
Chapter Six: Research and Explanations

Sighing once more [Rose] exclaimed " All right they are now gone. System show my 3 main Projects! I need to review them."

[System Screen] Affirmative Showing now.

[System Screen]

Personal Project (PP): Identifying and classification of Poké-Berries\Food

Types of Taste:

Bitter Flavor: Rawst Berry, Aguav Berry (Very Bitter), Coba Berry (Very Bitter), Haban Berry (Very Bitter), Jaboca Berry (Very Bitter), Ganlon Berry (Dry & Bitter), Petaya Berry, (Spicy & Bitter), Kee Berry (Very Spicy & Bitter), Maranga Berry (Very Bitter & Sweet)

Dry Flavor: Chesto Berry, Passho Berry (Very Dry), Charti Berry (Very Dry), Micle Berry (Very Dry), Yache Berry (Dry & Sour), Kebia Berry (Dry & Sour), Ganlon Berry (Dry & Bitter), Apicot Berry (Dry & Sour)

Sour Flavor: Aspear Berry, Iapapa Berry (Very Sour), Colbur Berry (Very Sour), Rowap Berry (Very Sour), Grepa Berry (Sour & Sweet), Wacan Berry (Sour & Sweet), Yache Berry (Sour & Dry), Kebia Berry (Sour & Dry), Apicot Berry (Sour & Dry), Salac Berry (Sour & Sweet)

Spicy Flavor: Cheri Berry, Rindo Berry, Chople Berry, Figy Berry (Very Spicy), Tamato Berry (Very Spicy), Occa Berry (Very Spicy), Tanga Berry (Very Spicy), Babiri Berry (Very Spicy), Pomeg Berry (Spicy & Sweet), Qualot Berry (Spicy & Sweet), Liechi Berry (Spicy & Sweet), Petaya Berry (Spicy & Bitter), Kee Berry (Very Spicy & Bitter)

Sweet Flavor: Pecha Berry, Shuca Berry, Mago Berry (Very Sweet), Payapa Berry (Very Sweet), Kasib Berry (Very Sweet), Custap Berry (Very Sweet), Roseli Berry (Very Sweet), Pomeg Berry (Sweet & Spicy), Qualot Berry (Sweet & Spicy), Liechi Berry (Sweet & Spicy), Grepa Berry (Sweet & Sour), Wacan Berry (Sweet & Sour), Salac Berry (Sweet & Sour), Maranga Berry (Very Sweet & Bitter)

No Flavor: Kelpsy Berry, Hondew Berry, Lansat Berry, Starf Berry, Enigma Berry, Oran Berry (Not Sweet), Leppa Berry (Not Dry), Persim Berry (Not Dry), Lum Berry (Not Sour), Sitrus Berry (Not Spicy)

What they Taste Like in OW (Original World) So Far:

Hondew= Honeydew

Grepa= Grape

Tamato= Tomato

Cornn= Corn

Nomel= Lemon

Watmel= Watermelon

Belue= Blueberry

Occa= Cocao

Shuca= Cashew Nut

Cheri= Cherry

Chesto= Chestnut

Pecha= Peach

Rawst= Strawberry

Leppa= Apple

Oran= Orange

Lum= Plum

Sitrus= Citrus

Figy= Fig

Wiki= Kiwi

Mago= Mango

Razz= Raspberry

Bluk= Blackberry

Nanab= Banana

Pinap= Pineapple

Pomeg= Pomegranate

Food Class in this world:

Koffing Class (1-star)

Wobbuffet Class (2-star)

Milcery Class (3-star)

Copperajah Class (4-star)

Charizard Class (5-star)


Fresh Water

Soda Pop


Moomoo Milk

Berry Juice



Red Pokéblock

Blue Pokéblock

Pink Pokéblock

Green Pokéblock

Yellow Pokéblock

Rainbow Pokéblock

Red Pokéblock Plus

Blue Pokéblock Plus

Pink Pokéblock Plus

Green Pokéblock Plus

Yellow Pokéblock Plus

Rainbow Pokéblock Plus

Pokemon Puff:

