
Fifth Lesson- Debate-

The next lamp was not easy. Most of the oil lams were not that difficult to obtain as they were hidden behind barriers that only needed a bit of effort to unlock and remove. But this one, this one was trouble. Because what separated me and the silverback ape was only a couple of barriers, and thanks to it wounding itself a lot by forcefully breaking the barriers, it looked at me with wrath in its eyes I was more than certain that the moment it recuperates enough, it will break through the barrier and come bearing its fangs upon my frail old body.

Zhang Tian, had shown me many things, but without proper time and practice, I'll never be able to use the things he taught me, so this time, I'll need to be careful with my life.

The ape was looking at me with angry eyes and howled consecutively, thankfully his roar's impact didn't reach me, all thanks to the formations.