
Pokémon: The Ultimate Adventure of Ash (Remake)

Our protagonist has failed in life, his wife denounced him, he spent years in prison and when he got out, he discovered that his ex-wife had been having sex with his best friend. Alone, without family and friends, our protagonist decides to commit suicide, when suddenly he meets a strange man with whom he exchanges words. This man gives him a strange ring and then he’s gone. After his departure, our protagonist commits suicide and reincarnates in the Pokémon world as Ash Ketchum before starting his journey, what adventures will our protagonist have? How many Pokémon will he catch? How many women will be in his harem? Discover it in this exciting new adventure full of action, romance and lots of sex! *Note: This is a remake of my previous Pokémon fic. This fic is rewritten from 0, it is much better written, the conversations are much more fluid and with more sense and the relationships are much more elaborate, in addition, each girl will have a background. Important things to know about this fic: - Sex will start from chapter 15 more or less since I do not want to rush into relationships. - The girls will quickly fall in love with the protagonist but it will not be instantly. - The protagonist has a very original system never before seen, if you want to know its functions, you will have to read the fic. -The protagonist will catch all Mythical Pokémon and maybe some legendary. - All characters from my previous fic will appear in this without exception. - I’ll do two or four films. - Only certain events will be the same as the canon, but 90% of the entire fic will be made by me. - All the most important pokegirls will be in the harem of the protagonist, if you want some other girl either invented or belonging to the anime or video games, you can suggest it, because probably I will not reject any proposal. - There will be no Pokephilia. - There will be no Netorare. - There will be a little yuri, but only during sex with the protagonist, the girls will not have sex with each other without the protagonist, in addition, there will be little yuri, so it will be fun to read it and not frustrating, believe me. - There will be chapters every two or three days due to lack of time, I would like to upload one daily, but unfortunately the translation takes a long time, also, I have another fic to upload. My patreon: patreon.com/Bloodnight79 There, for a small price of 1$, 2$ and 3$, you can enjoy 5, 10 and 15 chapters of this fic and another one and in the future even more things will be added.

Bloodnight · 漫画同人
79 Chs


*Note: I know that this fic not read many people, however I do not care, also, most likely it is due to not many chapters, maybe read more people later... or I hope.

However, I am enjoying the support I'm getting, so you know, if you want to keep reading this fic, all you have to do is leave me a comment, a "thank you" is enough to know that they are liking it and want me to keep writing, besides, it's free :)

Also don't forget to leave me a 5 star review, I guess that would help attract more people, though if you could share this fic with your friends or something, it'd be nice too.


After the adventure lived with Charmander (now Charmeleon), we continued our way to Cerulean City and I must admit that, despite being quite strange, Verity was right, it didn't take us much longer to get to Cerulean City, in fact, we could already see the city in the distance, I estimate that in 10 minutes we will be there.

"Come on, let's run to Cerulean City!" – Roxanne exclaimed.

Then, she started running.

"I won't lose to you!" – Celeste said.

Great, she's competitive now, too, but that's what I like about her, that she's a strong woman.

"Wait for me!" – I exclaimed.

Since we had stopped to rest a little, I was not tired and I was sure I could hold on running until we reached Cerulean City.

I would also like to say that my endurance increased little by little, as a result of everything we had walked until now, I reckon that, in a short time, I will be able to endure hours walking without getting tired in the least.

After running for a few minutes, we arrived in Cerulean City, but just as we were about to arrive.

"Stop right now!" - someone suddenly exclaimed.

The three of us put ourselves on guard and looked in the direction where we heard the scream.

Suddenly, three people came out of the bushes.

Those three people were quite similar, in fact, I would say that they are twins, they had a rather ugly face (no offense), they had glasses and the only way to differentiate them was by their hair, which they had different colors.

"Who are you?" – Celeste asked with a frown.

"Who are we?" - asked the blue-haired one.

"We are the well-known "handsome" brothers!" – exclaimed the three of them at the same time while putting on a strange pose.

"Handsome? I don't think you have looked at yourself in the mirror well" – Roxanne said with a disgusted face.

For a girl who liked handsome guys, the faces of these three guys almost made her vomit.

"We are handsome, everyone in Cerulean City knows it!" – said the red-haired one.

"That's right!" – said the pink-haired one.

I don't like to insult people, but seriously... you can't call yourselves handsome, that's an insult against people who are truly beautiful...

"Anyway, you can leave here now, we have important things to do and we can't entertain ourselves with people as ugly as you" – Celeste said angrily.

She has already become angry again.

"I'm telling you, we're not ugly, we're handsome!" – the blue-haired one exclaimed.

"Besides, if you want to go through and enter Cerulean City... you have to pay a toll!" – exclaimed the red-haired one.

"What? I haven't heard anything about having to pay a toll to enter a city on foot" - Roxanne said.

