
Tall Grass

I took a glance at my bracelet and pinpointed the position of Tao Yang's group, "Let's go, we're going south," I said as I flew forward.

The problem was that we had to move through the open fields to meet with them.

"Keep low, stay within the grass fields," I said as I blasted through them as fast as possible.

Everyone followed close behind, while I made sure to throw several pills and cannisters every now and then.

"What are you doing?" Liang Yu asked.

"Creating backup and diversion, those are rakshasa bombs," I said.

"You think we're being followed?" Meng Hao asked.

"No, but better be safe than sorry, those should stop any rakshasa from following us once they get close," I said.

"What's the situation though?" Law asked.

"I don't have full knowledge, but seems like the worst-case scenario is happening, Tao Yang said that the queen had awoken," I grimaced through the words.