
Sharing Is Caring

Master Rain flew forward and I had to move towards the retainer, grabbing him from under the shoulder and flying both of us after him.

"T-thank you, Shen Bao," he said with a heavy voice.

"You're in pretty rough shape," I said.

"Yeah, but it was worth it for having a duke out with the Golden Titan, though, I don't feel it right now…" he said coughing blood.

"You might want to stay quiet, talking will only harm you, Master Rain!" I said.

"What?" he said as he continued on forward moving past the spatial rifts.

"How can you navigate this place, it has no directions," I said.

"The Space Here has no directions, but I made a spatial anchor outside, I'm guiding us towards it, just keep following me," he said.

And just as he mentioned, a black door seemed to appear out of nowhere, it was his anchor.

He went through it and I followed after immediately.