

"Don't look too startled, it's normal, almost all the people in the Heavenly Academy know of what happened in the Barren Lands, it's no wonder that your name would come up, at first I thought that you just had the same name. But, once I've seen your ability, I realized that the two of you were one and the same," he said.

"So, you came here to warn me?" I asked.

I was still trying to figure out a way to escape this clusterfuck before the man in purple said, "Don't be too alarmed, I'm not your enemy, and also I don't like that bastard. Neither he nor the Black Tower can touch you as long as you're a competitor of the Heavenly Academy or a member of it."

"Is that so," I said, doubt clear in my eyes.

"Yes, it is, anyway, I could tell from the way you operated the pod, and some hearsay that you're unable to use regular Qi," he said.

"How can you be sure of that?" I said.