
Pokémon Isles

In this world, there exist fantastic creatures called Pokémon, which exist alongside people, whether simply living among them or forming deep bonds of friendship. Luz Noceda dreams of becoming a Pokémon Master! And one choice will alter her destiny in ways she'd never imagine; she will make great friends, foes and memories this summer for sure.

Daoist8rgqU2 · 漫画同人
1 Chs

It's Always Been Our Dream

"To be a Pokémon Master…"

The words Luz has read and reread in preparation for this moment flow from her with ease, the previous nerves falling away as she speaks. Despite her confidence, she keeps her head down, her cap shadowing her eyes with dramatic flair, with one leg propped up on the crate set in front of her.

"I wanna be the very best like no one ever was." Luz grabs at the homemade Pokéball (practically the real deal thing) bulging from her front hoodie pocket and brandishes in front her, the waxy coating over the paper-mache making it almost glitter. The glitter glue might also be why.

"To catch them is my real test," Luz raises it to the ceiling, stepping up onto the crate fully to reach up even higher. "To train them is my cause."

"I will travel across the land," spinning in place, Luz gestures widely around the room, having twisted her cap backwards by the time she faces the front of the class again. "Searching far and wide." Pokéball still raised, she slams her fist against her chest over her heart, trying not to audibly oof at the impact.

"Teach Pokémon to understand, the power that's inside." Luz pauses, allowing the class to think she's finished before shouting, "Pokémon!" as she throws out the leftover glitter from her pocket into the air, which only hits two kids in the face given their sudden bouts of sneezing and coughing. Though one other kid keeps blinking furiously, but that might be unrelated.

All in all, a pretty good intro, if Luz says so herself. Though, by the exasperated look from her teacher, maybe not.

"Ms. Noceda," the teacher drawls out carefully, like she's about to explain something complicated. "You do understand the topic was career choices, correct." At Luz's flurry of nods, she sighs. "Then you know why this particular topic of yours does not apply. I assume you meant something more realistic like a gym leader? Perhaps a region Champion?"

Luz shakes her head. "No, I mean a Pokémon Master." By this point Luz has stepped down from her box and put away her paper Pokéball, her hands fiddling with it in her hoodie pocket as she thinks of the best way to explain. "A Pokémon Master is so much more than your everyday trainer or gym leader. It's a way of life, dedicating yourself to Pokémon and the journey itself. To face every challenge along the way with courage, to battle every day, and claim your rightful place." The box rattles suddenly, a hissing sound emitting from it, and without looking away from the teacher Luz stomps one foot down on it to keep it in place. The hissing continues.

A few of the kids look like they want to comment on it, but one girl in the back speaks up first. "Actually, it says here," she wiggles her phone higher to emphasize it, "that to be a, uh Pokémon Master, you just have to be an elite Trainer who is considered a professional and regularly takes part in Pokémon League Competitions." She reads off the last part slower, squinting at the phone. After a pause, she adds offhandedly, "Doesn't seem that special."

By this point Luz is spiraling, because no one was supposed to be questioning whether her career topic was even valid as a career, nonetheless correcting it. No one said anything about the guy before her and his dream of researching Pokémon smells, and yet hers is apparently a bit too much?

"Wait," one guy across the room interrupts, "I thought a Pokémon Master had to be someone who caught, like every kind of Pokémon in the world or something?"

"I think you just have to become a member of the League," another remarks.

"Nope. My dad said ya gotta defeat Mewtwo to be a Master at Pokémon."

"What's do two Mew's have to do with that?"

"Okay, settle down everyone," the teacher speaks up, making a point of standing up from her chair. "I think that's enough excitement here. How about we move on to the next presentation, hm?" She looks pointedly at Luz who suddenly can't use her legs right now. She didn't even finish her presentation.

"So, what's in the box?" One kid points at said box as is rattles ominously under Luz's foot. "Is it a bomb?"

