

In the previous chapter we see how our heroes say goodbye to Erika and company but not before adding their phones in Ash's Rotom Dex, not long after, Ash decided to take Koharu on a romantic date ending in the first time of these, the day after his departure, our heroes were involved in a problem of a particularly large and aggressive Onyx, luckily they manage to repel him, but that's where they meet Bruno, a member of Elite 4 who offers to accompany him to help the Onyx in danger because his anger was not normal.

With Ash.

After nodding, we headed straight towards the tunnel where he escaped and started walking, the tunnel had no curves, so, at the moment it was all straight.

"By the way, we haven't introduced ourselves, my name is Ash and this is my partner and best friend, Pikachu" – I introduced myself.

"Pika pi" – said Pikachu.

"My name is Nancy, delighted" - Nancy said.

"I'm Verity, my pleasure" - Verity said.

"My name is Koharu, nice to meet you" – and finally, Koharu said.

"Then I will introduce myself once again, my name is Bruno, member of Kanto's Elite 4, specialist in fighting and rock-type Pokémon, nice to meet you" – Bruno introduced himself.

After the introductions, we continued walking through the tunnel, Bruno was not very talkative so we continued in silence for a while longer at least until Verity broke the silence.

"You said I was here to train, but why precisely did you come here?" - asked Verity.

"I like this place, I always come here whenever I have the opportunity, although to be honest I would like to fight someone, it has been a long time since any challenger goes through the Elite 4" – he explained.

Then he looked at us and spoke again.

"You're challengers, aren't you?" - he asked.

"Ash, Nancy and me" – Verity nodded.

"How many badges do you have right now?" – he asked again.

"4 badges, we just defeated Erika" – he replied.

"4 badges at this point? You are doing very well, although I must say that this year there are challengers who at this point already have up to 6 medals, that's why the Indigo League is considering lowering the waiting time" – he explained.

"Are you seriously planning to lower the 9-month wait time?" asked Verity.

"Yes" – he nodded.

"But won't that delay them greatly? I mean, as far as facilities are concerned" - I said.

"No, the Indigo League has already prepared it in advance, it is not the first time that it is proposed to advance the start, the only reason why they have not made the news public is that there is still a trainer who will leave in a few weeks, I think it is possible that Erika herself presented it to you" – he explained.

"Haven't they advanced the League for Wendy?" – I asked in surprise.

"I think that was his name, but yes, you see, normally they wouldn't delay him just for a trainer, but when a Gym Leader asks for it they can't ignore his proposal, so they're going to wait a month and a half from when his journey starts, if he gets 4 badges in that time, they will announce the news, otherwise it will remain the 9 months" – he explained.

"Isn't that what you're telling us confidential?" – I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Confidential? No, of course not, it's just that they are not going to announce that the advance of the League is due to one trainer only, it would provoke indignation for the rest of trainers "– he denied.

"Why tell us then?" - asked Nancy.

"Well, why do you already know that coach and, judging by your expressions, you did not care at all that they do not advance the league by a single coach" – said Bruno.

"But you didn't know we knew her" - I said.

"That's why I asked and when I saw that they challenged Erika I took a chance" - he told us.

"But we could very well not have known her" - I added.

"In any case, you don't see the face of bad people, for sure, even if you hadn't met him, you still wouldn't have cared" - Bruno said with a laugh.

This man gives me a headache, I better not keep insisting on it, the girls seemed to think the same as me, so we did not ask more about the subject.

After this somewhat meaningless, but quite revealing conversation, we continued walking quietly through the tunnel.

We walked for a few minutes until we finally heard a kind of roar.

"There seems to be something there" - I said.

"Speak softly, look here" - Bruno said approaching a corner.

Slowly and with caution we saw what caused such a cry, it was actually the giant Onyx, which moved sharply throughout the huge cave, below it, numerous Pokémon fled terrified by fear while others hid nearby waiting for everything to end.

"You're right, he moves in a very strange way, as if he's suffering from something" - I said, watching the Onyx intently.

"I see you realized, indeed, I think I know the cause, listen to me, I know how we are going to help the Onyx ..." – Bruno began to explain.

A couple of minutes later when Bruno explained the plan, we split into four, each of us going to a corner, always careful that the Onyx did not notice us.

When we were each at our posts, it was time to follow the plan.

"¡Pikachu, use Iron Tail, Phione, Water Pulse!"

"Servine, use Mega Drain!"

"Vaporeon uses Water Gun!"

"Prinplup, Bubble Beam!"

Five different attacks hit the Onyx, which was badly damaged and furiously looked at us and tried to attack us, but this was already planned.

"¡Pikachu, Iron Tail!"

Pikachu ran quickly and jumped, ran through Onyx's long body, and when he was at the height of his head, used an Iron Tail that threw him to the ground.

"Phione, use Water Pulse"

"Vaporeon, Water Gun"

"Prinplup, Bubble Beam"

But this time we did not aim at the Onyx, but at the ground, causing the surroundings to be covered with mud, making it difficult for the Onyx to move.

