
Pokémon: Dragon Master's Tale (original)

This is the story of Drake, who will one day become the greatest Dragon Master in existence. Though his previous life wasn't anything special, nor was his final moments. But the tales of his second life shall echo throughout history for eons. Disclaimer: the only thing I own is my OC and some parts of the plot, everything else belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures. I don't own the cover photo, I got it from Google. If you're the owner make a request and I'll take it down.

Glorious_Dragon · 漫画同人
22 Chs

Colt and Gift

When Koga heard Drake's words he didn't know whether to be proud or furious. Koga just paid Drake and gave him the Soul Badge, eager to get rid of this bastard.

Drake left Koga's Gym and immediately he heard the familiar chime.

[ Quest Completed ×3]

[ Bring your Pokémon to its final evolution ×2 Defeat Koga and earn the Soul Badge. ]

[ Rewards: 5 free stat points ×2 & 12 free stat points and 1 treasure map. ]

[ New Quest Unlocked ]

[ Defeat Blaine and earn your Seventh Gym Badge. ]

[ Rewards: 12 free stat points and 1 treasure map. ]

Drake walked to the Pokémon Center and surrendered Horus to Nurse Joy ( Still hot ) for treatment that would last 2 days. There weren't any serious injuries but he was totally drained.

Drake went to his room and put 16 of his 30 stat points into his Endurance and split the remaining 14 evenly between his Agility and Strength.

After the mind numbing pain he opened his treasure map that pointed to Mount Silver in Johto. As well as a quest to defeat the guardian that rewarded the treasure chest.

Seeing how today's battle went and knowing that they'll get more difficult in the future Drake bought 2 TM's from his system store.

Hyper Beam and Giga Impact. Every Pokémon needs a strong finishing move and most of his Pokémon didn't. A number of them wouldn't learn one naturally.

So the next day Drake went outside of Fuchsia City and taught both moves to all of his Pokémon with the exception of Andromeda who already knew Hyper Beam and Horus who was still resting.

Hyper Beam was basically useless with Terry but Drake still taught it to him because he had no long range moves.

Drake also bought Ice Beam, Thunder and Thunder Punch, all of which he taught to Zeus and he bought Solar Beam and taught it to Prometheus.

He bought Earthquake for Horus. Since he had free time he had them train their newly acquired moves.

At lvl 1 Hyper Beam and Giga Impact have a 20 second cooldown, during which the user is left powerless and weakened.

With each increase of the moves' level the cooldown time by one second. Even if the move is raised to its highest level there would still be a 1 second opening.

But at lvl 20 a Hyper Beam or Giga Impact was a devastating move. Very few Pokémon could be hit by one and still be able to capitalize on that opening.

When it was time to pick up Horus, Drake's other Pokémon raised their new moves by one level. That same day Drake departed from Fuchsia City

He originally wanted to visit the Safari Zone but he decided not to go there yet. So he flew to Bike Bridge aka Cycling Road, this was where he was hoping to find his new mount.

Since he was flying there he released Zeus and Horus to fly alongside him. While they were all in the air he finally noticed something, all of his Pokémon had foul tempers.

It was like traveling with grenades, you never knew when they'd explode. He never noticed it before because they all acted spoiled when they were with him.

But when they were dealing with wild Pokémon or strange people they were complete monsters. He just sighed at the misfortune that would eventually happen.

After a four hour flight Drake arrived at Cycling Road. He circled in the air searching for his new mount and he saw a potential ones.

But none of them stood out, amongst Rapidashes the Shiny offspring aren't ostracized. They were a breed of Pokémon that valued beauty and strength so Drake saw a few Shiny Rapidashes leading teams( A group of wild horses.).

But they still didn't stand out, they looked satisfied with their position and situation. Drake wanted one that was dissatisfied with it's position or wanted more strength.

Drake circled in the air for a bit longer before he focused on a Shiny Ponyta constantly grooming himself. He was constantly shooing away other females who tried to help him groom.

Drake scanned him and saw that he was at level 30 and had S rank stats. It seems despite his obsession with his appearance he still fought a lot.

Drake was hoping to catch a Rapidash but this Ponyta was more appealing to him. The only problem he had now was to capture him while he was alone.

Drake landed a distance off and started cooking lunch. He prepared food for all of his Pokémon and some special Poffins for that Ponyta.

After the Poffins cooled down he separated them into portions and wrapped them in leaves. He let his flying capable Pokémon roam the area while he snuck his way close to the Ponyta.

