
Honorary Elder

"What is this calamity you're talking about?" I asked.

"It seems that what happened to you three years ago is happening again, only on a larger scale this time," the Sect Master said.

"Huh? What do you mean? The power loss?" I asked.

"Yes, many of the elders have contracted this disease and many young disciples had also succumbed to it, we don't know its source, or how to treat it, but it had plagued us and now it seems that this issue is propagating through the whole of the damn plane we are on," the sect master said.

"I don't know the source of this thing but I do know what causes it," I said.

The sect master's head snapped to me immediately, "Really? How so, explain it would be greatly appreciated if we could figure out this damn sickness," the Sect Master stated.

"Right, I don't know how to describe it so it would be best if you were to see it yourself…but don't ask questions about what you see in my sea of consciousness, alright?" I said.