

In the previous chapter we see how our heroes decide to help Erika to get the poison of Shiinotic to counteract the poison of Morelull that Erika's mother had in her body and would make her spend a better day if she did not get it in less than a week, our heroes also met Erika's sister, Wendy a future trainer who would soon enter the Indigo League and who accompanied them to Galar in order to find a Shiinotic and extract its poison.

With Ash.

It had been a good time and we even arrived at Ballonlea Town, a very beautiful, colorful town without any pollution, the same energy was extracted from the fungi of the forest, which meant that, in this area, there was no pollution in the least, besides being completely surrounded by nature.

That said, we went into the Pokémon Center and started eating, unfortunately, since we did not participate in the Galar Pokémon League, our food is not free and we had to pay for it.

"I don't understand, why didn't we find any Shiinotic? We haven't even been able to find a Morelull" - said Wendy disappointed.

"It is certainly strange, in this area, in Galar there should be many of them walking in the forest" – I nodded.

"But we didn't find anything at all, it's strange" - Koharu added.

Before we could say anything else, Nurse Joy spoke to us.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but hear that you're after the Pokémon Shiinotic, am I right?" - he said.

"Yes, but we haven't found any, do you know where can we find one?" - asked Nancy.

"Unfortunately, at this time of year, the Morelulls and Shiinotic are hibernating" - She replied.

"It can't be... What shall we do now?" - said Wendy sadly.

"Sorry again, but why do you need a Shiinotic right now? If you want one so desperately it would be better to go to Alola, they don't hibernate there" - suggested Nurse Joy.

"You see, for health reasons, we need the poison that the Shiinotic expel when they are scared and they told us that only the Galar produce it" - I explained.

"Was anyone infected with Morelull poison?" - asked nurse Joy.

"My mother and that's why we need her poison, but now..." – commented Wendy.

"Oh, well, then don't get depressed yet, there's still a way to get his poison" - said Nurse Joy.

"Which one?" – we all asked with expectant looks.

"The leader of the Gymnasium of this Village has a Shiinotic as a member of her team, she can help you with your problem" – he smiled.

"Great, let's go fast!" – exclaimed Wendy with a smile.

But before we could leave, Nurse Joy spoke again.

"Wait, there's something else!" – he said.

"The what?" – I asked.

"Sally will only help you in exchange for a Pokémon battle, but she will only agree to fight if at least one of your Pokémon seems cute to her, otherwise she won't help you" - she explained.

Seriously, in the video game it was also like that? I don't remember, either way, I don't think we have a problem with it.

After thanking Nurse Joy, we quickly went to the Gym, which we quickly reached thanks to her directions.

We quickly walked in only to find a counter with a man behind it.

"Good afternoon, are you challengers? I'll tell Sally to get ready" - the man said immediately.

"No, well yes, but we are Kanto challengers" – I said hurriedly.

"Oh, what brings some Kanto participants to Galar, you know you can't get the badge until the Kanto League is over, right?" – said the man.

"Yes, we know, but we only came to have Sally help us" - I replied.

But before I could answer, someone spoke.

"And why do you need my help, young men?" - asked a voice behind us.

She was an old lady in a somewhat tacky dress for my taste, but if you have played the video game, you will know who she is and what she looks like, she was Sally the Fairy-type Gym Leader.

"You must be Sally, you see, Nurse Joy told us that you possessed a Shiinotic, we wondered if you could help us get some of your poison" - I explained.

"I see, I guess someone needs the cure for Morelull's poison, okay, I'll help them, but since they talked to Nurse Joy, they'll know my conditions, won't they?" – he said.

"Yes" – we all nodded.

"Well, follow me, I'll judge myself if your Pokémon look like monkeys or not" - Sally said as she began to walk, but not before gesturing to the man.

Apparently what he told him was to stay at the counter lest some applicant arrive.

Sally guided us to her battlefield and made us take out our Pokémon, obviously we did not take out Mew or Shaymin, but we did take out the others, unfortunately none seemed to like me, not even my Phione, what kind of person would not like my Phione? Just look at her, she is the cutest creature of all.

