
Pokemon : Ash reborn

What happens when Ash and Pikachu start on a rather harmonious tune stay tuned to find out the rather exciting rewind of ash and pikachu's journey again ************ This is a translation of Pokemon : Wisdom series Join my patreon for Ash's adventure at Kalos patreon.com/ThedenGUARD963

Denzil_Beast · 漫画同人
191 Chs

Chapter 171: Bruno

Early the next morning, Ash followed his usual routine, heading to the battlefield for his morning exercises. Yesterday's events had fueled his urgency to grow stronger.

After releasing his Pokémon, Pikachu, Charmeleon—who had experienced the events of the previous day—and Wartortle, who had been recalled later, all trained with a renewed seriousness and dedication.

Pidgeotto, too, had become more aware of its own limitations. Despite inheriting two new moves, it had only managed to use the secret technique Aerial Ace during the battle. The other technique, the three-stage thrust, remained untried and unfamiliar.

Even though Pidgeotto had executed Aerial Ace, it hesitated due to its lack of mastery, preventing it from fully unleashing the move's potential. Its determination to improve now exceeded that of its companions.

Haunter and Ivysaur, unaware of the previous day's events, were inspired by their fellow Pokémon's diligence. Not wanting to fall behind, they pushed themselves harder, their competitive spirits ignited.

As Ash watched his six Pokémon train with unwavering focus, he reflected on his own shortcomings. As a human, he couldn't battle like his Pokémon. His strength lay in his abilities as a Trainer, particularly his reaction time.

The speed of the Alliance-level Crobat had taken Ash by surprise. It moved so fast that it seemed to teleport. To counter such speed, Ash realized he needed to improve his reaction time significantly.

While talent plays a role in reflexes, Ash knew that hard work could sharpen them. Talent might determine the upper limit, but hard work would raise the lower limit.

It was just after six in the morning, but Ash wasn't the only one training. Other Trainers, just as determined, were also using the early hours to improve themselves.

By seven o'clock, after an hour of intense training, Ash recalled his Pokémon. He returned to the Pokémon Center, handed them to Nurse Joy for recovery, and then made his way to the restaurant.

Misty and Brock had already found a table and prepared breakfast. Ash joined them, and they began eating together.

The news was still dominated by reports of the incident involving Silph Co. from the previous day. The event had quickly gained global attention, sparking discussions everywhere. Combined with the recent attack on the S.S. Anne, the world was beginning to grasp the true cruelty of Team Rocket.

Though Ash tried to act as normal as possible, Misty and Brock noticed a change in him. He was quieter, more focused, and driven by a newfound urgency.

They didn't understand what had caused this shift, but they both sensed it was unhealthy. In their eyes, Ash had always worked hard—perhaps too hard—and this new intensity might push him over the edge. Too much pressure, left unchecked, could crush him.

Brock glanced at Misty, giving her a silent signal to ask Ash what was going on.

Misty nodded slightly and turned to Ash. After a moment of hesitation, she asked, "Ash, did something happen?"

"Huh?" Ash, distracted by his thoughts, looked up, not fully hearing what Misty had said.

Worried, Misty repeated her question, her concern deepening.

"It's nothing," Ash replied with a faint smile. "I just feel like I'm not strong enough, that I'm not growing fast enough, so..." He trailed off, unwilling to mention the events of the previous day. Interpol and the Alliance had sworn him to secrecy regarding certain details.

"No, Ash," Brock said seriously. "You're already incredibly strong. Among all the Rookie Trainers I've seen, no one is better than you."

"It's not enough..." Ash shook his head, meeting their concerned gazes. He clenched his fists slightly. "I'm still too weak. I have to get stronger!"

Misty and Brock exchanged worried glances. They were certain something had happened to Ash the previous day, though they didn't know what it was.

Brock, deep in thought, suddenly remembered that Ash's change had started the day before. And coincidentally, that was the same day something had happened at Silph Co., right there in Saffron City.

Brock wanted to ask Ash if the two were connected, but Ash seemed determined to keep it to himself. Whatever had happened must have been serious. Brock decided not to press further; if Ash could talk about it, he would. Asking now would only be in vain.

After breakfast, they gathered their belongings and set off toward Celadon City, which lay west of Saffron City. On the way, Brock picked up some supplies, but they didn't linger, leaving Saffron City by ten in the morning.

"So, when will we meet him?" On the rooftop of a tall building near the west exit of Saffron City, three figures watched Ash and his group from afar, their silhouettes barely visible.

The speaker, a woman with long black hair and a cold, distant expression, exuded an aura of icy beauty. It was Sabrina.

"Wait a little longer," replied the man beside her, a middle-aged figure with a rugged appearance and a powerful build. He wore a pair of training pants and exuded strength. This was Bruno, who had arrived in Saffron City overnight. "Once they're further away and there aren't as many people around..."

"I don't have time to wait with you," Sabrina said, her gaze still locked in Ash's direction.

"Don't worry," Bruno replied with a smile, undeterred by her comment. "You can leave once you've taken me to the boy."

Sabrina remained silent. Alakazam, standing next to her, showed no sign of impatience, waiting calmly with the pair.

After about half an hour, Bruno estimated the distance and nodded. "Let's go. They should be in a more isolated area by now."

Sabrina simply nodded, placing her right hand on Alakazam and her left hand lightly on Bruno's arm. In an instant, they disappeared from the rooftop, Teleporting away.

A few minutes later, Sabrina, Bruno, and Alakazam appeared on a remote path outside Saffron City. Using Sabrina's Psychic abilities, they located Ash and his group, then continued to Teleport to close the distance.

Ash and his friends were walking when three figures suddenly appeared in front of them, catching them off guard. Ash tensed up, still shaken by the warning he had received the day before.

But when he saw the faces of the newcomers, his tension eased, replaced by confusion. Meanwhile, Brock and Misty were visibly shocked.

"Miss Sabrina... and Master Bruno?!"


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