

The ship flew forward at a relatively fast pace. We still had to take in a few bolts of lightning here and there but nothing too dangerous to affect the ship's inner workings.

"Are we going straight to the fourth region?" Law asked.

"That's the goal, but we'll need to figure out the intensity of the lightning in every region. We can't risk getting obliterated if we underestimate the power of these bolts," I said.

Law agreed and continued playing around in the booth underneath the ship.

Soon, he shouted, "Incoming!"

My divine sense was spread but I didn't notice anything until it was almost too late.

A javelin was heading toward us at an incredible speed, but Law's immaculate aim using the two small railgun turrets underneath the ship saved us.

The bullets shot right into the javelin, fully spiraling the thing out of control and away from its direction, missing the ship completely.

"I can see them," Law said.