

The ship moved slowly into the clouds, the lights at the front of the ship barely revealed a few meters up ahead of us.

The ground was pitch black. Dirt and ash were sprawled all over the place. Perhaps the result of the constant lightning that scorched everything here.

There were no signs of life anywhere to be seen. No creatures, beasts, or animals of any sort or type. Not even the ground itself had life in it as not even worms moved within the field.

"The handkerchief should be somewhere here, but with our speed, we'll probably need to search for years to find it, not to mention we have no idea what it looks like," Law said.

"If it's something that the Blue Sun left herself, then it would be special. Anyway, so far, the ship isn't being affected nor is it affecting the storm around us. And the formation above us is protecting us from the storm, let's keep our eyes out," I said.

"Should I go into the booth under the ship?" Law asked.