
Trial of Fire III

After spending some time in the molten land, going through this hot ass field. Mind you I do have a temperature regulator inside the ship, but still… it feels utterly boring to keep moving.

Not to mention, this pesky little thing that's been following and watching me. A few of them managed to infiltrate into the ship somehow. 

They were small eyeballs, which were obvious to see and didn't seem to want to hide themselves, they had no evil intentions and form looking through the bracelet that I was given by the tournament committee, I was able to understand that these small things were like cameras that displayed all that is happening.

I guess I need to give them a good show.

Several more lava beasts appeared in front of us, a few of them were fish like beasts that jumped up and down into the pools. But a few well aimed shots were all I needed to get rid of them.

After a while though, the bracelet in my hand shone bright.