

Suddenly one of the cultivators was coming from up ahead, he then soon stopped in front of us blocking the way, a shrewd smile on his face, "Fellow cultivators, why not stay for a bit, you seem in an awful hurry to leave," he said.

This man was wearing a set of red robes and was hunched over, his face was uglier than mine when I was dipped into the Bone and Body Grinding poison.

Obviously, he was a poison cultivator from all the paleness on his body and the dark fingernails indicating he handles poisons on the daily.

"If you know we're in a hurry then you better step aside," said Fu Shen.

"Ah it would be a bit of a shame to let you guys go this fast," another cultivator spoke as he appeared behind us. Then soon two more came after.

"I guess I really should have killed that bastard," Fu Shen said sighing.

"It doesn't matter anymore, I guess these guys think we have some sort of treasure," I said.