"It's your turn!" – I said.

"Well done, leave it to me, I'll take care of the rest!" – exclaimed Bruno.

Then he ran towards the Onyx that was still trying to get up and literally entered his body, specifically between two rocks of the Onyx.

"What just happened?" - asked Nancy confused.

Even the Onyx stood completely still for a few moments, until, at last, Bruno came out from among the rocks of Onyx with something in his hand, it was a Boldore!

"Is that a Boldore?" – I asked confused.

"That's right, this is what provoked this uncontrolled fury" – Bruno nodded leaving the Boldore on the ground.

"Was he there all this time?!" - exclaimed Verity in surprise.

"Poor thing, he was rightly so angry" - Koharu added.

"He was probably walking around and by chance that Boldore snuck in causing him pain, am I right?" – Bruno said looking at the Onix.

The Onyx was finally able to rejoin and gave a nodding smile, he also rubbed against Bruno, he seemed very grateful.

"I'll take that as a yes" - Bruno said, stroking the Onyx.

After this, we all, including the Onyx headed outside again.

"The sun, at last!" - exclaimed Nancy.

"Not that we had been inside for long" - Verity said.

"I don't like caves, they're dark and damp!" – Nancy exclaimed.

"Anyway everything is fine now, I think it would be time to leave" – I sighed as I watched his comical fight.

On the other hand, Bruno, looked at the Onyx and said without hesitation something.

"Would you like to come with me? We can become stronger together, no doubt" - he said suddenly.

Onyx seemed to think about it for an instant, but then nodded his head happily, he seemed very happy that Bruno wanted him as a companion.

"Excellent, so welcome to the team" – Bruno said as he pulled out his Pokéball.

Then, he threw it gently and captured the Onyx at first.

"And having said that, first of all, thank you for your help" - Bruno said, extending his hand.

With a smile, I gave it to him.

"There's no more, we all like to help Pokémon, especially those who need it" - I said, shaking hands.

"Right, we love Pokémon" - Nancy nodded.

"I see, you can tell, hey, how about you do a fight against me?" – Bruno asked me suddenly.

"I would love to, but I'm afraid I'm no match for a member of the Elite 4, maybe when I'm stronger" – I refused.

"I see... I didn't remember that you still had only 4 medals, anyway, I'll give you some advice for the next gym" – Bruno said.

"What do we capture a Psychic guy? Yes, we are clear about that" – Verity nodded.

"No, not that, everyone knows that, my advice is that before challenging Koga you enter the Safari Zone and capture some Pokémon," Bruno explained.

"Right, I forgot that Fuchsia was the Safari Zone, I can't wait to go!" – Nancy said with emotion.

"I've heard that there are Pokémon that are extremely difficult to find in the wild!" - said Verity with stars in her eyes.

"I also heard that there are examples of Eevee and its evolutions, imagine!" – added Koharu.

It seems that everyone is excited to go to the Safari Zone and I can't blame them because I'm looking forward to it too, I still don't know which Pokémon to have in sixth place as my main team, but I want to have some other options, as I mentioned before.

"You can also find some interesting and strong Pokémon to use against Koga" - Bruno nodded.

"Thank you very much for the advice, now it's time to go" – I said.

"Very well, I hope we see each other in the future and have a good fight, goodbye" – Bruno said.

And then he ran to god knows where.

"Well, I think it's time for us to continue our journey" - I said, looking at the girls.

The girls nodded and we continued our way to Fuchsia City, unfortunately we could not walk much longer because the Onyx event lasted a long time and it was already getting dark.

"I think we should look for a place to camp today and continue tomorrow morning" - Koharu suggested.

"Koharu is right" – I nodded.

"Yes, after all it will get dark shortly" – Nancy nodded.

"And what do we do , do we camp outdoors or look for a kind of cave?" – asked Verity.

Once he said this, I looked around, but it seems to me that Verity did not weigh what he said, I say, this is a forest and, in the hypothetical case that there was a cave, finding it would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

Even so, we all kept walking, we had a while before dusk so, who knows, we might find somewhere in the open field to camp.

For a few minutes we continued walking and you will not believe it, but in reality I was totally wrong, we found not only a cave, but there were like dozens of caves on a huge mountain.

"Look how many caves, let's go to one of those!" – exclaimed Verity.

"To be honest I didn't think we could find a cave here..." – Nancy said.

Koharu and I nodded subconsciously.

"How cruel!" - protested Verity.

Then, we went to one of the caves with caution because we did not want to meet any wild Pokémon that wanted to attack us ... although that was precisely what happened, what did we find? Well, you won't believe it, but actually in the cave, lying there, looking at us with caution, there was a Cyndaquil, but the question here was, What is a Cyndaquil doing in Kanto? That's something we'd find out another time.

In a near future i will do +18 chapters for each girls, i hope you like this.

Bloodnightcreators' thoughts