Luz seems to start up at this, remembering exactly where her presentation had been going. "Nope. Even better." Luz leans over to undo the latch keeping the box shut, shoves both hands in and snatch her final presentation piece. "This is the first step in becoming a Pokémon Master."

With a firm grip on it's squirming body, Luz pulls out a Weedle, hands held at the base of its neck so its little horn doesn't gouge her eyes out or something. The hissing from before starts up again and even louder, with unmuffled cries of "We we!" filling the air. Somehow, Luz is just barely able to speak over this. "This is a Pokémon I was able to catch with my bare hands. While not the most impressive or special Pokémon, it is an important step towards catching more, training them to form an amazing team! This is the start of my Pokémon journey!"

The class is silent, the only noise the Weedles cries for release as it squirms helplessly in Luz's grasp. 

Then, in the distance, a buzzing sound is heard.






"So, I admit," Luz begins sheepishly, unwilling to look her mom or principal in the eyes, "that things didn't turn out quite the way I planned. But hey, that's what makes like so interesting, right? Spice of life and all that." A truly awkward pause settles in the room, so Luz adds, "But honesty? I think I knocked it out of the park."

Principal Hal leans forward, rubbing at the swollen bump on his forehead from the sting he got just before. Luz hopes it's the main reason he looks like he has the worst migraine right not. "Your presentation is the reason you and your mother are here right now." As though emphasizing his point, a group of students run past the door screaming as a swarm of Beedrill give chase, one particularly panicked voice of an adult screaming, "- the Beedrills! Not the Beedrills."

Apparently, the school wasn't able to catch them all yet.

"I mean, yeah, but those Beedrill weren't a part of my presentation plan, honest," Luz rushes out, then adds, "or any Beedrill. Just the Weedle… and the glitter… and the fireworks for the closing act special."

By this point Principal Hal looks ready to throw his badge, or tie, whatever counts for authority for principals here. Her mom, one the other hand…

It's clean she rushed from the Pokémon Center to get here, scrubs still on and straightened hair starting to frizz, probably from her habit of running her hands through her hair when she's stressed. Her face is tense but sympathetic when she looks at Luz, like she understands and wants to help. Luz is sure she wants to help, she always wants to help, but. She doesn't think her mami can really understand her. Doesn't think anyone really does.

Camila steps forward by now, positioning herself between Luz and the principals harsh gaze as she leans down to her daughter's level. "Mija, I love your creativity but it's gotten really out of hand," she uses her sterner Mom Voice now, and Luz really wishes the principal wasn't in the room to see this. Again. "Do you remember why you were in the principal's office before this?"

"The Gulpin I brought in got stuck to someone's hair. I mean, she got a pretty cool wig out of it so – "

"And before that?"

"The Drifloon I brought almost kidnapped someone, but he seemed pretty big so there's no way he would of – "

"And before that."

Luz has to think on that one. "I mean, there was the thing with the Rattata's, but I didn't even bring those to school."

"No," Principal Hal spoke up, still hidden behind Camila. "You just fed a colony of them on school grounds and attracted half the forests worth of them here." Camila's mouth pinched at his comment, but she said nothing, instead focusing back on Luz.

"I'm not saying you meant for things to turn out that way, but you tend to start things without thinking them through." Camila smiles, a small and sad thing that makes Luz's stomach clench. "I know how much you want to be a Pokémon trainer and travel the world catching Pokémon and such, and I know things may have gotten in the way of that."

Camila moves to stand up, and Luz doesn't know if she wants her to stop holding her hand, didn't even realize she was until the steady pressures gone and her hands drop to her lap. Camila reaches into her satchel and pulls out a brochure, looking back to Principal Hal for some kind of confirmation before continuing. "So, after talking with your principal, we came to a decision. This summer, you'll be able to start your journey officially."

And that's… Not at all what Luz was expecting. At all.

