
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · 游戏衍生
30 Chs

Press interview

After taking a picture for the bug competition, with my team composed of Golisopod, scizor, armaldo, orbeetle, volcarona, beedril, galvantula and frostmoth, I was asked to do a press conference. Apparently the fact that I won different tournament was appealing for the press and they wanted to do an article about me. My mother insisted that I should agree to do it. Apparently is was good publicity for us, so I had no choice but to accept.

I arrived at the place where the interview should be taken. It was quite strange to see a camera pointed to me.

Mia took my hand before I realized she was next to me.

"Do not worry about your memories, I will protect them. As long as I am around it will be fine" she whispered to my ear before leaving.

"Ohoh is she your girlfriend?" the journalist asked while coming to me and tending his hand.

"Yes she is" I replied while shaking his hand.

"Ah youth… I missed it… are you ready? You can drink something before if you wish"

"No I am good" I said while sitting on the armchair.

"Alright, everyone you heard him? Let us begin" he ordered to the team.

"Hello everyone, welcome in PokeNews! We have the privilege to be in presence of the raising star, Henry Vandrich, also known as the destroyer. Henry, would you like to say a few words to our viewers?"

"Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well"

"You heard him! He even worry for your health, so please take care! Now then, should we begin with a few questions from our viewers? Here is an interesting one. When did you get your first pokemon?"

"A little before 3 years old"

"Oh! That is so young! It shows how talented you are! For the second question, how many pokemons do you actually have?"

'Why would I have to answer that?' I thought.

"I never have enough of them" I lied. I do not plan to have too much of them. I mean what it is the objective of have them all if you cannot take care of them properly...

"Then the exact number will remain a mystery. You already won about ten tournaments and you are already older than 10. Do you plan to participate to the upcoming regional league?"

"I do not think I am mature enough for this" I replied sincerely.

"That is pleasant to hear, contrary to all those young ones who rushed as soon as they can participate to this event. You really show that you are more mature than most of them"

"Thanks I guess"

"Another question, what is your next move?"

"Do you mean what I will do in the future? I guess I will carry on training until I feel ready for the league" I replied.

"Indeed training is an important factor. Do you perhaps have a piece of advice to give?"

"Well I am not sure… I just know that if you want your pokemons to trust you, then you should show them the example"

"So being an example for your team is one of the keys… that is interesting! I hope our dear viewers took note of it"

'Oh damn why is it so long' I sighed internally. I just thought it would be a few questions… like two or three.

Seeing that I was not talking, the journalist carried on.

"Which of your pokemons is the strongest?"

"Depends of the opponent"

"Well that is right… Thank you for answering our questions. I guess we will see you soon into the arenas! Dear viewers, it was Henry Vanderich"

'Finally it is finished. What is up with those stupid questions?'

"Thank you for your cooperation" the journalist said.

"Thank you for letting me that opportunity" I lied. If it was not for my mother, I would have refused.

"Well then, see you next time" he said noticing that I was already walking away.

"See you" I replied while waving my hand.

"Let us run away" giggled Mia when I passed her. That damn girl never stops reading my thoughts. Strangely she barely judge them. Was it because she is used to read people mind and do not bother to make a judgment every time?

"You did well" my mother said patting my head.

"You think so? I could have looked like happier… but I am not good at faking" I replied.

"Well… honesty is a good thing my son" she replied.

"Really? In that case I wish to join 2 new clubs" I began.

"Here we go again" she sighed.

"I promise, I will stop once I am an adult" I declared.

"You better, because once you are an adult, you will be the one paying for their food" she warned me. I could not help but be anxious while thinking about the future bills I will have to pay.

'Seems like I will have to discard my dream of possessing a snorlax…'

That damn Mia was of course giggling behind my back.

"So my son, what were those clubs you wanted to join?" my mother asked as we were entering the car.

"Ghost and Normal battle clubs"

"And I guess you already have your team for them as usual" she sighed again.

"Can you read the future?" I chuckled.

My mother looked even more desperate.

"Alright, alright! I will tell you since you seemed even more eager than me to get them" I teased her even more.

"Mia, good look for living with him" she teased me back.

"Mom! That is not funny" I said while Mia was once again giggling.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" she tried one last time.

"Yes! For the ghost team, I will need a ghastly, a shuppet, a dusknoir and a midreavus. As for the normal team, I would like to have bouffalant, a girafarig, a whismur and a teddiursa"

"Is that all?" my mother teased me. That surprised me. I mean it is quite a lot of them.

"That is already plenty!" I replied, surprised.

Meanwhile, inside my warehouse, a secret reunion was taking place.

"Welcome into the weekly elder meeting" Swampert declared as he greeted the water pokemons who were not with me.

"Let us begin with the most important matter. Did someone find how to defeat those fucking damn opponents? They drive me crazy! They really can read my mind!" Blastoise yelled.

"I agree. I really want to kick our trainer ass' for forcing us to face them every single time" Empoleon nodded.

"You should keep calm and relax. He is doing it for us. Have you seen that girl who often come and see him? She can read his mind… so I guess he is using us to find a solution. I mean what if we fight another trainer who can read minds too?" Sarumott explained.

"You are right. I was just expressing my frustration before it explosed" Blastoise apologized.

"That is nothing, I understand you. I guess we all feel the same" Feraligatr said while patting his shoulder.

"So no one has any idea on this matter?" Swampert asked. They all confirmed it. The situation was hopeless.

"Let just hope he find a solution then" Inteleon said while being unconvinced of his own words.

"Is there really a solution? I am sorry but I cannot be optimist about this matter" Primarina replied.

They all sighed as they reached an agreement. They will have to postpone that topic for next week, once again.

"Then it is time for the next topic. How should we integrate the new ones that will arrive?" Gyarados said.

"We should give that task to others. About the fire ones? Or the plant ones? It is time for them to get some responsibilities" Samurott declared.

"I guess they should be mature enough by now… Should we vote about it?" Feraligatr asked.

They all nodded. After voting, it was decided that the fire ones will be in charge of it.

"That was all for today. Thanks everyone for attending" Swampert declared before everyone left in different directions in order to train on their own. As for why Swampert was the one in charge of the meetings, the reason was simple. It was not because he was the strongest. No, as I said during my interview, it depends of the opponent. The reason was just that he was the one who came up with the idea of meeting regularly and share their experiences. Then every new pokemons felt the need to do so and just like this, the different teams were meeting weekly. Of course it was keeping secret from me. Why? I have no idea. Maybe so that they could freely badmouth me.