Basic Poke Puff: basic Sweet, basic Mint, basic Citrus, basic Mocha, basic Spice Sprite.png

Frosted Poke Puff: Frosted Sweet, Frosted Mint Sprite, Frosted Citrus, Frosted Mocha, Frosted Spice

Fancy Poke Puff: Fancy Sweet, Fancy Mint, Fancy Citrus, Fancy Mocha, Fancy Spice

Deluxe Poke Puff: Deluxe Sweet, Deluxe Mint, Deluxe Citrus, Deluxe Mocha,Deluxe Spice

Supreme Spring

Supreme Summer

Supreme Autumn

Supreme Winter

Supreme Wish

Supreme Honor


Poké Snack




Research Project (RP): Taillow Migration Patterns

Taillows are summer visitors to the Avalon Region. They start to arrive here from Hoenn in April. By early June most Taillows have started breeding and by July, the first brood of young has usually left the nest and flown away. The parents will normally then go on to raise a second brood, sometimes even a third. By early September, most Taillows are preparing to migrate. They flutter about restlessly, and often gather on telegraph wires. Most leave the Avalon Region during September, with early broods of youngsters being the first to go, but a few stragglers may hang around into October. The return journey to Hoenn takes about six weeks. Taillows from different parts of Avalon fly to different destinations. Taillows migrate during daylight, flying quite low and covering about 320 km (200 miles) each day.

The most common dangerous obstacles for most bird Pokémon are tall glass buildings, electrical wires and poles, and wind turbines when it comes to human interference. The Taillows are pretty bird Pokémon. They also can be an aggressive little pest to some humans. Therefore, Taillows tend to have a love-hate relationship with some humans. Climate change and other human activities are affecting many if not most Pokémon migrations. Humans tend to have an impact on the Pokémon species with migration. Some examples include both through climate change and by changing the landscape around us. Both plants and Pokémon will have to respond to the changing climate; in some cases, this means adapting to higher or Lower temperatures. The habitats we create instead—farms, suburbs, cities—are more often than not poor substitutes for the habitats they supplant, supporting a lower diversity of more adaptable (and therefore more widespread) Pokémon bird species.

What If Project (WIP): Pokémon World

this is what I have learned:

Trainers have an Elio Score as well as an ID number on their trainer card.

There are many levels of trainers:

Newbie Trainer (High School Graduate)

Beginner Trainer ( 1 to 2 Years)

Mid Trainer (3 to 6 Years)

Regular Trainer ( 7 to 13 Years or College Graduate)

Athlete Trainer ( 14 to 20 Years)

Pro Trainer (21 to 27 Years)

Then there are Titles Trainers can get:

Challenge Beginner (beat all gym leaders at beginner level)

Challenge Mid Tier ( beat all gym leaders at regular level)

Challenge Master ( beat all gym leaders at personal level)

Coordinator Beginner (win contest for the first time)

Coordinator Spotlight (win contest 10 times)

Coordinator Stardom (win contest at least 75 times)

Pokémon Showdown (win Pokémon trainer battle contest 5 times)

Pokémon Battlefield (win Pokémon trainer Battle Royale 30 times)

Pokémon Shadow Master (win professional Pokémon Trainer battle contest 25 times at least)

Pokémon Master (win professional Pokémon Trainer Battle Royale 75 times at least)

Other thing I like to note:

When you become a regular trainer many doors will open to you. One of these doors are being a coordinator. Another is being able to participate in a Pokémon battle tournament, as well as a Pokémon battle royale. There is also four sectors which includes regular trainers, Athlete Trainers, Pro Trainers, and free for all; when it comes to theses tournaments and contests. I also notice that you need to go to college if you want to branch out. Being a Pokémon Professor, Pokémon researcher, Pokémon Rancher, Pokémon Ranger, Pokémon Chef, Pokémon gym leader, Pokémon Teacher just to name a few that comes to mind.