
GS ball, A show for the Professors

During the Journey, Vidal came across many things.

Ash leaving behind Pidgeotto to solve some problems on the forest…

And Vidal used his money to buy four tickets for the blimp and within a day they were at the Valencia Island.

Finding Professor in the beach with some Pokemon, they returned to the lab of the Professor Ivy. She introduced the GS ball to everyone, which she was unable to open.

It's just so happens, Ash decided to join the Orange league. And Vidal decided to take the GS ball on his own.

When the trio left, Vidal and Professor Ivy were left behind. Ivy made a call to Professor Oak for discussion.

"Professor Oak, Vidal wanted to have the GS ball for himself… What are your thoughts on it?" Ivy asked.

"Technically the ball belongs to you, and you are also one of his sponsors, so you can decide on your own…" Professor didn't want to involve with the situation.

Professor Ivy after some thought, "You can have the ball, but what benefits will I get?"

"Hmm… How about a fifty percent chance to meet a Mythical Pokemon, about in a month or so time?"

"A Mythical… You already have information on mythical Pokemon… Vidal…" Professor Oak screamed from the phone…

Professor Ivy handed the GS ball decisively, "I should be the first one… don't forget about that…"

Vidal took the ball, like it was the greatest treasure… and left the lab in case there is change in Professor Ivy heart.

"Vidal, don't you want to take part in the orange league? We can go together." Ash asked.

"Orange league…" Vidal shook his head, "I have to return to Pallet town. There is still some work left to be done…"

"We will meet back home… Just don't take too much time here…"

Ash left to challenge the Orange league and Vidal make preparations to return to the Pallet town.

Pallet town, Professor Oak lab

"Vidal, do you really want to take this ball with you? It will be more beneficial if we were to send it to the Pokeball designer Kurt to study…" Professor Oak insisted.

"Professor you may be right, but at least give me a month… If I found nothing about this ball… you can do whatever you like…"

"Then, that's good…" Professor Oak nodded, "Now, where are you planning to go."

"Are you going to enter Johto region? Professor Elm is restless to meet you… I have already got multiple calls from him…"

"Yeah in few days, I will be leaving… But professor I was thinking of fulfilling a little bit from my side of offer." Vidal said.

"You mean… the information on Mythical," Professor Oak eyes were shining.

Vidal shook his head, "Not mythical, but about the legendary ones. If possible you can gather all the professors at a fixed place."

"I may be able to get you all to meet some of the legendary in live. How about that?"

Professor Oak stared intensely at Vidal, "You aren't joking right?"

"How can I? If possible make it as fast as possible."

In the next two days, the lab of Professor Oak lab was packed with Professor from all over the world. Different media outlets tried to find about such extravagant gathering, but all of them were chased out.

"Vidal, I thought I will be the first one to get information" Professor Ivy said with a little bit of anger in her voice.

"Don't worry professor, this thing is completely different form our promise." Only then Professor Ivy left him alone.

"Vidal all of your sponsors are gathered here, there are 25 of them at the moment," professor Oak informed.

'25. Wow! That's more than I have imagined' Vidal was shocked.

"Now, you can start you presentation. And don't forget about the live thing… They are getting anxious." Professor Oak nudged Vidal.

Vidal nodded.

"Everyone, thank you for coming… And as for the presentation, this place is too small. Let's move into the Pokemon ranch." Vidal led the group of Professors in the middle of ranch.

Everyone is confused, what type of presentation was going to happen in the open field.

Vidal pulled out three Pokeball, one with a lightning mark, second with a flame mark and lastly with a snowflake mark.

"You thee come out, there are some guests who are eager to meet you…"

Three majestic birds appeared behind Vidal, staring intensely at the group of professors.

"I present you the three legendary, Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno… They will be cooperating with you for the next one hour."

Following Vidal instruction, the trio lay on the ground and stopped giving any attention to the Professors.

"What are you guys waiting for? There is only one hour… With making them uncomfortable, you can do anything. Photograph, autograph and even video graph; begin your tests." Vidal said in loud voice seeing the professor stuck in daze.

After that the professor started taking notes on the details about the trio.

Vidal sat on the sideline and looked at the Professors action like small children who get to play with a new toy.

When the one hour passed, "Everyone the time is over…"

"A little bit more…" the professors stared at Vidal.

"Professors, they are legendary Pokemons, we should treat them nicely…" saying this Vidal pocketed the three Pokeball, while being stared down by the 25 professors.

'I might get robbed. The gazes of these white coats don't feel right…" Vidal slowly took few steps back ready to call Dragonite any time.

"Professors, Vidal is right. We can study more about them in the future, right?" Professor Oak tried to cool the situation, but the stare changed from Vidal to him.

By the time professors turned towards Vidal, he was already gone. They again turned towards Professor Oak.

'Thank you Professor. I will remember your sacrifice.'

That day, Vidal waited till night to return home and in the morning disappeared again.

By the second day, all the professors returned leaving only Professor Elm. Vidal wanted to enter Johto region with Professor Elm.

"Vidal, you can come now. There is no one except for Elm." Professor Oak informed through the belt.

Immediately afterward, the door to the lab opened and Vidal entered.

"You really gave me such and headache. I hope next time I get to meet the legendary again." Professor oak said.

"No problem. Then, to the main point… Professor Elm, when will we be leaving?"

"I have been waiting for you. If we leave now, we can get to my lab till the dusk without any problem. Are you ready or not?" Professor Oak said.

"Well… I have already prepared everything. We can pass by my house and grab my bag." Vidal and Professor Elm exited the lab.