He spotted the Ponyta and threw a portion of the bait a small distance the Ponyta and threw a trail close to him and kept one in his hand at the end of the trail.

The Ponyta smelled the Poffins and made his way to it. He sniffed the parcel a bit before eating it, after savoring in the taste for a bit he made his way along the trail eating all the Poffins he came across.

Finally at the end he saw Drake standing with the last parcel in his hand, he looked warily at Drake before inching foward slowly.

Drake stood watching the Ponyta draw closer with the last parcel of Poffins in his left hand a his secret weapon in his right.

It was a brush, after seeing how aesthetically obsessed this Ponyta was Drake found an entry point. Drake looked as the Ponyta in front of him trying to get the parcel.

Drake moved the parcel so he could get the Ponyta in a good position so he could brush him. It didn't require much effort before he got him in the right position.

When the Ponyta finally got the Poffins and was relishing in the taste Drake made his move. He used the brush on the Ponyta's right side, he brushed gently and by the time Ponyta felt it Drake had already brushed a significant amount of Ponyta's side.

Ponyta was about to kick Drake buy stopped when he saw his hair, it looked better than ever and felt amazing. He was enjoying the feeling when the human in front of it stopped grooming him.

Puzzled he looked towards the human who looked at him, after a brief staring match the human turned and walked away. Ponyta stood stunned for a bit before following the human.

He lightly nudged him from behind a couple times before he finally got his attention. Then he rubbed his head against him gently.

Drake was a bit worried he'd be burned but he just felt warmth from the flames. Putting his worries aside he brushed the Ponyta some more.

While he was brushing he asked it " Wanna come with me? I'll feed you and brush you everyday. " It felt a bit like coercing a child into a van with candy but it worked.

The Ponyta nodded and Drake used a Pokéball on him immediately. There was one shake due to surprise but it flashed immediately after.

Drake released him and took a closer look at him while he was brushing. This Ponyta was four and a half feet tall, much larger than any other Ponyta he saw amidst the plains.

He named him Sleipnir and checked his stats

[ Pokémon Stats]

Name: Sleipnir

Gender: ♂️

Species: Ponyta (Shiny)

Ability: Flash Fire

Hidden Ability: Flame Body

Level: 30

Moves: Thrash lvl 7*, Flame Wheel lvl max*, Double Kick lvl max*, Charm lvl max*, Horn Drill lvl max( been like this from the beginning. ), Ember lvl max*, Stomp lvl 9*, Flame Charge lvl max*, Take Down lvl 3*.

Stat Level: S

Drake was beyond happy with Sleipnir's moveset, it showed how much effort he put into his efforts to grow stronger. The maxed out Charm said he was a huge Narcissist but everyone has flaws.

After brushing him for a while Drake recalled him and whistled for Prometheus and took off for his next destination.

Evolution Mountain. Drake wanted one of each evolution stone and he hoped to run into a specific Pokémon there. It took two hours to get there, while Drake circled around the Mountain he showed pictures to Horus and asked him to dig through the mountain and bring him one of each and promised him extra Poffins and care in return.

Horus went into the mountain eagerly and Drake just circled in the air for a bit. He saw several Pokémon making their way to the mountain and he finally saw what he was looking for.

But not in a situation he liked, he saw a Shiny Eevee being bullied by a Flareon, Vaporeon and a Jolteon.

She was incredibly small and had a icy grey/silver coat with a flower pattern at the tip of her tail. Her size alone told Drake that she was at most a month old.

A newborn Pokémon wouldn't be trying to evolve this soon unless things were incredibly hard for her. Unfortunately she stumbled into this trio on their way back from Evolution Mountain after successful evolutions.

Drake wasn't sure if her life was in danger but he didn't want to take any risks. He was just hoping to find an Eevee it didn't have to be shiny, but his lucky halo kept shining.

Drake got Prometheus to land behind them and he roared to scare of the trio. Drake walked up to the injured and cowering Eevee and sprayed it with a Super Potion.

He picked her up and scanned her, she was only at level 4. Yet she was already forced to seek out an evolution to protect herself.

Drake climbed back onto Prometheus' back and they flew back into the sky. An hour later Horus returned with a Fire stone, Water stone, Thunder stone, Leaf stone and a Sun stone in his mouth.

He looked proud at his accomplishment, unfortunately Drake couldn't pet him so he flashed him a smile and a thumbs up.

Drake collected the stones and made his way to Pallet. He was going to spend a few days there before heading to Cinnabar Island.