"None of you liked it?" - asked Verity in surprise.

"Unfortunately no, I'm not saying they're not monkeys, but they're not cute enough for me" - she denied.

"What are we going to do then? My mother needs the poison" - Wendy said depressed.

It seems that I have no choice, if this does not work nothing will.

"Excuse me, I have one more Pokémon that you might be interested in" - I said, pulling out Mew's Pokéball.

"Are you sure Ash?" - asked Nancy.

The girls also looked at me seriously.

"Yes, we have made a promise and we have to keep it" – I nodded.

"I don't want to be rude, but you've left me in suspense, now I want to know what Pokémon you say and why you didn't take it out sooner," Sally said.

"I just want you to promise me one thing, you can't reveal what I'm going to show anyone next, can you?" – I said seriously.

"Well, I give you my word, if you say it like that it must be important" – he nodded.

"So, it's time to get out" – I said throwing my Pokéball.

From it, my Mew came out surprising Sally and Wendy.

"I see why you wanted me to promise you that, it's indeed dangerous, kid, don't take Mew out until you don't have enough strenght, there are people who would want it even if it meant using unlegal methods to take it away" - Sally said seriously.

"Beautiful..." – said Wendy looking at Mew with admiration.

"I neglected, Professor Oak already told me" – I nodded.

"If that carcamal told you, then I'll rest assured, fine, take this" - Sally said throwing a bracelet.

I clearly know that design, this is...

"Why do you give me a Dinamax bracelet?" – I asked confused.

"Before answering, take one each, I have plenty of them" – said Sally giving bracelets to all present.

"Wait, wait, I thought those bracelets were enormously hard to get, even more than a Mega Stone, why are you giving them away as if they were trading cards? It's not that I complained, but I find it weird" - I said in surprise.

"First, you are the first to release a Pokémon that surprises me so much, and for that alone you deserve that gift, second, I have many and I do not mind giving a few, I also give them to some trainers from time to time" – Sally explained.

"Well, thank you very much then," I said, putting on my bracelet.

The girls also thanked and put on their bracelet.

"Thanks to a recent invention, we have managed to use the Dynamax phenomenon in any Pokémon league with the exception of Galar that can be used in any gym, I think it will be useful when they go to the Indigo League" – hse explained.

Great, another thing that was not in the anime, but well, I guess it will serve me, at least I no longer need to go to Kalos to get the Mega Stone yet, with the Dinamax will be enough.

"You're welcome and now, we're going to fight" - Sally said pulling out her Pokéball.

Yes, here comes the second part of the deal, the fight, so we got into position.

"It will be a 1 vs 1, simple as that, but since you have a Mew, I will use a much stronger Pokémon than I normally use" - Sally explained.

"Looks good to me" - I nodded.

"Let's get started, Shiinotic, I choose you!" - said Sally as she pulled Shiinotic out of her Pokéball.

"Mew this will be our first battle together, I choose you!" – I said.

"Mew" - Mew said, standing in front of Shiinotic.

"Don't be confident, even if you have a Mew, it's very young and my Shiinotic isn't turkey snot," Sally said.

"Good" – I nodded.

"Let's start then, Dazzling Gleam !"

A burst of light with bright things headed towards Mew.

"Aural Sphere!"

A sphere the size of a soccer ball and made of energy, shot towards the attack of the Shiinotic, which, upon contact, exploded causing a smoke screen.



When the Spore was about to impact Mew, a green barrier surrounded it preventing the passage of it.

"Dazzling Gleam again!"

"Let's go with something different, Psychic!"

But I didn't calculate well as the physique in real life directly hit the target, so I obviously hit the Shiinotic, but Mew was also hit by the Dazzling Gleam , the good thing is that he didn't take much damage, Shiinotic seemed to have received some more damage, but he didn't look tired either.

"I don't have much time, so let's finish the battle as soon as possible!" - exclaimed Sally as she returned Shiinotic to her Pokéball.