Honestly, she didn't think the sort of official start to her Pokémon Journey would be in the principal's office after accidently attracting a swarm of Beedrill to her school but hey, she's not complaining. In fact, Luz is already jumping up and hugging her mami, a stream of thankyouthankyouthankyou leaving her. She reaches for the brochure, already rambling about her plans which she has plenty of after wishing for literal years to have this chance. Her Pokémon Journey, her destiny, and it all starts at –

"Boxberg?" Luz reads in bold block letters at the top, a picture of a little town in shades of brown and nothing much else. The text inside is small and dense, phrases like 'simple pleasures' and 'honest work' popping out. She stops reading before her brain has the chance to barf up all the words clogging her brain. "I don't, I don't understand."

Camila hesitates to explain, so Principal Hal speaks up. "This is a brochure for a summer program at the town Boxberg. It is for new trainers to begin their journey in a safe and controlled environment so they can best experience the world of Pokémon without, say getting lost in the woods and falling off cliffs, which tends to be the case these days."

Seeing Luz's forlorn expression, Camila quickly adds on, "But it's just a safe way to start things off, not the whole journey. You'll get to do activities, explore the town, maybe make some friends." When Luz doesn't respond, she adds, "You'll also get to bring your Eevee as your starter. Have a familiar face on your big adventure. Won't that be nice?"

"So, I don't even get to pick my own starter from a Professor," Luz asks weakly, all enthusiasm already drained by this point.

"Well, I mean, yes, but you'll still get to catch more Pokémon. Just, ah, please keep it realistic for when you come home, please? Our house is only so big."

Luz nods weakly, a mumbled "yes mami" leaving her lips as she looks away. She can't see her face, but she feels her mami's lips press against her temple and a whisper of "Te amo, carino" before she moves away again to talk with the principal about something but Luz can't really hear them right now. She just looks at her shoes as the scuff the tiled floor.

Should have grabbed a Caterpie.






The drive to the train station is quiet. The kind of quiet Luz and Camila hate but never seem to know how to break without making things more awkward. Like mother like daughter, it seems.

Camila has the radio on to some pop song that usually Luz and her would sing along to. Instead, Luz occupies her time with petting Eevee who sits in her lap, idly rolling on her side now and then for belly rubs. Camila doesn't try to sing along, just keeps with the rhythm by tapping her fingers along the steering wheels rim. Eevee actually does sing along with her squeaky "e e e!" noises, not well, but the attempt is enough to make them both chuckle.

Finally, they arrive at the train station. They're a bit early, so Camila takes them to the shop near the entrance to get them some snacks for both Luz and Eevee, though Luz idly feeds Eevee some of her own snacks, getting crumbs on her pants for her troubles. They wait on the benches by the windows, Luz looking out at the hustle and bustle as Camila explains the plan. Not Luz's plan of course, but a plan nonetheless.

"Make sure to text me or call me if you need anything, okay? I want updates, even if it's something silly or not that important, because it's important to me. You're allowed into the bank account I set up for you, but don't spend it all at once, okay? And I have some numbers you can call in case you need help there, and this one, right here, is for where you'll e staying at. Ask for Pauline, she's the one who owns the place, and there should be other trainers just like you starting their journey. You can ask them too, and maybe take some pictures. Lots of pictures. Are you listening?"

Eevee yips to draw Luz's attention, snapping her head up to see her mom lock eyes with her, one brow raised in challenge. "Uhhhh, yeah. Yeah, yes, I hear you." Luz adjusts her hold on Eevee, hands under her armpits and pulling her up to her hind legs, showing no issue with being moved. Luz wiggles her little arms at Camila, and speaks in a tiny voice. "We hear you loud and clear, Big Mama."

Camila sighs, both exasperated and fond and she leans back in the bench, plastic covering doing nothing good for her back. "I know this isn't how you wanted things to go, baby, but it's the best I can do right now. You'll get to catch Pokémon, and go on adventures soon enough, just like your hero Azula."

"It's Azura, mom," Luz corrects glumly. "And it's not the same. Azura started her journey after a group of bad guys stole her starter and she had to chase after them with the help of the regions Champion and a Latios, both of which she would befriend and go to form life long friendships with! My journey is no way as cool as that."

