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Delia was staring at me after I said WTF. B-"Well I think I will have to wait before giving you this pokemon. Evee is pregnant at the moment." D-"What did you say? She is pregnant. Pregnant pokemon have never been caught." B-"Well technically Storm caught her and she just submitted to me." Storm just started purring and puffing his chest out. B-"We caught her the night we were in the tent. She is looking pretty big and the pokedex just says pregnant, so I have no clue how far along she is." D-"I can take a look, in the past the pregnancy was the same as a dog, about 60 days. Since the change in pokemon all pregnant pokemon have died within a few hours of being captured and even seeing one has become extremely rare. What are you going to do with her?"

B-"I plan on making her have a healthy batch of puppies. Looks like we need to go out and get some pokemon for her to snack on. Do you have anything you need to do Delia?" D-"I have to work for Professor Oak, its my job." B-"Well how about you quit the job and become a pokemon trainer? Seriously, look at the pokecores and bodies stacked over there. Do you think you need to work for that old geezer anymore?" D-"those are yours Bash not mine." B-"hahaha your to cute, now that you are in this space with me do you think its my pile or our pile? So you can let him know you have a sugar daddy now and to not worry about you. If he really wants to, tell him to give you a pokedex. One last thing, you still need to give evee a name." Delia looked at evee, D-"How about Robin?" Evee shook her head B-"ahahahaha strike one" D-"hmmff well how about Lucy?" Evee barked and started wagging her tail. B-"welcome to the family Lucy. So lucy, do you want to eat any of these pokecores?" Pointing at the pokecores she walks over to the small pile of cores. B-"Lucy, will eating these pokecores help your babies?" Evee turned and looking at Bash nodded up and down. B-"Give me a few minutes Lucy and lets see what we have." Walking to the stack that was just sitting on the ground. I realized I need to bring some furniture in this area. Picking up the cores and scanning them one by one I got a few surprises. This is what I got out of the pile of 22 pokecores.


4 low

5 med 1+ground 1+grass 2+flight/wind

2 high 1+grass 1+poison


1 low

1 med 1+poison

Well I have plenty of pokedollars and even selling the crappy cores will give me plenty of money for me and Delia. I feel bad for Lucy but I'm about to experiment on her. I grabbed all the special pokecores except the ones with poison attribute. B-"here you go Lucy can you eat all of these?" Lucy nodded her head and ate the 5 small pokecores. She ate 2 grass, 2 wind and 1 ground pokecore. She laid down as soon as she swallowed the last core. I think it may have been a bit too much, for all at once. Everyone could hear grumbling noises from her stomach. D-"Bash!! What did you do to her? Is she going to be okay?" B-"How should I know, I asked her and she seemed she knew what she was doing. I think she knows better than us on what she is doing." I leaned over and started rubbing on her. B-"Eat whatever you want in here. Well just not the pokecores, I want to get you some more special pokecores. Are you ready to head back Delia?" D-"Yeah, how do we get back." I just "willed" us back and we are in the same spot we were before we left. B-"so feel free to let Oak know about you quitting. We have plenty of camping gear between the two of us that we can setup in the space." D-"Ill give him a call." She had left to go to the back room.

I pulled out my phone and noticed I had a message. Laughing to myself I see that Ann wrote down my number already. She sent me a nude photo of her, telling me to come over to her place. I'm no saint but since I have been relying on Delia and having her come with me, I'm not about to be a dirty dog and go behind her back. I will see what she says about this. I toss most of the camping gear and clothes in the space. I kept one of everything in my backpack. I had bought some pokeballs while at the store and tossed most of them in the space as well. I left a few on the outside of the pack. They had just attached to the side, so it was convenient. After a while Delia came out of the back room with a smile on her face. B-"Did everything go okay?" D-"Yes, he was surprisingly okay with it. He told me if it didn't work out, I would have a job waiting on me with him." B-"Awesome, so I have something to show you." I handed her my phone with the text on the screen from Ann. D-"she never stops, she is always going after the new people in town and since you have a lot of money, it doesn't surprise me. To be honest I don't expect to keep you to myself. Most pokemon trainers have more than a few girls attached to them." **Mentally thanking the sweet voice over… Thank you thank you thank you MFVO** B-"All the same I won't keep around anyone you don't like. You are number 1 and you will always stay in that spot, so you don't have to worry about that." Delia walked over and gave me big wet kiss. D-"how about you go over there now and tear her up. Come home before it gets dark and I can wash you and sleep with you. I need to start cleaning this place up and getting ready to go with my man." I couldn't resist after this and grabbed her up in my arms and started tongue wrestling with her.



My apologies for screwing Ash's mom name up. Thank you Achile for bring it to my attention. Pick two types of evee for me.

This is a harem story, because having only 1 girl in a fantasy is just horrible. BUT do not fear. Not every girl that gets the D gets to join the story.

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