
Poisoned Truth

A girl pampered like a doll living in a beautiful and classic doll house along with her pampering parents and her trusted companion. A perfect family, don't you think ? But what if she is given the most bitter drink by her parents, would she drink it or spit it out? Horror and Darkness can't be washed away completely but maybe there is an alternative solution to it. Would the girl find the truth of it all or would remain just a lost cause? What is Truth ; Poison or Bitter? If curious, then you are welcome to the read the story to find out.

Nandita_Sahu_7583 · 青春言情
58 Chs


Hrida's mother stood behind her, holding her hair with a tight grip almost as if she wanted to choke her from immense pain. Her long arms were flexible as elastic wrapping in circles around her, eyes like those spiders watching Hrida's every attempt to escape but she couldn't escape her mother's choking grip on her.

Hrida scowls, " Mother, sorry to interrupt your pretentious bubbles from forming but you can never fix me, because I was never torn, I was used and misled by you.

And, a pretty doll that you want is way long back gone, find somewhere else, Mother. I don't care what you want with me because I don't want anything to do with you. Aaghh.!"

Her mother twisted her head towards her by pulling her hair in her direction, her eyes fiercely blazing with cryptic madness spiraling, made eye contact with Hrida's fiercely glowing eyes, a shudder passed through her spine, her knees wobbled, unbearable pain rose in her whole body as if someone is twisting her body within.

She gasps in pain, she breaks into loud whimpers, and she desperately struggles to breakthrough through her mother's web but she can't.

Hrida's mother reminds her with a loud and sugary venomous tone," How improper, a doll is supposed to be pretty and calm, and she is not supposed to behave like a wild human. Now, be a doll and stay still as I have been teaching you since childhood."

Shashi, Lakshman, and Navya are shocked to see them as they are isolated in a special jail chamber in the police station with tight security according to them. Navya grits her teeth with an upset scowl on her face, she steps a foot towards them but she feels shunned by an invisible force, she tries to pass through but her efforts go in vain.

Hrida 's father announces his presence in the scene and stands alongside his wife with a confident smirk. Hrida observed her father's face, searching for something, mirth fills in her eyes because the remnants of warmth sucked out of his soul, and only the void remains inside his eyes.

Her father explodes in anger at her, his words piercing through her soul, " Just be there where you are, Miss So-called Didi of our doll, you changed her. You turned our pretty daughter into a spoiled human girl.

Look at her, how she is behaving with her own mother. My dear doll, why are you siding with these low-class humans, when you are such of higher class?

You belong to our perfect doll family. Dolls are 100 times better than humans. Dolls do not whine, cry, or act like wild donkeys.

Dolls smile and behave with regality, discipline, and manners, unlike these shapeless and unpredictable humans.

Dolls have a proper grip on their character, unlike weak humans. You disgraced our family's reputation, but still, it's not too late, you can join us by remembering your original identity. You are a pretty doll, my daughter, and not some useless human."

Hrida bits her hard, clenching fist tight, tears fighting to expel from her eyes, she rebuked with a high-pitched tone," Father, I am not a doll anymore and I was never meant to be a doll, instead I was born human like everyone else.

You both always treated me as a doll but I didn't expect that you would literally consider me a doll and play with it for a while then either discard it or sell it off.

You always hurt my feelings, I wanted to feel like we are family, not some manipulated and artificial family.

I am fed up with this drama.

I can't forgive you but still, I can't hate you for some stupid sentiments within me. But that doesn't mean I would do whatever you desire to do with me without my consent.

Parents have rights over their daughter but real parents do not try to control or use their daughter/son as a showpiece or doll, so according to this, you both are my biological parents and not my real parents.

And, I would never return to you, I don't want anything with you two. Leave me be!"

In the meantime, those three ( Navya, Lakshman, and Shashi) are trying to break through the barrier but the layer is too thick and powerful, Lakshman already informed other police officer groups to reach the current location.

Navya shouts out to Hrida," Hrida, press on their weak points, apply heavy pressure, attack, and attack until they trip on their own feet. Hrida, you are doing it good, keep doing it."

Lakshman lightly scolds her, " Are you out of your mind? What strategy are you trying to suggest to her?

It's foolish. You are asking her to burn along with them within the fire of turmoil, chaos, and cryptic madness.

Can't you see, they are hurting her and they can do more than that if you keep suggesting wrong advice? "

Shashi intervenes in their conversation and voices out with a realized tone, " Bhaiya, I get it, what Navya Didi wants!

She is trying to catalyze Hrida's emotions in one bowl so that with increased pressure, she pours everything out and liberates herself from them.

But this process might hurt her a lot, which would be painful to witness, we need to break through this barrier, Bhaiya, and help her. Let's put all our energy to ripe out this shield."

In response to Hrida's statement, Hrida's mother harshly twists her hair, causing her to gasp loudly, and a few teardrops escape out through her eyes.

Hrida smiles nevertheless with loud maddening courage reflecting in her eyes, She loudly barks with a smirk, " Mother, that's a nice grip but sadly, your grip is limited but my stubbornness is never-ending and limitless.

Please, apply more pressure and twists on your controlling vice grip if you can, but then later don't be upset when I slip through your grip like water. Pfft…*Snickers* Tch..tch.. "

Hrida's mother tightens her grip more, and she hisses with an icy-cold tone," Girl, it saddens me that my pretty doll has become an ignorant and shameless girl.

You are not worthy of even getting sold by anyone, you are just a rejected imperfect doll, whom no one wants except us.

