
The Hazard Drink, and The Hazardous Owner

I'm no idiot, I've already realized that this drink wasn't something simple, especially since it comes with two different jugs. The fact that it has 'Hazard' in its name means that it isn't simple.

Just as I grabbed the first cup, my hand went to the second, which caused Lang's eyes to open wide.

I then held both cups over me, opened my mouth, and poured both contents into my open mouth.

The mix seemed like it was an inferno incarnate mixed in with an ice so cold that it could freeze one's soul.

I continued chugging both of the jars down until not a single drop was left.

And right then and there, my body felt like it was about to break from the clash of the two different attributes, but with a simple breath and calmness, not even needing to rotate my cultivation base the two attributes began canceling each other out and soon, my body began exuding a sense of comfort, relaxation and complete serenity.