
It Do Be Like That Sometimes...

"Wwwwwwas that Sssaint Qi?" spoke the sect master, shaking in utter and complete terror at what just happened.

"Yes," I replied, looking him straight in the eyes, "Why, you don't like the fact that it saved your sect?"

"Medical Saint; please, don't take this the wrong way, but using saint Qi is the same as dooming my very sect!"

"Do you know who I am?" I asked.

Looking confused the sect master replied, "No."

"Then it's all good, if you don't know who is your benefactor, you can easily speak your mind to anyone who tires to ask who used the Saint Qi, anyway, I'll be leaving. I have done what I have been paid for, I wish you all the best." I said then sent a divine sense message to Wu Di.

"I couldn't help but notice, where is Yuzehan and Xiao Lang?" I asked.

"It seems that elder Lao Yan had sent them to do something similar to what I have done." He said.