"Well, it may not be the most exciting start, but that's the thing mija, it's just the start." Camila scoots forward to wrap her daughter in a full body hug, with Eevee happily squirming in between them. "But bad starts don't mean bad endings, or even bad middles. What you do with what you get is up to you, all your own. This isn't anyone's journey but your own." At this she smiles, warm and comforting like her homemade meals, and Luz realizes she won't get to eat her mami's food for months. Wont get to even see her. "But just because it's your own doesn't mean you can't ask for help. You hear me, carino?"

"I hear you, mami."

"Good." Camila stands up, looking at Luz's luggage. "Do you want me to help put your things away when the train arrives? Looks like a bit much, and I could even get things set up while you and Eevee – "

"Actually," Luz interrupts awkwardly. "I kinda wanna do the rest on my own. You know, my journey and all."

Camila visibly deflates, a soft breath escaping her. "Of course, yeah." She shuffles in place, suddenly so unsure of herself, and Luz hates that she's responsible for that. Seeming to steel her resolve, Camila pounces forward and hugs her daughter so, so tight the air gets squeezed right out of her lungs. The audible oof is ignored as she smothers her in kisses, getting to the point she starts swinging Luz side to side as she rocks them both in place. Luz can't help laughing at this, jokingly pleading to be released, and finally she's let go.

The air is lighter now, but the weight sitting in the pit of Luz's stomach sits heavy, getting heavier as Camila goes to grab her own bag and coat from the empty seat next to them. With one last hug and a kiss goodbye, she heads out of the train station.

Luz doesn't move for a while, just staring at the exit doors, then the windows overlooking the platform, the distant wail of a train whistle. She's running out of time, she knows this, but she's not ready at all. She can smile for her mami and tell her it's okay as much as she wants, but it won't make it okay. Nothing is okay. She doesn't want to be a problem, but she doesn't want to be sent away to a place where she knows she'll be miserable. Everything happened so quickly and nothing is going the way she always planned.

This is the moment she's been waiting forever for, to start her Pokémon Journey with nothing but her wits and dreams to guide her. This was supposed to be their dream, to become a Pokémon Master. This was supposed to be the start of a whole new world, but it seems like it's gonna be like before, stuck in a place where she just can't fit into. This is supposed to be where she gets a sign –


"Oof!" Luz stumbles in place, a large sheet of paper hitting her face straight on, leaving her scrambling to tear it away to breath. When she gets in her hands, gulping down air, she looks at it. Its bright colors depict a cluster of islands with various mountains and icons for buildings. Above large loopy font spells The Boiling Isles a wide array of Pokémon acting as boarders to the poster.

Why does that sound familiar? Luz thinks to herself, a part of her brain itching at the name. She reads the smaller text, which describes a Pokémon paradise where people and Pokémon live together in harmony, teaming up on all kinds of jobs, festivities, and tournaments –

It can't be, can it?

Luz checks her phone and looks it up, because really, for as much as she talks about fate and destiny, the chances of this are little to none, especially with her luck. No less than a minute later, she finds the site, listing all things Azura and her numerous recorded battles, including her first win at becoming a Champion. Which was in The Boiling Isles, it seems.

Now Luz can admit she doesn't always think things through. It's what got her here after all. But if her not thinking things through got her here, where she gets sent away to a boring town to start a boring journey, only for destiny (aka the wind) to slap her in the face with another route, well. Who is she to deny destiny.

In a flurry of motion Luz grabs her bags, with Eevee plopped down on one of the rolling luggage's. She starts heading towards her destiny, stops, rereads the poster, then chances direction to actually head towards her destiny. She hadn't even gotten her tickets yet, so it's easy to pick out a different set. Soon enough she finds herself entering the train heading to The Boiling Isles.

The true start to her journey.

I'm very excited to be making this finally, and plan on finishing it, no matter what! Please give me your support in any way you can!

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