
Porygon Project

In the classroom, after asking for and memorizing each student's name, Professor Maxwell asks.

"All right, class. Now, can you tell me which of you have Pokémon?" 

Eight hands go up, less than half, considering our class has a total of 25 children. 

"Since when do you have a Pokémon too, Victor?" 

Anna asks with her hand raised, looking at me with genuine curiosity in her eyes. Even though Anna's parents were trainers, they owned a popular flower shop in the area, so, with the connections they had built over the years, they managed to purchase a Budew with green potential from a daycare in Sinnoh. 

"I caught it yesterday after school, so I had to register it this morning before coming here." 

I answer with a smile while observing the others who raised their hands. 

Among them, I already knew five who had Pokémon, including Anna. There were the Wilson twins, Luke and Luna, although I still didn't know which Pokémon they had. The other two I knew were James and Kenta, with James having a Hoothoot he found in his farm's garden and befriended. And Kenta, who comes from a low-income family, somehow managed to befriend a Houndour. 

'A classic protagonist material.'

I think jokingly, as I look at those I didn't know had Pokémon. 

Hannah and Kinji, a girl and a boy from the orphanage, are possibly the ones Nurse Joy mentioned as having registered recently. 

'What Pokémon did they get? Probably captured with the help of the older brother at the orphanage.' 

I turn my attention back to the professor as Kenta steps forward and asks.

"Professor, are you asking who has Pokémon to make us battle each other?"

Professor Maxwell first looks at Kenta, then turns his head to look at all the students and nods.

"Yes… and no. Yes, I will have you battle each other to improve and gain experience. But no, because besides battling each other, you'll also battle students from other classes. Got it?"

"Yes, professor!"

After we respond, another student, one without a Pokémon, asks.

"But professor, what about us who don't have Pokémon?"

After hearing the question, the professor replies.

"You will observe and take notes on the lessons I teach, as well as the progress of the battles. This will help you when you get your own Pokémon and want to train them for battles."

He finishes speaking, looking at everyone with a serious expression. Then, he talks about the battle class schedule and what we will be learning now.

"It's eight o'clock in the morning; the battle class will be at one in the afternoon in the sports field behind the school. Now, since I was hired to teach you about the dangers of venturing out, I will share a bit about what I faced during my adventures."

He began recounting the dangers he encountered at the start of his journey, such as provoking Pokémon above his level, which resulted in a chase from which he barely escaped with his life. He also told about the time he ventured into a snow-covered mountain, for which he had prepared only a set of equipment that ended up being stolen by a gang of Sneasels, leaving him with few ways to stay warm in that region and forcing him to flee quickly. 

It was also during this story that we discovered that Professor Maxwell specializes in Water-type Pokémon.


He continued like this until eleven o'clock, when the bell rang.

"Well, for a first class, I think that's enough. You are free until battle class. When the time comes, meet me at the field behind the school, understood?" 

The professor says while gathering his things from the desk and walking toward the exit.

"Yes, professor!" we shout in unison, responding to the professor.

Taking advantage of the break, I go out with Anna and the others from the group I came to class with, while James and Kenta join us.

"What Pokémon did you catch, Victor?" Anna asks with curiosity, while the others also look at me with curiosity in their eyes.

"I caught a Sentret. I've been training it for a while, so we've kind of formed a bond. Besides, it's really cute, and I like Furret a lot too."

I tell them while pulling the Poké Ball from my pocket and releasing the Sentret, which quickly climbs onto my shoulder and greets them.

"Sent, Sent."

"How cute!"

"It looks stronger than my Hoothoot."

"That's because you're being lazy and not training your Hoothoot properly, James."

Anna and James exclaim simultaneously, while Kenta responds to James right after.

"So, what are you guys going to do now?"

Asks Sam, a blonde boy with amber eyes, whom I met when I arrived in town. His parents own a bakery and support his decision to become a trainer.

"I think I'll use the computers in the library after grabbing a snack at the cafeteria. What about you guys?"

I reply, petting the Sentret on my shoulder.

"I'm going to the flower shop to see my parents and tell them about the new teacher."

"I think I'll take a nap with Hoothoot until training time."

"James, I've told you several times to be a little less lazy. I'll also be in the library."

"I'm going home and then coming back." 

Anna, James, Kenta, and Sam respond, while the others are still thinking about what to do. After a while, the others decide to stay and play in the school playground.

Then, after having a snack in the cafeteria, I say goodbye to the others and head with Kenta to the library.

"What are you looking for in the library, Kenta?"

I ask curiously as we arrive at the library.

"I want to learn more about Dark-type Pokémon. I don't have easy access to that kind of knowledge, so I want to learn more about them before setting out on my journey." 

'That's true, considering Kenta's family situation, he wouldn't have become a trainer if he hadn't found that Houndour.'

I think as I part ways with Kenta and head toward the computers.

Reaching the computer, I ponder what to do next.

'Last time, I hacked into the Mahogany Gym's database and got some information about breeding Ice-type Pokémon. Even though I didn't leave any traces, it's better to be a bit more cautious because, while the cybersecurity defenses in the Pokémon world aren't very good, you never know what might happen.' 

Typing lines of data into the computer, I am led to the database of someone many may not know: Dr. Akihabara. A name that may seem strange to many Pokémon fans, but is known for his creations—especially the Pokémon Transfer System that many use.

And, more importantly for Pokémon fans, he is, or at least will be, the creator of Porygon.

His firewall was the toughest I've faced so far, and I didn't expect anything less from the creator of Porygon. But it's not something I can't overcome. A few minutes later, I manage to get past the firewall. Browsing through the files, I find the one I was looking for.

'This is brilliant; even though it's incomplete, he has already managed to create an artificial body. But the more complicated issue is consciousness. From these notes, he's still going to take at least another 5 or 6 years to complete the project,' I think, studying the data related to the Porygon project.

Analyzing the data more deeply, I realize that I can apply my knowledge of artificial intelligence to speed up the progress of the project.

After thinking about this, I decide to wait before contacting Dr. Akihabara, as I need to reflect on the best way to approach him. After all, it would be very suspicious just to show up and say that I can help with the project. And it would be difficult for me to create a Porygon by myself without access to his laboratory.

Putting that topic to the back of my mind, I decide to continue extracting knowledge from the Breeders' Association in Cianwood City.

I chose the Cianwood Breeders' Association especially for its research on breeding Fighting-type Pokémon, specifically about teaching moves of that type. Among the moves that Sentret can theoretically learn, there is a very special Fighting-type move from the sixth generation.

I study for some time, taking notes and making modifications to Sentret's training plan. 

Looking at the clock, I realize there are 15 minutes left until 1 o'clock. I erase my tracks and any traces of accessing that knowledge, turn off the computer, and head toward the field behind the school. 


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