

"So… you can speak," I said, stunned and feeling slightly awkward at talking to a piece of metal.

I received a reply, which was both expected and unexpected.


"But, you're a sword."


"How is that possible…" I asked.

"I'm not just a sword, I'm a Sword Spirit. Beings like us, gain sentience after living long enough, you just weren't strong enough to listen to my words."

"Huh… seems pretty interesting, I guess you can help in the upcoming fight then." I said.

"I'll be of use to you until I no longer am. It is my promise to the Poison God." The sword spoke.

"So you know the poison god?" I asked.

"I am one of many of his creations…"

I thought for a moment before I said, "How is that even possible, I found you in a random hut in a long forgotten weapon storage of a pretty common sect. You weren't that special, how come you say you belong to the Poison God."