But, suddenly, a red light came out of the bracelet directly towards the Pokéball, enlarging it greatly.

"Show your beautiful strength, Dynamax!" - said Sally, throwing away the huge Pokéball.

From it, came a Shiinotic larger than a building.

"Then we'll do it too, it sounds exciting and it will be the first time, but I hope to do well!" – I said returning Mew to her Pokéball.

Then, the exact same thing happened as with Sally's Pokéball.

"Show them your ultimate power, DINAMAX!" – I shouted.

And a gigantic Mew came out of the Pokéball.

"Let's get this over with, use Max Starfall!"

"¡Use Max Knuckle!"

Huge pink columns shot out of the ground straight towards Mew, however, as soon as I said the move, a huge fist collided with the pink light columns, causing both attacks to cancel each other out.

"Then if that doesn't work, we'll try this, Max Overgrowth!"

"Don't let him, end him, use Max Mindstorm!"

Shiinotic tried to use Max Overgrowth, however, Mew was faster and the huge psychic wave hit Shiinotic squarely, who fell to the ground weakened while constantly shrinking.

"It looks like I lost, but it was a good fight" - smiled Sally.

At that time, Mew also began to shrink back to normal, after thanking him, I returned him to his Pokéball along with the rest of my Pokémon.

"Congratulations, that was a good battle" - Nancy said.

"I'm looking forward to getting to the Indigo League and using the Dynamax, it looks so great!" – said Verity with little stars in her eyes.

"I'd like to use it too, but I'm not a trainer" - Koharu sighed.

"Don't worry, girl, maybe in the future it will be useful" – smiled Sally.

"Excuse me, I don't want to be rude, but could you give me Shiinotic's poison?" – Wendy asked.

"Aha, of course, a deal is a deal" - Sally nodded.

Then he rummaged through his clothes and took out a small jar with a white liquid, much like milk, in fact, if he didn't know it's poison he would think it's milk, no doubt.

"Just that?" - asked Wendy puzzled.

"Listen, more than that would kill the person you want to save, only with this amount, the poison of Shiinotic and Morelull will disappear, let's say they fought each other and were in a draw, disappearing both from the body, yes, the person will stay weak about 4 days or so, so it is recommended that you rest those days" - she explained.

"You do know a lot about it" - I said in surprise.

"Do you think you are the first to ask me for poison? There are many careless trainers who do not read about the Morelulls and many are attacked by their venom, that's why I catch my preciousness in part, the other part is that I find it adorable" - she explained.

After thanking him, we left the battlefield, when by chance, we saw someone in front of the counter.

"Just in time, Mrs. Sally, this girl is a challenger and comes to challenge you" - said the man.

When she turned I was surprised, I know this girl, without a doubt she was one of my favorite waifus present both in video games and in some chapter of the anime, she is Marnie or Roxy, as you prefer to call her.

Roxy or Marnie, she turned and with an expressionless face approached me.

"You look strong, are you from around here?" - he asked.

"No, I am a challenger of the Kanto League, I came here for some business" – I denied.

"A pity, you see that you are strong, I know, leave me your number and I will participate in the same Pokémon League as you next time" – said Roxy or Marnie.

Unable to accept or refuse, he took the Rotom Dex from my pocket and wrote down its number in my address book.

"By the way, my name is Roxy, shall we go?" – Roxy introduced herself.

It seems that in this world her name is Roxy, well, I liked Marnie more, but Roxy is not bad.

"Sure, let's go" - Sally said.

After saying goodbye to us, Sally took Roxy to the battlefield.

"That girl is... how to say it" – Nancy said once she left.

"Weird?" - said Verity.

"It doesn't matter, the thing is, I don't feel any danger from it" - Koharu said.

"Hahaha" – I said scratching my head.

As you can guess, it will not be my last meeting with Roxy, I plan to take her word and comment on my next destination to her, being one of my favorite waifus I can not miss this opportunity that fate gave me, right?