
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · 游戏衍生
30 Chs

The beginning of my retirement

At first I did not believe it. I mean who would believe in reincarnation until they really experience it? One moment I was dying, the next one I found myself inside the body of a baby. It was really disturbing.

The first thing that surprised me was that I recognized the world I was in. It was the world of pokemon. I mean… what the hell? I was said that I would be send in a rather peaceful world and I find myself in that kind of world. I mean, how many persons wanted to destroy that world using legendary pokemons? Far too many…

Of course it was not at the same level than a demon king, but it was not that far. As for my family, well I could not complain. I got a big brother who was 5 years older than me as well as rich parents.

The first thing I did once I could understand their language, was to inquire about ash ketchum never get old after all the time he spend in the anime. Since I could not talk yet, I was listening attentively.

The answer was, in fact rather simple. A year in that world contains 120 months. So a year in pokemon world is 10 years on earth. Knowing that each region old a league competition every year, then I guess that even today not a full year was shown in the anime.

'Just what was she thinking sending me there… I am sure there is something I will need to do… will I have to save that world too? I am tired of this' I thought while frowning.

"So cute" my mother yelled happily before covering my face of kisses. No matter what I do, she finds it cute.

I was quite desperate at first about her reactions but I get used to it. Humans adapt quite quickly, for the best as well as for the worst. What would think the demon king if he was seeing the state I was in right now? I am sure he would be dying from laughing. I should stop thinking about this, it is all in the past!

Anyway, time passed slowly. After 10 months, I could walk and at 11 months I began talking. I was trying to follow the normal evolution of a kid, since I did not want to be considered a genius. Too much attention is not a good thing.

I began reading about the world at 20 months. I had to check if everything was like in the anime. I learned many things that were not described there. For example politics, history, laws…

Since we had a lot of books and I had a lot of time to spend, I began reading about many subjects. My mother was thinking I was just playing around so she let me do it. I do fool her saying that I was looking at the images. I mean, even on earth, kids do not read complicated books at 20 months.

At one year, I had read all the books we had. Since I was without a hobby, I planned to shape my body. I used a piece of wood as a sword and began swigging it as I used to. My body being so weak, it was irritating me. My progress were nearly insignificant but what could I do? It was better than nothing. I also worked on getting back my illusion magic. Luckily the mana I accumulated in my past live was still inside my soul. I was afraid I would have to start from scratch, like I had with my swordsmanship.

As time passed, a second year went by. That is when I realized that I should find a plan for my future. Having a lot of time is great, but if you are bored all that time, it is just a lost. Then what was I supposed to do? Being still a young kid, my choices were limited. If I wanted pokemons at that age, I needed to be careful and find the good arguments to convince my parents. That is when it strikes me. What if I show them how mature I am for my age?

One evening I prepared dinner instead of the maids and bring it to them. If you could have seen the face they were making, it was really worth seeing. Just imagine a two years old boy bringing you a five course dinner that he made. That is shocking right? Well the most shocking news were still coming.

I discovered that in every regions, there were battle clubs with their specialties. Since my big brother was going to inherit my parents companies, I had no responsibilities. I told them that I wanted to be a great pokemon trainer and that I should train as soon as possible. That is why being part of a battle club should be a nice beginning. I explained that I will be part of it until I became the winner of their annual tournament. Some clubs were type specialized while others were about using variants of the official rules.

As for me, I explained that I wanted to begin into the water battle club of Kanto, the region where we were living. I also provided them with a list of pokemons I wanted to have and let them think about it for the evening.

I knew that they were shocked by my behavior but I did not care. Sometimes shocking people is far more efficient than long speeches.

Luckily it had the effect I wanted. Apparently my brother told them that they should provide me some support, saying that if I became a great trainer then our family will benefits from it. He insisted that the sooner I began the better. I was not surprised about the fact he defended me. That is a big brother for you.

A few days latter, I received the pokemon eggs from the species I asked. I got a squirtle, a magikarp, a totodile, a mudkip, a piplup, a oshawott, a froakie, a popplio, a wimpod and a sobble eggs.

I know that it might seems a lot, well I might have exaggerated a little in my enthusiasm. I did not expect that they will buy each one of the list. I, at least, needed 6 of them to be able to be part of the water battle club. Having more is not bad since I could use them as replacement.

Thus began my very first training pokemon. Once they hatched, I began training them to fight against illusions I created. I believe that getting experience is more beneficial than long training. I know it from fighting the demon king. Doing faults in a deadly battle are far more easier to remember and notice than training alone or sparring without risking your life.

"How is he doing?" my father asked my mother who was watching me training from the balcony. From afar one would have the impression that I was swinging a wooden sword in empty while my pokemons were attacking randomly. I am telling you, that was not the case! Actually we were fighting a horde of beedrils! Even I tricked myself into the illusion! A good leader should fight in the front lines too! That is what it means to be a good pokemon trainer!

"Well look for yourself… at least they listen to him, which is impressive for his age… he is not even 3 years old" she explained.

"At least my son is having fun. I never saw him that happy before" my father replied while smiling.

"Indeed. The maids told me that apparently he won all his battles yesterday at the club" my mother added.

However my father frowned while hearing that statement. Something was strange about it.

"He already defeated all his opponents last time. Were they all beginners?" he asked.

"How am I suppose to know? I was not there" my mother replied.

They carried chatting while admiring the feats accomplished by their son on the battlefield. That year passed a lot quicker than two previous ones. I mean… fighting along my pokemons, no I mean playing around with them, was quite fun. I might seem like a battle maniac, well that might the case in fact, but it was entertaining.

I did not notice that my pokemons were becoming scarier and scarier. Like soldiers fighting in the front lines everyday, their blood-lust increased drastically. They were not mean towards the different persons living in the manor. However their physical appearance was scary for some maids. They began avoiding them more and more, not that I bother. The less people observing us training, the better. I did not want my secret to be found it. How was I supposed to explain that I could use magic? Or that I learned it in another world?

The annual competition of the water club began and in the kid category, which contains trainers under the age of 10, one bully appears. It was me who won without any of my pokemons being defeated. I once again shocked everyone in the family.