
Chapter 518 Kyogre! The King Of The Sea Is Born!

Xiao Zhi took back the Sharpedo and looked at Ghost with a smile.

He was stunned by Xiao Zhi, and he threw the last Poké Ball as if he was out of his mind. It was a Gengar, and it was also his Trump Card Pokémon!

"The decision is yours, Absol!"

This is Xiao Zhi's Trump Card in this team. He is a powerful being from Farnes. He has a very high level. Under Xiao Zhi's training, he is now a great swordsman!

Ghost's Gengar looks relatively ordinary. It is far different from Xiao Zhi's lavender Curse Gengar. In addition, the Dark Type skill has an outstanding effect on it. For Ghost, this battle has long been unmatched. Any chance of winning!

"Dark Pulse!"

Absol raised his head and let out a sharp scream, sending an evil aura towards Gengar, knocking him away in one fell swoop!

Ghost lowered his head. He was no longer as angry as before, nor as ferocious as he was at the beginning. He just lowered his head and seemed to have lost the will to fight!

But this is the scariest thing. Xiao Zhi wants to teach Ghost a lesson in a battle, but now the opponent has lost his will before the battle is over. So what will happen to him when the battle is over? Xiao Z There is no way to predict it!

"Then, let's end the battle!" Xiao Zhi Solaceon waved his hand, "Psycho Cut!"

The Normal type Razor Wind is ineffective against Gengar, but Absol has a wealth of slashing skills, and "Psychic's Psycho Cut is also very effective against Gengar!"

Absol's figure disappeared in an instant, and a purple-red blade rose from the sharp blade on his cheek, slashing hard at Gengar!

"Okay, Gengar has lost the ability to fight. Ghost, let's capture him without mercy!" Xiao Zhi took back Absol, waved his hand to stop the people who were about to surround him, and slowly walked towards Ghost!

Until now, the Ghost has done nothing but take Gengar back!

The moment Xiao Zhi came to him, the Ghost actually made a move. He suddenly turned around and walked outside, "I will surrender, boy!"

However, Xiao Zhi's body flashed with blue light, and his figure rushed over again. The ten fists shining with blue light once again hit Ghost's big face solidly!

"Boy, what do you want to do!" Ghost's eyes really showed anger!

Xiao Zhi flicked his wrist and said, "My waveguide power can sense people's hearts. Whether you are telling the truth or not will be invisible to me!"

"You already had other thoughts before the battle was over. Although I don't know what your plans are, do you think I will let you leave so easily and believe that you will surrender?"

"Damn it, who are you!" Ghost was so angry that he covered his face and struggled to stand up from the ground, but then let out a ferocious laugh, "But you still miscalculated!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a shock in the Temple of the Sea!

The people behind him couldn't stand for a moment and fell to the ground one after another. Xiao Gang couldn't help but call Xiao Zhi, "Xiao Zhi, the Temple of the Sea seems to have been Tackled!"

Xiao Zhi looked at Ghost, "Ghost, as a pirate captain, where is your ship?"

Hearing this, Ghost gave a ferocious smile, "Yes, I am the one who is ordering my submarine to attack the Temple of the Sea. Since I can't get the treasure, I won't let you get it!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi shook his head, ignored Ghost, turned around and walked towards the Crown of the Sea, "You still don't understand what the real treasure is! I'm afraid in your eyes, the Crown of the Sea is just those values Liancheng's crystal, right?"

Seeing Xiao Zhi's posture, Ghost gritted his teeth and struggled to get up from the ground, taking advantage of the shock of the Sea Temple to leave here quickly [return to his ship!

"Don't even think about running away!" Jack reacted quickly and stood up immediately to stop Ghost, but was thrown away by him!

As soon as Ghost wanted to leave, he was surrounded by blue light. This was Xiao Zhi's Confusion. It was not that easy to escape from him!

Xiao Zhi came to the Sea Crown step by step, "Whoever embraces the Sea Crown will become the true King of the Sea! You have been calling me since the beginning of the battle, now let me see your power!"

Ghost used the battle to delay time, waiting for the submarine to arrive. Xiao Zhi wants to use this battle to gain recognition from the Crown of the Sea!

With that said, Xiao Zhi reached out and gently held the crystal of the Crown of the Sea. Then, the blessing of the Sea God on Xiao Zhi was awakened and shone brightly!

The two resonated, and Xiao Zhi began to release a golden light, until it completely enveloped him!

"That's amazing!" May looked at Xiao Zhi in stunned silence. The shining posture was really mesmerizing. Manaphy in her arms cheered even more, witnessing the birth of the King of the Sea!

"Damn it, what the hell is going on?" Seeing Xiao Zhi's normal appearance like a god, Ghost finally exclaimed. He probably understood that maybe that shining posture is the real "Crown of the Sea!"

"Jack, tie up this silly guy. I'll go get the ship outside. This is also my mission!" Xiao Zhi said. After Jack tied up Ghost, he let go of Confusion and touched it gently. Manaphy's little head makes the little guy laugh happily!

"But Xiao Zhi, there is a sea outside, what do you want..." Before May could finish what she wanted to say to stop Xiao Zhi, she saw him lightly Splash, and it actually turned into a beam of light, as if he had cast Aqua Jet Normal, broke through the protective shield of the Sea Temple in a straight line and appeared in the sea water!

This is the "Crown of the Sea". At this moment, Xiao Zhi can fly freely in the ocean!

When he came into the sea, Xiao Zhi discovered the giant submarine that was frantically ramming into the Temple of the Sea! The world's largest Pokémon, Wailord, was in front of it and could not reach even one of its bows!

In order to protect the Sea Temple, this giant submarine has been surrounded by Pokémon in the sea, especially the Wailords who are constantly rushing towards it, but facing this iron submarine, it has no effect!


Pikachu and Eevee were always on Xiao Zhi's shoulders. Facing such a huge iron guy, and in the sea, there was nothing they could do!

However, the light of the Shanghai Crown on Xiao Zhi became more and more intense, "It doesn't matter, we have help here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the legendary Pokémon in the ocean was swimming towards Xiao Zhi at the fastest speed! Feeling its breath, the Wailords retreated one after another, and all the Pokémon also retreated behind Xiao Zhi!

At this moment, the one who responded to Xiao Zhi's call like a king and came to help contribute was none other than the Totem of the Ocean, Kyogre!

This Kyogre is not the super-ancient Kyogre that Xiao Zhi met in Hoenn, but its level is higher than the Groudon that Xiao Zhi got, and its size reaches an astonishing 5 meters!

Moreover, it can also use that terrifying water-based nirvana!

"Kyogre, use tsunami!"