Since when do you have to pay to enter a City? That's absurd!

"Everyone knows, Pokémon trainers have an obligation to pay us 10,000 pokes if they want to enter Cerulean City" - said the pink-haired one.

"10,000 pokés?! The only thing I will give you is a beating if you don't let us go!" – Celeste exclaimed angrily.

10,000 pokes was a big amount, this is not like in video games where you receive money every time you beat a trainer, I wish it was like that, but no.

"If you don't pay, you won't pass!" – exclaimed the red-haired one.

"We'll see about that!" – Roxanne said.

Then, Celeste and Roxanne took out their Pokéballs, they had already prepared to fight and kick the ass of these three ugly brothers.

"If I were you, I would let us pass, you don't want to face the fury of my Celeste" – I smiled.

I believe that the time has come to intervene.

"You don't scare us, we have Pokémon too!" – said the pink-haired one.

Then, the three of them took out three Pokeball willing to battle to get the money.

"Stop!" – someone suddenly said.

When we all looked, it was Officer Jenny, who had appeared with her little Growlithe and two police officers.

"Oh, no, the police!" – the three brothers exclaimed.

"We have received a call saying that the three ugly brothers are trying to collect a toll again" - said Officer Jenny.

"It's the three beautiful brothers, not ugly!" – exclaimed the three of them.

"Anyway, they're already running out of patience, I can't be coming every time because three fools like you try to charge the trainers to get into the City, especially now that we're so busy with the Team Rocket thing, you're under arrest" - said Officer Jenny.

It was not the first notice they had received, these three had been charging trainers for some time.

"Let's run away!" – said all three at the same time.

If the police caught them... they would have to return all the money they would have won and probably go to jail for fraud and they were not going to allow it.

"Come back here!" – Officer Jenny said.

Then, Officer Jenny along with her two agents, began to chase the three ugly brothers.

"It seems that we have gotten rid of them, thank goodness because I was already starting to annoy" - Celeste said somewhat calmer.

"But I don't understand, Officer Jenny said she had received a call, a call from who?" – Roxanne asked curiously.

"Well, my friend, I called her while you were fighting them, I knew perfectly well that they were scammers, so I called" – I said.

That's right, sometimes you don't need to resort to violence, besides, I didn't want to waste my time dealing with those three.

"Well done, if I hadn't been so angry I would have done the same!" – Celeste exclaimed.

"I got carried away too, thank to Arceus that Ash called the police" – Roxanne nodded.

"Whatever, wasting time with the three ugly brothers was a stupid thinh, come on, let's go into Cerulean City" – I said.

The girls nodded and we entered the City.

Cerulean City was huge, a really busy and quite beautiful city, unfortunately there was no time for sightseeing as it was getting dark, so we went directly to the Pokémon Center to enjoy a nice and well-deserved dinner.

"Good night, Ash and Celeste, and Miss..." – said Nurse Joy when she saw us arrive.

"Roxanne" – said Roxanne.

"Welcome to you too,Miss Roxanne, the three of you come, we have prepared a table for you" – said Nurse Joy.

"I guess Nurse Joy from Pewter City told you about us..." – Celeste said.

"No, it was your grandmother, but Pewter City's sister already told me about you too" – said nurse Joy with a smile.

Celeste blushed and decided to stop talking to Nurse Joy.

After this little incident, if you can call it that, we started to have dinner, but while we were having dinner, we saw something very interesting on television.

"That's right, my dear viewers, tomorrow on my channel, you will have an exclusive interview with Lily, Violet and Daisy, the famous models and also gym leaders of Cerulean City with their sister, Misty, who, unfortunately we have not been able to convince to interview her, but don't worry, your favourite streamer Iono promised you an interview with these nice girls and you will have it, stay tuned for my journey through the Kanto region and don't miss future interviews with famous people, goodbye, my dear fans, see you tomorrow!" – said Iono.

"Iono..." – I said surprised.

"Do you know her? She is a famous streamer from Paldea region, she is very famous there and quite well known in the rest of the regions" – Celeste said.

"That's right, I don't like streamers, but I've heard she's traveling around Kanto to interview famous people like gym leaders" - Roxanne said.

"I didn't know her, I'm not very interested in those issues either" – I denied.

Actually, I did know it, but only from video games, although I guess it's possible that in the new anime she also appeared, unfortunately, I have no idea because I never watched it.

"Anyway, let's finish dinner and go to sleep, I'm quite sleepy today" – Roxanne said.

"Me too, I've already lived enough adventures for today" – Celeste nodded.

"I'm also quite sleepy, besides, tomorrow is my gym battle and Pikachu and I have to be quite rested" – I nodded.

"Pika pi!" – Pikachu nodded.


Have a good day :)

Next R-18 Chapter: On Thursday.

Bloodnightcreators' thoughts