at the moment. It took him with all his efforts to keep his emotions in check so that people won't see the expression on his face. After all who wouldn't be surprised when you realized that you not only transmigrated in a Pokemon World but also now a new member of Team Rocket.

Valentine, the guy with pink, shoulder-length hair tied in a ponytail reveals a somewhat seemingly lost expression yet a beautiful face for a guy, totally unbefitting and unusual for a member of an Underground Criminal Organization such as Team Rocket. His regal purple eyes narrows down towards the area where the Team Rocket Executive Petrel pointed. He seems extremely serious at the moment but in actuality...

[The heck is this shit?! I was just lazying around my house and now out of nowhere I popped up in a Team Rocket Hideout, most importantly I can see a lot of numbers scrambled around that Box.] Valentine panickedly asked to himself despite knowing that his question would remain unanswered.

"Hurry up Pinky Boy and just pick one already!" The Team Rocket Executive, Petrel shouted impatiently.

After scrambling all the Pokeballs hurriedly, a piece of information suddenly appeared in front of Valentine.

Pokemon: Zubat

Type: Flying/Poison

Gender: Male

Ability: Infiltrator

Level: 15

Moves: Wing Attack

Super Sonic

Zen Headbutt

Quick Attack

Mean Look


[What the hell? Why is a random Zubat have a Zen Headbutt as its moveset. Do the Executives even know of this?] as Valentine quietly thought to himself, he quickly snatched the Pokeball holding the said Zubat, fearing that it might get stolen by someone else.

Seeing that Valentine is finally finished, Petrel once again spoke in front of the crowd "After getting your first pokemon head towards the east where the stairs are located and go to the first floor and wait for another debrief. That's all."

After hearing what Petrel said, Valentine began his exit and went towards the place where the stairs are located.

As he walked towards the location where The Team Rocket Executive, Petrel instructed, Valentine was suddenly out of nowhere, blocked by a Trio of Team Rocket Grunts.

"Aiyo Pinky Boy, I saw you back there!, your brain must be so slow to not be able to process what Boss Petrel says" A bald buffed Team Rocket Grunt who seems to be the leader of the Trio mocked. His arms are visibly covered by Tattoos, making him look intimidating. Meanwhile, One of the Trio has almost the same hairstyle as Petrel with his Mohawks and the same punkish style except instead of purple it's colored green. The other one however has long brown hair, seemingly calm, unlike the other two. Quite the opposite compared to his group of Grunts.

Valentine sighed deep inside his mind as he found himself in such a cliche.

"There's a tradition in Team Rocket where the senior beats up his juniors you see? and I've been waiting all this time just to experience this, please allow me, this senior of yours, Marco to teach you the reality of Team Rocket!, now prepare for pokemon battle!"

"Let's go Gastly!" Marco threw his Pokeball. White light shot out from the opened Pokeball as it released Gastly.

Pokemon: Gastly

Type: Ghost/Poison

Gender: Male

Ability: Levitate

Level: 20

Looking at the situation, Valentine sighed once again as he threw his Pokeball upwards lazily. White Light shot out in the air as Zubat appears.

"Zubat let's end this quickly, use Quick Attack to boost yourself, and then use Zen Headbutt on Gastly." Valentin ordered calmly.

As if seemingly no time to be shocked from being Summoned by a Stranger, Zubat instinctively followed his orders.

Zubat rapidly dashed towards Gastly as his head starts glowing in purple. Gastly right after being summoned just stood still not knowing what to do and no orders to fall.

Marco, oblivious to what is happening and still shocked by the orders of Valentine quickly laughed. "Hahahaha are you dumb? Quick Attack doesn't affect Gastly besides There's no way a stupid Zubat knows Zen Headbu-" however before he even finished his words, he saw his Gastly fly over his head as it hits the wall.

"Is that all you have to say?" Valentine asked as he looked around the Trio whose faces are still shocked from the sudden and quick defeat as Valentine withdrew his Zubat using his Pokeball.

With his poker face and his impeccable straight face, Valentine managed to put out his most intimidating face, after all, he doesn't want to get bothered by anyone else and gets bullied like some typical protagonists.

"Then please excuse me." Valentine headed towards the now unblocked stairs as the older grunts stare at him in shock.

"Aiyo? I thought he's a newbie and it's his first time battling?" One of the Trio whose name is Luca suddenly questioned while being dumbfounded by the current situation thus breaking the silence.

"Shut up! the Pinky Guy is clearly cheating, he has a Zen Headbutt, a Psychic Type move on his freaking Zubat which is my Gastly's weakness. I bet if I have a rock type pokemon with me I can swiftly beat his sorry ass"

Seeing that their eldest brother is still mad, Luca immediately shuts up.

"Anyways we can still vent our anger to other newbies anyways, let's forget him for now." another person from the Trio, Mariel the guy with the long brown hair, says as he tries to ease the atmosphere.

"Hmph!, you're right, I'll make those noobs suffer thrice and tell them to blame that little pinky guy for annoying me."