But now, I have changed my mind, you don't deserve that chance, so I throw you away from my family and family's name, after all, you were never even a perfect doll of mine. Tch..Useless.

Everybody gives you attention because I made you a pretty doll and since you don't want to be a doll, then your ugliness will soon be exposed to everyone and no one will ever keep you.

However, you are the chosen bearer and our master will host within you and your soul will be caged deep in your body.

So, enjoy your useless human identity as much as you can because time is short, my sweet-..Nope, my spoiled human daughter."

Hrida forcefully swats her hand away from her face, breaks free from her grip, and growls at her with a burning gaze, " Whatever, I don't want to hear you, Mother. I am going back to my loved ones and leaving this miserable home to you.

And, you, enjoy living your pompous life in your so-called high-class bungalow because the time is short, as you said and anyway, you both will be transferred to your new home called jail, where you deserve to be after your sinful act."

Hrida's father embarks forward and holds his arms with a strong grip, leaving a strong red mark on her arms.

He insults her," You were never a good daughter, becoming a perfect doll is the farthest thing that you can ever achieve.

And, don't you dare, insult your mother, have you forgotten your manners? You will send us to jail, then after that, who will look after you? Hmm!

No one desires for rejected, throwaway doll. Do you understand? Or should I make you understand in other ways !"

Hrida's heart broke again into more million pieces after hearing his statement, her mind shut down, she couldn't think of anything, she felt her ears being stabbed with knives, her soul urging her to escape from this body, the cyclone within her is near to her and she still hasn't taken cover from the fast cyclone approaching in her direction.

Shashi noticed how they were tormenting her as each second passed by, his patience broke when he remarked how Hrida's father's statement broke something in her.

He grabbed Lakshman's dart gun from his belt and shot Hrida's father two times in the arm regions.

Everyone is shocked especially Lakshman, who was baffled by his act, he never expected this kind of reaction from him. Navya proudly looked at Shashi, Shashi barged in through the layer as the barrier weakened due to his smart move. 

Hrida's father faints instantly because of the dose of two shots of anesthesia, Shashi glides by her side and shakes her shoulders lightly, but she doesn't move a single inch, which increases his worry.

His fingers traced the red imprint on her arms, he noticed her new wounds and found her old wounds reopened, he hisses low observing her state. He knew what she needed at the moment, he gave her a tight hug, she didn't hug back but then she gave in to him and broke into tears and clutched his shirt within her fist.

She exploded in emotions, throwing out her vulnerability in the open, " Shas-*hiccup*Shashi, why..why..just why they had to be like this.

Wasn't my love enough for them to ignore my flaws? Why though?

Why they can't see me as a human and not as some doll for sale?

You know, how much I used to love dolls and dollhouses and I even used to make you play with me. And you never spoke a word even after my parents used to express their dislike towards you openly, I used to defend but I couldn't change their attitude towards you.

But, you never left me even after all this and you even have lots of friends, who care and adore you. Most of your classmates love your goofy and enjoyable company so why did you stay by a pretty doll whose parents hated you? Why Shashi? Why…*Loud sob*"

She tightens her grip on him and holds him tight, afraid to let him go, he just displays a warm smile and consoles her back and whispers with the softest tone," Hrida, I can't answer the 'Why' because I didn't stay by your side because of reasons but only based on my heart's choice.

I know, you are the only best friend I would ever want for myself and only me. Remember our promise, we will be the only best friends for each other except for Soma.

Ultimately, he adores you a lot from the start. I knew from the start that he just wanted to be your friend but you know how irresistible is my charm that he became my friend as well on his own will.

And, Miss Colliding girl, most of the classmates adore you as well after all you are a wild, fun, and studious girl.

I don't even want to think of leaving my best friend abandoned even for a second.

Just hold me tight, I know you are strong, but let me do something too. While playing games, you tend to do it all, but you have let me win many times as well, you are a better player than me still I am a good player as well.

Let me handle them."

Hrida shook her head 'no' and found solace in his hold, she hid her face in his shoulder and talked with a muffled tone," No, Stay still, you only said hold me tight, so let me hold you.

And yes, we both are good players and it's true I let you win sometimes but sometimes you have won on your own, not because of me.

So don't underestimate yourself, silly.

Shashiii...You know I love how you always know how to bring peace to my life with a snap of your finger. I also love the silly names that you give, I am happy to be your 'Miss Colliding girl/Scarf girl' * grins* "

Her statement made his cheeks flush red, his body flooded with warm currents running smoothly within, he cleared her throat and tried to behave cool and goofy to hide his blush. But it didn't go unnoticed by the audience, Hrida 's mother was full-on rage, throwing daggers at the young best friends, whereas Lakshman and Navya are relieved and touched by their deep sweet bond.

This scene that Hrida's mother witnessed pissed off her more, she grunts with an ugly smirk,       " Tch...Such a poor choice, Hrida.

This Shashi altogether was the first who spoiled you from the start and he would also pay for that, like right now.

Don't they have a phrase, something like ' Do it today, do it now, then doing the good deed tomorrow, let me do that.' "

She snaps her finger, and the lights flicker restlessly, out of thin air, Shashi's mom appears by Hrida's mother's side at the mercy of Vanya's husband.                                   Shashi's mom tried to hit her kidnapper but his grip was too strong for a normal human to escape.

Hrida saw Shashi's mom being wickedly trapped by Vanya's husband's grip on her wrist, her eyes regained their fury, and she spat ragefully " Shashi's mom has done nothing bad to you, so leave her as I politely say, Uncle.

Leave her now! "