
I lied no badge

I woke up the next morning exhausted but feeling like I was king of the world. Delium was lying next to me and all I could think about is how great she was last night. Thinking about it gave me a stiff one again. She was passed out on the floor next to me. We ended up popping the mattress last night, plus it was covered in fluids of all sorts. No need to sleep on it or even lay on it. We tossed it outside the tent before we went to sleep. I'm sure the rest of the camp is wishing I never showed up. I slipped out of the tent at first light without waking Delium. Storm kept talking to me this morning telling me to come to him. When I showed up, I was shocked. He was standing in front of a pile of dead pokemon. I would guess there were at least 30 pokemon in the pile. S-"They kept showing up last night from all the noise you guys were making. I have a surprise for you as well, follow me."

I followed Storm till he led me to a big tree and at the base of the tree was an unconscious Evee. It was easy to recognize even with it looking a bit more savage. I am going to use this as a gift to Delium. I can't have my first lady without a pokemon. After trying to suck evee into his space, and failing. I guess I need it to submit to me. B-"Storm can you wake the evee up, don't let it get away." S-"yeah no problem, and there is no way this thing could get away from me." Storm walked over and licked the evee and it jumped as it was near scared to death. Storm could nearly swallow the animal hole. Evee was about to run when Storm dazed it again with a mental attack and then stepped on it. I walked up to it and looked it in the eyes B-"how about you join me on some fun?" Evee just snarled at me. B-"Storm, can you talk to this guy and convince it to follow us?" S-"I can relay the message to him." Storm started growling at evee and pushed its head further in the dirt. I watched as Storm kept pushing evee's head in the ground. After a few minutes of Storm chatting with Evee, he let go of Evee. Evee crawled over to me and started rubbing on my leg.

I guess this is one way of capturing pokemon. I need to get some pokeballs to make this process easier. Looking at evee B- "time to go," and sort of just wanted her to go into the bracelet and she vanished. I could feel a link between the two of us. It is weird to describe, it was almost like what me and Storm had but not as strong. I could think of a message to her and I could sense she understood. I told her not to eat any pokemon but if she was hungry, she could eat all the bread she wanted. For some reason, that bread never went bad and always seemed to resupply itself. I walked back toward camp, I pulled out a few pokemon that Storm had killed last night, and I carried two rattata while Storm carried an ekans. I wanted to see their reaction in camp and find out if this is considered good.

Made my way back to camp, once I showed up in camp with three dead pokemon they all had slack jaw faces. I dropped the pokemon in the center of the camp and looked at everyone, B-"what?"

Jeff-"where did you get those pokemon from?" B-"Storm killed them during the night. Is there a problem with it?" Jeff-"Not at all, it is very impressive to be able to kill this many. We were lucky that more weren't attracted to the camp last night from all the noise...."B-"Sorry about that, how about as an apology you guys can split up the corpse between the three of you." Ann-"this is really not needed. You may not know this but these pokemon are worth a lot of money." B-"It's the least I can do since I did keep you guys up most of the night." Brittany and Ann had both of their faces turn beat red. Jeff walked up and grabbed the ekkan and started dressing the animal. Brittany and Ann both looked pissed watching him grab the ekkan. They went up and grabbed a rat each and did the same thing and started dressing the animals. I started watching them clean the animals. Ann-"Gutting them will keep them fresh longer, While their organs can sell for a good amount. The time it takes to get back from here most of the meat would spoil and the organs would rot. The only thing we are really after on the inside is the pokecore." She pulled out a small clear crystal out of the rat's heart. It was the size of large pearl. We continued to chat for a while till Jeff started cooking some of the ekkan. It smelt really good, I have to admit. I heard noise coming from behind me and saw Delium walking out of the tent. I noticed she was walking with a limp, causing me to chuckle. She noticed me laughing and gave me a mean glair. Ann-"Do you need any help walking Delium?" All three of them Ann, Brittany, and Jeff busted out laughing. Brittany had fallen over holding her stomach laughing. Delium-"Its all his fault, he wouldn't stop." B-"How is it my fault? All I did was respond to your advances. I'm an innocent young man." Brittany busted out laughing even harder. Delium just hmphed and sat down next to me. She noticed the animals that everyone had. She gave me a small smile, so I'm sure she heard everything that was said earlier. She was probably too embarrassed to come out of the tent. After the breakfast was cleaned up everyone packed their things and we started toward Pallet Town. I had put Storm back in my space so he could get some good rest. I felt bad leaving him up all night, but he seemed to love attacking the other pokemon. I'm sure he ate a few of them as well.

Please leave feedback. Slow start but will do time skips for training and other things I have planned. Also if you want any particular Pokémon made to join Bash. See you guys Monday. Oh and a few more Deaths. Don’t want the abused Pokémon not getting their revenge

NewManagementcreators' thoughts